I know what slapstick humour is, yet I don't know why Anarchic Torchic associates this with Belgium.Slapstick
Unless the orange colour of his/her avatar is an indication of being Dutch, there are some stereotypical images the Dutch have of the Belgians (by which they actually mean the Flemish, the Dutchspeaking 60% of our country).
The French also have a tendency to make fun of us, although in this case they think of the French-speaking part of the country.
I guess every country needs another one to look down upon to make themselves feel better.
Feels silly to me.
Here the stereotype of the Dutch is that they are cheap, and that they have bad taste, hence the colour orange.
But all of that is a bit stupid, though I've seen several Dutch people buy us a drink, in order to prove they're not cheap.
Now who's the clever one