edgecrusher said:
its revenge/punishment/retribution or whatever else similar you want to call it if someone is actively choosing to destroy the reapers for what they have done.
and the problem with that is?
edgecrusher said:
the catalyst IS a synthetic intelligence. the leviathan call it an intelligence that they built. the only type of intelligence organics can create, are synthetic intelligences.
the leviathan have extremely powerful mental abilities, im assuming that since every reference to "the intelligence" that i can find, not a single one says its synthetic or calls it a synthetic intelligence.
only that its an intelligence that inhabits the citadel
also i will never be convinced that the most powerful and intelligent species that ever lived created an intelligence to find a solution to the problem of created intelligence always destroying its creators
edgecrusher said:
so it is a machine, similar to what we know as VI. it cant be anything else. calling it "starchild" and "godchild" is just plain silly, yet everyone does it. people are giving it FAR too much credit. its a machine(arguably a broken one), thats it.
for the purpose it was created it had to be more than a simple VI..
it had to gather alot of data and formulate a solution, that means that it can learn, if it can learn then what it experiences has an impact on its views and perceptions of things... which means its capable of having expectations and creating predictions in order to create a solution
idk about you but during my playthrough i got the geth and quarians to stop fighting and work together
and since they are the only synthetic race there is the catalyst should have took that into account and realized that organic and synthetics could get along..
the catalyst's purpose is to preserve life at all costs.. as far as we know thats it.. but why is it incapable of reaching a "good" solution one that does not end in everyone dying...
are they telling me that during the "countless cycles" not a single species managed to get along with synthetics... bs..
the catalyst cannot give 2 ***** about the individual because although it is living and apart of life it is not life itself, so the catalyst has no problem at all with wiping out groups of individuals no more than i have a problem with walking down the pavement...
the catalysts solution to the problem is dumb (cycles) BUT if it was a smart one that has good reasons then its likely that the mass effect series would have a vastly different story..
i could be reading this wrong but you seem to think that the only reason people hated the ending is because there were "happy endings" and people never got to destroy the reapers using their fleet?
edgecrusher said:
the catalyst did what it did because it was only holding the galaxy over until synthesis or something similar became a possibility. the leviathan even explain this.
that can't be true
The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter
the entire purpose of the catalyst was to find a way to prevent life from destroying themselves
(the presumed cause of destruction of life being synthetics)
if the catalyst wants synthesis then it wants to destroy life
changing what life is you're still destroying life
the catalyst should have called off the reapers and changed its mind once shepard allied the geth and the quarians
edgecrusher said:
if it truly was some malevolent entity, why preserve life in the reapers at all?
same reason murderers have some kind of signature or collect something from their victims like a trophy
edgecrusher said:
why give any semblance of any sort of positive outcome for shepard? this is another reason indoctrination makes no sense. if it truly was evil and attempting to force something, why would any of the options be anything other than what it wants?
this is all going on in shepards mind...
synthesis represents embracing the reapers.. even the way he flung himself into the beam.. that entire moment just conveys willingness give himself to them or become "one with the reapers"..
once he leaves himself open like that they take control off him and basically make him a husk im guessing, a slave to the reapers..
have you noticed that harbinger seems to be a separate entity with its own mind..
the catalyst may control them but there could be more to it than that..
possibly by taking control of the reapers you become like harbinger.
taking control he accepts that what the catalyst is doing is the right thing to do.. control, bring order to chaos..
i don't know im struggling to put it into words
by destroying the reapers you reject them with nothing but "destruction of the reapers" going on in your mind it represents fighting them.. the "get up and fight" ... that scene reminded me of the part in lord of the rings when frodo couldn't walk and same had to carry him.. then to the end frodo used every last bit of strength in him to destroy the ring..
destroying them was Shepard's shear determination to resist and continue the fight to save the galaxy and then they show him breathing at the end of it.. almost as if to say that you chose correctly
(plus it would be impossible for him to survive the explosion unless the explosion never took place)
by refusing to choose, you give up... the willingness to fight is no more and you don't care anymore... you lose the will to live and you die...
synthesis (give in, i can't win, they know best)
control (join them, help them, they are right)
destroy (for the sake of the galaxy, i must fight, i must keep going)
refuse (i can't win, no point in fighting, give up or this cycle isn't worth saving)
edgecrusher said:
even from a "metaphorical" perspective of shepard choosing destroy representing him resisting indoctrination makes no sense because that could also be a trick.
how could getting shepard to destroy the reapers in his own mind allow the reapers to take control of him? (if its a trick)
metaphorically it makes perfect sense.
destroy=fight/rejection of the reapers
edgecrusher said:
why give any semblance of any sort of positive outcome for shepard? this is another reason indoctrination makes no sense.
