I have no other reason for telling this story other then the concept of being lonely is so on my mind right now I can't really sleep.
Back what seems like a life time ago to me now when I was 12 my older borther and I had a weekly paper route.I am not sure how many of you recall weekly newspapers,I don't think there are any left but at any rate,my brother and I use to deliver a weekly paper early on Sunday mornings.We sort of split up the route and the one area I always use to have to do was a retirement home.Around this retirement home where a cluster of small houses also part of the retirment home.This was for the people in slightly better health so they might still live in there own private home but be close to the main home in case they needed some kind of care(not that they did a bang up job of giving them that care as you will see by this grim little story).I always delivered papers to several of those little houses then took a stack up to the main home.
Over time there where these occusions I came to dread,each of the storm doors for the little houses had a little slot for mail or a newspapers.The carriers for the daily paper always used that slot but I never did,I always opened the storm door and put the paper in.This is how I came to on a few occusions come to realize(and be the first to know)that the person living in that house was dead.I would open the door and a weeks worth of papers and mail would spill out.The first time this happened I tried to convince myself it was something else(like hey maybe she is using the back door is all)but I went up to the main home and told the clerk at the main desk what I saw and maybe someone should check on her and went on with my route.When I came back the next week I saw that that house had sent a cancelation notice so I went up to the big home and asked the same guy at the big desk "what happened" and he looked up from his paper and said "oh she was dead,she was there for almost a week",like it was the most boring thing in the world.I felt bad for her,even though I never met her,that she would die alone and nobody even knew for a week,that it was discovered by a 12 year old paper boy and reported by a bored clerk at a desk that cared about as much as he did about the price of corn.I can't imagine a more lonely feeling than that.It was depressing you know but the thing is no matter how many times I tried I could never get myself to use that damn slot,each house I had to open the door and it happened a few more times.Now that feeling was the most bizarre,standing outside a house,at 5:30 in the morning,knowing by then knowing that someone was laying dead in that house and they always were when I opened that door and all those papers,all that mail fell out.
I've thought as of late,if I died here how long would it be before anyone knew,how long would it go on?I have to say it wouldn't be for a week,but thats only because someone in my family would show up wanting to know why I hadn't been to work for the past few days and intent on reading me the riot act.Somehow thats not any better.
Back what seems like a life time ago to me now when I was 12 my older borther and I had a weekly paper route.I am not sure how many of you recall weekly newspapers,I don't think there are any left but at any rate,my brother and I use to deliver a weekly paper early on Sunday mornings.We sort of split up the route and the one area I always use to have to do was a retirement home.Around this retirement home where a cluster of small houses also part of the retirment home.This was for the people in slightly better health so they might still live in there own private home but be close to the main home in case they needed some kind of care(not that they did a bang up job of giving them that care as you will see by this grim little story).I always delivered papers to several of those little houses then took a stack up to the main home.
Over time there where these occusions I came to dread,each of the storm doors for the little houses had a little slot for mail or a newspapers.The carriers for the daily paper always used that slot but I never did,I always opened the storm door and put the paper in.This is how I came to on a few occusions come to realize(and be the first to know)that the person living in that house was dead.I would open the door and a weeks worth of papers and mail would spill out.The first time this happened I tried to convince myself it was something else(like hey maybe she is using the back door is all)but I went up to the main home and told the clerk at the main desk what I saw and maybe someone should check on her and went on with my route.When I came back the next week I saw that that house had sent a cancelation notice so I went up to the big home and asked the same guy at the big desk "what happened" and he looked up from his paper and said "oh she was dead,she was there for almost a week",like it was the most boring thing in the world.I felt bad for her,even though I never met her,that she would die alone and nobody even knew for a week,that it was discovered by a 12 year old paper boy and reported by a bored clerk at a desk that cared about as much as he did about the price of corn.I can't imagine a more lonely feeling than that.It was depressing you know but the thing is no matter how many times I tried I could never get myself to use that damn slot,each house I had to open the door and it happened a few more times.Now that feeling was the most bizarre,standing outside a house,at 5:30 in the morning,knowing by then knowing that someone was laying dead in that house and they always were when I opened that door and all those papers,all that mail fell out.
I've thought as of late,if I died here how long would it be before anyone knew,how long would it go on?I have to say it wouldn't be for a week,but thats only because someone in my family would show up wanting to know why I hadn't been to work for the past few days and intent on reading me the riot act.Somehow thats not any better.