The guy and silence

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He told me that and I have no reason not to believe in. It was also like on beginning when I was shy and I wasn't too much so he felt more comfortable I bet. I saw his interest in me
Just to clarify, I am not being bitter, will you stop singing me out, now I am feeling bitter. Now I am relying with an honest opinion guys prey on women that are lonely. What's to say I'm not right? I could be wrong. Now I was trying to help slavicNa. Now you have both jumped in me. I started talking to her then this Callie woman came and pounced on the post! I'm trying to offer advice that's all how the hell that was bitter I don't know. It was me that started to taking to slavicnic. It seems when this Callie person gets involved everyone turns against me. Have you got ske sort of issue with me Callie yellow bird photo woman?
I am speaking from experience. Why is it bitter the guy has been making extreme excuses not to see her?
Yes, you've been hating on men and generalizing them a lot. It's bitter because a long distance relationship that hasn't even defined yet is more complicated, especially when both parties have financial issues going on. What's more is that you don't have all of the story. None of us do except SlavicNa and the guy, so to think you know everything and paint him in a toxic light is...well, bitter.
Yes, you've been hating on men and generalizing them a lot. It's bitter because a long distance relationship that hasn't even defined yet is more complicated, especially when both parties have financial issues going on. What's more is that you don't have all of the story. None of us do except SlavicNa and the guy, so to think you know everything and paint him in a toxic light is...well, bitter.
I was talking to slavicNa on my own. I was basing my opinions on experience only. It doesn't make me bitter.
Just to clarify, I am not being bitter, will you stop singing me out, now I am feeling bitter. Now I am relying with an honest opinion guys prey on women that are lonely. What's to say I'm not right? I could be wrong. Now I was trying to help slavicNa. Now you have both jumped in me. I started talking to her then this Callie woman came and pounced on the post! I'm trying to offer advice that's all how the hell that was bitter I don't know. It was me that started to taking to slavicnic. It seems when this Callie person gets involved everyone turns against me. Have you got ske sort of issue with me Callie yellow bird photo woman?
Sorry, but I've been talking to SlavicNa since she first arrived on this website. Mostly in chat, so you wouldn't know that. And I'm allowed to share my opinion.

I feel sad for you. Sad that you are so bitter and seem to hate men and want to punish them....whether or not you use a baseball bat is irrelevant....and sad that you have given up. You lash out at everyone here because you don't like what we say and people just don't deserve that kind of negativity when they are looking for solutions and trying to better their life. If you gave up, fine....I really wish you wouldn't, but it's not my choice, but don't push man hating beliefs on others. Also, women lure men just as much as men lure women...sometimes more so.
Sorry, but I've been talking to SlavicNa since she first arrived on this website. Mostly in chat, so you wouldn't know that. And I'm allowed to share my opinion.

I feel sad for you. Sad that you are so bitter and seem to hate men and want to punish them....whether or not you use a baseball bat is irrelevant....and sad that you have given up. You lash out at everyone here because you don't like what we say and people just don't deserve that kind of negativity when they are looking for solutions and trying to better their life. If you gave up, fine....I really wish you wouldn't, but it's not my choice, but don't push man hating beliefs on others. Also, women lure men just as much as men lure women...sometimes more so.
I thought you said you had a bad experience with a man? How do remain calm? Well, I don't hate men, I hate that they objectify women and expect theor bodies to remain intact after having 4 children! Maybe it's just the men I attract. I did not attract one man in my life, I found out later it was a stupid bet that he was paid alot of money for. Now do you understand why I am seeking out an outlet on a lonliness forum ?
Sorry, but I've been talking to SlavicNa since she first arrived on this website. Mostly in chat, so you wouldn't know that. And I'm allowed to share my opinion.