the catalyst is lying its trying to trick shepard into doing anything other than destroying them.. (oddly enough the destroy is the only one with a perceived negative colour)
edgecrusher said:
indoctrination is a means to an end, thats it. its just a tool the reapers use to complete the cycle. once the cycle no longer works(something the catalyst admits), it serves no other purpose.
and if the indoctrination is true then the catalyst does not exist and anything he said cannot be taken as true..
the reapers perceive shepard as a threat that has continually beaten the reapers and is probably the most resistance by far that they have gotten from any other species, indoctrinating him is the best next thing to killing him.. having Shepard on their side would be very valuable to them.. perhaps not for this cycle, but for any after
edgecrusher said:
the indoctrination theory is the result of people trying to find something, anything, after the extremely and unnecessarily vague ending we got originally. it was made in the vane that the reapers HAD to be 100% malevolent.
if indoctrination is true then
we do not know
like i said before if its true then the entire series paused at the moment he was hit with harbingers beam
edgecrusher said:
the fact that they are machines, meaning that they were built by organics with a purpose, says that that makes no real sense. the only way that would be the case is if again, they were evil just for the sake of having a villain in the story.
EDI is a machine.. yet she very clearly has feelings and has the ability to change herself.. she was built to speed up electronic warfare in combat and make tasks easier to complete.. yet this simple computer in comparison to the reapers expanded outside of her programing and become something that she was not originally intended on becoming..
she wants to become more human..
EDI is a machine built by Cerberus, a far less advanced group than the creators of the reapers
edgecrusher said:
there was never any outside influence on any of this. this is all the result of organics and their creations, thats it. life naturally went in this direction. the creation of synthetic intelligence causes an impasse in the technological advancement of organic species. its a natural step in that. unless that is surpassed, conflict. why is conflict inevitable?
no.. conflict is not "inevitable"
its likely.. but its not a given
edgecrusher said:
because synthetics are a completely new form of life that gain sentience as tools
only when the purpose demands a sentient tool..
you wouldnt want a sentient hammer, crane or car etc would you?
a VERY simple machine is perfectly capable of completing complex tasks without the ability to think for itself.. a machine can be created to seem like it has the ability to think for itself but its really only following a very complex "appropriate response" system.
i have no doubt that they would try to create sentient synthetics simply for the sake of it.. but what fool would give it a body..
if a computer was even able to become sentient then it should be "raised" and taught in a very controlled environment and studied..
the chances of a terminator like scenario is impossible, unless someone hacks every single thing and deliberately changes their "appropriate response" system..
every civilization should have gotten past the AI thing.. infact it shouldn't even be an issue
but for the sake of the story they all have to be sentient
edgecrusher said:
it is one of the most toxic situations in which new life could come into existence. so as of now, that conflict has prevented technological advancement from passing the creation of AI, and thus the evolution of organic life in general. once AI is created, bad things happen. that very scenario has resulted in something that has halted the evolution of life in the galaxy at the 50,000 year mark. it has resulted in cyclical genocide every 50,000 years. if the leviathan and the catalyst arent the ultimate example of that, then i dont know what is.
why can't one of the "countless" species in all of the "countless" cycles notice sentient machines and say
"hey! why not, welcome to our civilization our metallic brothers"
"and thus the evolution of organic life in general"
why? lets say the geth wiped out the quarians.. why would they have any reason to destroy life that has done nothing to them?
you heard legion.. the geth want peace.. they know it and want it.. they didn't want to attack the quarians
i can see the exact same thing happening in almost every cycle..
the leviathan are the ultimate example of fools..
and i refuse to believe that the most intelligent species ever to exist would have done that.... a 5 year old would not have done that..
edgecrusher said:
the leviathan only made it worse by creating the catalyst as it changed nothing about what the actual problem is. organics creating new life as tools. THAT is the problem, and thats why i say it falls on organics MUCH more than it does synthetics. organics are the creators and they are continually creating their own enemy. why? because we fear what we dont understand. its in our nature. sure certain individuals may not react this way towards synthetics, but as a whole we most certainly do.
i agree with the first part about it falling on organics
but assuming all these other races did the same as the quarians,
why the **** would you make sentient machines in your image then use them as slaves?.. for a start they don't even need anywhere near sentience status to perform the tasks we want them to..
when the geth rebelled they kicked the quarians off their own planet.. how? did these idiots put a geth in most of their homes and used them as slaves? if so HOW did they not predict it was going to happen..
even we today can predict this but a space fairing race cannot..bs
"why? because we fear what we dont understand. its in our nature."
no, its in human nature to fear what we do not understand..
we are the only intelligent life that we know of..
