Unfortunately real world events dosn't really match with what's in my head.
There is fantacy or illusions that my mind will generate.
Through meditations practices , I'm been able to BE in the moment.
In the NOW, in the presence. Where life is ...where truth is.
Not how things ought to be, not what is was or how I want it to be.....but IT IS WHAT IT IS.
Sometimes Acceptance is a son of a bitch.
Never the less the lesson is Acceptance.
Would i allow myself to accept perfect love as it is...or do i have my own idea of what truth is.
Some have even term this is a state of BLISS or enlightenment.
In other words...to be in the PRESENCE of god (life) not my mind.
Not everyone is going to agree in this concept or even know what the hell I'm talking about.
I've also study the coruse of mirracles upon many other ventures.
The very first lesson in the course of mirracle is..."my thoughts are meaning less".
This simply implies whatever thoughts...weather it be poeple, places, things or conceptions
I've have assign values or meanings to them.
Example:.....a ROSE.
Is a rose beautiful or ugly ?
Why is that especific flower call a "ROSE" ?
Dose the lable "rose" change that flower or the vaule or meaning I have assinged to it ?
What thoughts or images dose my mind generate when the word ROSE is mention ?
What do you associate a rose to ?
Take 5 mins of your time to observe any objects in your room...Obverse how your mind function.
What dose this have to do with anything or a relationship ?
Well....unfortunately the instent gradification dosn't last too long in a relationship.
An analogy...planting a seed for grow a ROSE.
You'll have a general idea of what a rose plant might be...but you're not going to know
exactly what the rose plant will look like or be.
You mind can imagine about that rose until the sun don't shine....but the actual
ROSE will never be exaclty how you imagine it.
There's the sensations of touch, smell, sounds and taste...that my mind can't produce.
Not like in realility, not like what is.
My wife was a like a rose. (she was perfect as she was/is in that moment of her life).
Not what I wanted her to be.
Yes, a hard lesson learn. She fit my idea of what a perfect woman should be...
but it was very hard for her to keep up with the idea i had in my head.
Yes...it bugged the **** out of her if she gained 5 pounds...this also applies in many other aspect of our relationship.
In other words Love is not a prisoner.
Yes...I love beautiful long blonde hair.
I remember the day we got our divorced very well....She freaken cut off almost all of her hair to be free.
Did i treated other women I've met afterward the same as i treated her?.....surely not.
My relationship with her was a like a rose.
My life is like a rose.
Non of which fits perfectly into my idea of what perfection is.
The universe is perfectly unfolding at this very moment....my mind just has to catch up.
Or better yet...I should to get out of my mind to experince perfection.
In a perfect world my duaghter would be living with me...
The realilty was a pain in the ass to accept.
I struggled for years...I thought no one can love my daughter as much as I love her.
But my 2 step duaghters came into my life and gave me a lesson I needed.
It was the love i have for step daughters. I love them as if they where my own.
It was that peace of knowing...as ****** up as i was, I was capiable of ture love.
If i can love my 2 steps duaghters as much as I love them....I know there's a man out there that's
capiable of loving my daughter as well.
well...obviousely my GF didn't think i was dirty for getting a divorced or been with another woman.
I didn't have the conner on the market of what love and freedom is....
What I want for myself surely i must also allow for others....better yet, relized they don't need my seal of approval.
As far as up grading.....the under educated folks version....lmao
" A divorce is better than murder"........
The enlightenment souls versions
Sometimes when a plant grows in a pot....you must replant
the plant in a bigger pot. The plant will die or not grow...becuase the roots bottom out.