I feel sad for you. Sad that you are so bitter and seem to hate men and want to punish them....whether or not you use a baseball bat is irrelevant....and sad that you have given up. You lash out at everyone here because you don't like what we say and people just don't deserve that kind of negativity when they are looking for solutions and trying to better their life. If you gave up, fine....I really wish you wouldn't, but it's not my choice, but don't push man hating beliefs on others. Also, women lure men just as much as men lure women...sometimes more so.
That's fine. Bit I was talking to her on a post that was separate from you,.I didn't tag you in it, I didn't mention you in it? You both seemed to just pal up together against me. So thanks for that after I thought we had a civil conversation you turn malice on me. You came in and you both turned on me just for offering an opinion that was based on a real life experience. Also you say women are worse than men at luring. Yes they most certainly are, my nearly 15 year relationship was abolished due to that type of woman. Go me ! Go her even more hey hey
Thank you for being more neutral. I hope you and more believe me like what I saw, especially when we had few video calls. Just later in crisis situation I was all alone and I didn't know how to fix it. The best would be to try to text about call and explain in few words and go silent everywhere so distance could help with communication
Thankyou for being more neutral?.what about me, there could be something in what I said too? Does my option count for nothing I thought this was a lonliness forum, thankyou for being more neutral? Well thanks a bunch for not even acknowledging what I said. A man's been playing you by the sounds of it. Okie I guess you two have been friends since forever. A newbie comes along and gets attacked.
Thankyou for being more neutral?.what about me, there could be something in what I said too? Does my option count for nothing I thought this was a lonliness forum, thankyou for being more neutral? Well thanks a bunch for not even acknowledging what I said. A man's been playing you by the sounds of it. Okie I guess you two have been friends since forever. A newbie comes along and gets attacked.
I can hear your keyboard crying out in pain. Chill out.
Multiple posts and threads may say otherwise ...
I said in the beginning you came across fine. I started to talk to slavicnic then you two got together and totally dismissed a view. She is openly asking for advise all i did was offer mine. Look I can't come between the whole best friends forever thing but I can give advise based on experience. I guess she preferred yours. But I see no one on here has beef with you. I guess you are one of life's people that everyone loves. Which yeah, I'd like to be one of those since living on my own for one hundred thousand decades.
Can we turn this escalator into stairs?
Slavicnic has given plenty of information about a man that in my opinion is making excuses to keep her on the back burner. I am concerned for her because men like that have no use for women apart from chewing them for a bit then spitting them out lie a nasty taste. I was simply warning. Her that might be the case. We can't take things in through rise tints any longer with internet dating. I don't want a woman to feel the way I was made to feel that's all. She just preferred callies response because it was more positive but it might give her false hope. She's 27, she will probably be lucky in love at some point. I hope her deal is better than mine that's all.
I said in the beginning you came across fine. I started to talk to slavicnic then you two got together and totally dismissed a view. She is openly asking for advise all i did was offer mine. Look I can't come between the whole best friends forever thing but I can give advise based on experience. I guess she preferred yours. But I see no one on here has beef with you. I guess you are one of life's people that everyone loves. Which yeah, I'd like to be one of those since living on my own for one hundred thousand decades.
Um...apparently you aren't aware that half the forum dislikes me, so maybe look harder. lol
Slavicnic has given plenty of information about a man that in my opinion is making excuses to keep her on the back burner. I am concerned for her because men like that have no use for women apart from chewing them for a bit then spitting them out lie a nasty taste. I was simply warning. Her that might be the case. We can't take things in through rise tints any longer with internet dating. I don't want a woman to feel the way I was made to feel that's all. She just preferred callies response because it was more positive but it might give her false hope. She's 27, she will probably be lucky in love at some point. I hope her deal is better than mine that's all.
SlavicNa is entitled to receive multiple opinions on the subject though. Take a breath dude. Descend the stairs.
Um...apparently you aren't aware that half the forum dislikes me, so maybe look harder. lol
I have seen nothing but woop.woops your way. It doesn't matter either way I was just confused at what you said since you opened up about being treated badly by a man.
Well we have something in common. You seem to deal with it better than I though.
SlavicNa is entitled to receive multiple opinions on the subject though. Take a breath dude. Descend the stairs.
She said thanks to callies response. I have an accurate response through a real life experience that could help her. I don't want slavicNa to become clouded by judgement over a man that has been giving her excuses. She posted some screenshots. He doesn't seem as interested as she does. He is coming across as one of those guys that like to have a lot of women to fall back on when he gets bored at weekends. Yes it's only my opinion but I have experienced that from a man. I would expect that other women have had the same hopefully not too across the board. But it does happen. I used to work for a lonely hearts. So I wish I did not have knowledge of the male mind. The vast majority of male callers were bored with their current partner. It doesn't paint men in a good light. I was simply trying to advise it might not be wise to carry on with those that continually make excuses not to meet.
I thought you said you had a bad experience with a man? How do remain calm?
If you call 8-9 years of a physically and emotionally abusive marriage to an alcoholic "bad" then yes, yes I have. How do I remain calm? I got over it. I worked through my **** and came out the other side. It took over 3 years for me to accomplish that. Do I blame or generalize all men for what one man did to me? Nope. Don't even fully blame him, because I was there too. I certainly wasn't innocent in everything. I didn't give up, I worked my ass off to make my life better and I succeeded because I didn't give up. I could tell you horror stories about what I've been through in my life. Don't try to pass off my experience as nothing just because I overcame it. Don't try to pass off everyone else's issues here because they might have a laugh here and there. Sitting in misery helps NO ONE and if that's what you want, that's on you, but others deal with things differently. That doesn't make your story worse than others. That doesn't make you the only lonely and depressed person here. That is 1000% unfair of you to even suggest and you've suggested it multiple times.
If you call 8-9 years of a physically and emotionally abusive marriage to an alcoholic "bad" then yes, yes I have. How do I remain calm? I got over it. I worked through my **** and came out the other side. It took over 3 years for me to accomplish that. Do I blame or generalize all men for what one man did to me? Nope. Don't even fully blame him, because I was there too. I certainly wasn't innocent in everything. I didn't give up, I worked my ass off to make my life better and I succeeded because I didn't give up. I could tell you horror stories about what I've been through in my life. Don't try to pass off my experience as nothing just because I overcame it. Don't try to pass off everyone else's issues here because they might have a laugh here and there. Sitting in misery helps NO ONE and if that's what you want, that's on you, but others deal with things differently. That doesn't make your story worse than others. That doesn't make you the only lonely and depressed person here. That is 1000% unfair of you to even suggest and you've suggested it multiple times.
I don't want my story to be worse than others. What did I suggest? When others are not as lonely as me? What with the winks and smile faces? They seem happier than most. Itmade me wonder that's all with all the winks and smiles and general happiness on here. You know you are really lonely when smiles no longer brings you happiness. Going through what you have gone through I thought you might offer help, but you are basically telling me off like I am a school girl here. I am a forty year old woman. That has dealt with mainly selfish men all my life picking me and using me like cannon fodder. I met my prince in the end only for my previous experiences of men to cause me to become possessive of him because ause all I ever knew if men from a young age is that they cheat! That's why I may be slightly offended by what some say. Sorry if I offended you but I did not come here to intentionally offend people I admit sometimes I may come across bitter bit I have lost everyone due to the actions of one man!

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