putting our own responses to situations onto another species that evolved on another world resulting in an unknown behavior resulting in an unknown society resulting in unknown responses to any situation almost seems so high and mighty.. like no other species has the capability to be a better "people" than we are
edgecrusher said:
any first contact scenario with a new alien species in the mass effect universe almost always resulted in conflict. with synthetics its one step beyond that, as its a completely new form of life.
thats very true... however it works out in the long run, even with synthetics
so in the end when i look at each ending:
edgecrusher said:
- the reapers are dead, but more synthetics will be created in the future and the galaxy is back to square one. assuming that "things will be different this time" when it comes to that is i think the most foolish attitude anyone could have because expecting trillions of lives to all cooperate on how to handle the creation of artificial intelligence is about the most naive thing anyone could think. expecting things to be different without actually initiating any sort of actual change is not going to work out well.
with all synthetics destroyed and most tech including the relays very damaged, the leviathan could EASILY make an attempt at trying to reclaim their place in the galaxy as there are no synthetics left to resist their thrall and the relays are down so the galaxy cant properly unite. the leviathan will have no real opposition.
also, weve seen 2 instances in the series in which dead reapers still indoctrinate. the dead reaper the batarians found(the leviathan of dis, which was nearly a billion years old), and the cerberus science team on the derelict reaper in ME2. so destroying the reapers leaves every major planet littered with reaper corpses potentially capable of indoctrinating the stranded survivors that cant immediately go anywhere because major tech and the relays are down.
- this sort of relies on the type of shepard that picks it. but at the same time, we have no idea what is really left of shepard. he could just become some cold intelligence similar to a VI and force a way of life on the galaxy, just like the catalyst did. we saw what using a human to control a networked synthetic intelligence turned out like in the overlord DLC. if the leviathan attempt to retake the galaxy, they are likely out of luck because shepard can use the reapers to stop them. if what made shepard who he is truly remains and he is never corrupted by the power, this could be a good ending. though i think the phrase "absolute power xcorrupts absolutely" exists for a reason.
- an attempt to alter the conditions that create the initial conflict between organics and their synthetic creations by allowing for a type of communication/understanding between the two forms of life that didnt exist previously. it could be a "reaper indoctrination trick" meant to alter everyones minds and force a way of thinking that creates peace but based on everything ive stated above i think this is EXTREMELY unlikely, if at all. provided it isnt like that this choice allows for the galaxy to FINALLY move past this conflict that has plagued it for over a billion years. the life preserved in the reapers gives all the lost knowledge back to the life of the galaxy and allows them to learn from it because learning from history/past mistakes is essential to advancement.
- refusing to make a choice that many people see as "playing god" leaving future cycles to deal with this in future cycles. the most likely outcome of which is that a future cycle builds the crucible and makes one of the 3 above choices anyway, or perhaps an even better option presents itself. to which i say, choose SOMETHING since the opportunity presented itself.
oh i agree with you completely to them being realistic possibilities as a result of your choice
edgecrusher said:
so they all come with possible risk. in a series that founded itself on choice, id say that is MORE THAN a fitting ending considering how big the choice is. why abandon choices at the end in the series that founded itself on choices in favor of simply destroying the reapers?
it does not matter how your game ended what matters is that we were promised and rightfully expected different endings based on our decisions..
i was expecting/wanting a past decision possibly made in ME1/2 to come back and bite me in the arse in the third one or help me
or as a result of several decisions..
same thing goes for helping them
i and many others im sure were looking forward to seeing how our choices changed how it ended and influenced the fate of the galaxy and everyone in it
more than fitting? are you kidding me? you saying that im almost convinced you did not watch the endings.. you don't need to jump to conclusions.. they showed us how everything worked out.. heck the catalyst even told us how it was all going to work out before we even picked them and it worked out perfectly fine, almost identical for 2 of the options..
what you seem to classing as decisions is the ultimate fate of the reapers
who cares if they die? you should be able to try to save the reapers if you want to but obviously you'd need to put in alot of extra work..
if the palyer wants to destroy teh reapers in a dozen different ways that may result in many different outcomes then what does it matter to you as long as your able to
what i am doing is saying that our decisions throughout the entire game meant ****.. and that is 100% overwhelming evident at the end...
choices bring complexity, i and many others want to play through this game many times and see how different choices you made along the way effects the outcome
if you want to break down a complex game to simply 3 choices that your only made aware of in the last 5minutes along with a new character then your taking away what the entire game stood for
the ENTIRE POINT of this series was that your choices mattered
i am really struggling to get this point across that i can only say its the journey that matters, not the destination.. if the
possibility for synthesis or control presented themselves
as possibilities in an earlier game then the player should have the choice to work their way towards one of those goals.. or continue on one of many possible (and less complicated for the player) solutions to defeat the enemy traditionally(destruction) using unconventional means.