The truth game.

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Anything but a scone, I hate scones:p

How are you on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the worst 10 being the best?

I'm about a 4:/
Id have to say im an 8, im a nice guy and im sure I have my issues, but overall I think if someone would notice im a pretty good deal.
evanescencefan91 said:
hell ya, Al gore would have made great president for once we could have a smart president he won the nobel peace prize

I'm a big fan of gore I'm so pissed he didn't win

Yes, Gore does come off as very genuine and I think even if sometimes misplaced he is a good person at heart. He seems to have compassion for others.
On a general scale.... I'd say 7. I'm not perfect, but I'm doing my best ^^
lol when I made the question I meant how are you (mood-wise) on a scale of 1-10 but this works too:p

I guess I'm around a 7, I have some good qualities that I think outweigh the bad

Skorian said:
Yes, Gore does come off as very genuine and I think even if sometimes misplaced he is a good person at heart. He seems to have compassion for others.

I saw an interview he did recently and said he was done with American politics and would more than likely never get involved again... Would be cool if he came back though..
Skorian said:
Yes, Gore does come off as very genuine and I think even if sometimes misplaced he is a good person at heart. He seems to have compassion for others.

I saw an interview he did recently and said he was done with American politics and would more than likely never get involved again... Would be cool if he came back though..

Show's just how good a guy he is. Our politics is just a damn circus
I'm a solid 2.

What is your favorite part about spring? Least favorite?
December. I don't know why. I don't really like all the fuss that comes with the holidays and my birthday, but I like the weather and the fact that I'm a year older.

What is your favorite book?
Currently its Dead Sky, Black Sun by Graham McNeil. It describes worlds of information and detail without being boring or taking forever to make something happen, its fast paced, has a decent story, and the characters make me want to be there.

What is something you hide from your family/friends?
Hahaha, friends includes you, so don't think you're getting a straight answer out of me on this one.

I hide my weaknesses. There's no one that I trust not to wake up one morning with malicious intent. So I do my best not to let people know what hurts, where it hurts, when I'm hurting, anything. I'm not perfect, usually someone will notice that something's not quite right, but things have been amiss for a while so it's become normal. But I'd rather die than let anyone in on it. And anyway, even if I wanted to say explain it, I wouldn't know how. Not that I'd ever want to anyway.

Continue question.
science, most specifically space since I dream of going to the stars....which is also what drove me to my obsession with Warhammer 40k......

continue question
One Piece. Medicine. Guitar, but not metal. Music, but not rap or R&B.

continue question.

"No soup for you!" (The Soup Nazi, "Seinfeld") or 'your barking up the wrong tree buddy'

continue question since my mind is currently acting like a seive and refuses to come up with a good question.
"Autobots, transform!"

catch phrase
1. a phrase that attracts or is meant to attract attention.
2. a phrase, as a slogan, that comes to be widely and repeatedly used, often with little of the original meaning remaining.
3. A phrase in wide or popular use, especially one serving as a slogan for a group or movement.

continue the question...
thanks Qui

its for picking up guys or somth?

...whats up cutie...
or ...why are u here all alone...

I guess

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