There Can Be Diferent Types Of Lonliness, Which One Are You?

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TheWickedOne said: other times it's like, PLEASE ALL I WANT IS A FRAKKING HUG.
I can surely relate to this. When I'm feeling down about myself, I don't need to be psychoanalyzed (I know myself better than the one playing shrink), I don't need advice (I'm not stupid nor was I born yesterday), I just need a hug. It's simply amazing how some people just don't get it.

1. Not many friends- i don't have any friends

2. Little or no family- my family is broken

3. Lack of an intimate relationship- all the ones that i like are already taken

4. Being alienated in a relationship or marriage- doesn't apply to me

5. The opposite sex doesn't understand you- sometimes applies to me

5. People in general just don't understand you- definitely applies to me
1. Not many friends- i have a few, but not that close.

2. Little or no family- little famliy

3. Lack of an intimate relationship- definitely, and as others have said...not just a romantic one

4. Being alienated in a relationship or marriage- not in a relationship or a marriage

5. The opposite sex doesn't understand you- a few women sort of get me, more importantly I don't understand the opposite sex

6. People in general just don't understand you - I hate to concede to the cliche "people just don't understand me", it's not their fault, I make myself difficult to understand...i for the most part don't understand myself.
3.) Yes, not even a sexually intimate relationship, just one with a girl I can connect with on a deeper level, one whos kind, smart, caring, understanding, ect blah blah blah. All the ones I like are either taken, or have rejected me. Every single time. But at least I'm friends with most of them.
Lonesome Crow said:
you left out the crazy type :p

^^^that which in turns causes nr 6 and
1 I don't have one single real friend
6 I don't get my self how the heck should other

I do have sererval close friends thats been there for me and with me through all of this...They all Know Im just Nucken FUTz :p

I do understand myself...I know Im Nucken

My insanities arrive from trying to figure out women..You go crazy trying to undersatnd crazy people..To understand crazy must go crazy too...becuz it would take one to know one...this way I can fulley grasp
women and I have compassion?
Women R crazyyyyy...hahahaahaaa, was I crazy to try to figure out women to begin with...or I went crazy after figuring them out?

the chicken or the egg.? :p
I have very few friends. I've never had very good family relationships, but they're all 1000 miles away anyway. I fortunately have a boyfriend, otherwise, I would be in Florida all alone without any direct contact with someone that cares. My largest issue is intellectual stimulus. I've noticed over time that people in Florida are not very bright, and that's apparently because of the very poor education system down here. I come from a land with this unfamiliar concept called "decent education", and therefore find myself in a sea of ******* on a daily basis. It blows. :/
I guess I have experienced a few of those types, at different times in my life.

And regarding number 5. "The opposite sex doesn't understand you", I'm starting to think maybe we're not supposed to understand each other.
Cypha said:
I think there can be many types of lonliness, usually because of something that people lacks. Everyone may be effected by a few of these but which one effects you the most?

1. Not many friends

2. Little or no family

3. Lack of an intimate relationship

4. Being alienated in a relationship or marriage

5. The opposite sex doesn't understand you

5. People in general just don't understand you

How about all of the above?
SkuzzieMuff said:
My largest issue is intellectual stimulus. I've noticed over time that people in Florida are not very bright, and that's apparently because of the very poor education system down here. I come from a land with this unfamiliar concept called "decent education", and therefore find myself in a sea of ******* on a daily basis. It blows. :/
I never realized we Floridians were so stupid. lol.

I think 1 best relates to me. Well, I have friends, but they all live at least 6 hours away.
1,3, and 5. No one wants to be my friend nor hang out with girls don't really talk to me's like I have some kind of disease or something and they don't want to be near me to catch it. :(

So far I've noticed alot of people on here don't say much to makes me a bit sad. I'm not asking for attention or anything...just friendship...but I guess thats kinda hard for everyone since we're all in the same boat...but I'm trying. So why not you? Is there something wrong with me?
@Paperduck I think I kinda understand, I never intend to ignore ppl but I'm the type of person that thinks everything over before saying\typing anything. Do this cause I tend to put my feet in it. I think I have a serious communication impendiment or something cause usaully after the 3 - 5 PM ppl stop writing me *shrugs*. I have learned that you can't win them all so I just keep going.

@Lonesome crow I think you where crazy to try and figure oi women, I think this is an impossiblity. All you can do when being with a female is hold on tight and enjoy the ride cause you never know whats next.

i would want someone with whom i can mess around and still have no fear of him leaving me.. in return i can be deadly committed.. i never settle in for less than perfect...(not one of my virtues) so i never wait to get intimate.. .and i am lonely

heres some of my favorites songs..

Lady def leppad
ur love is driving me crazy..Sammy H.
Crazy Bitch..Buckcherry
Crazy on you..Heart
of the type that
-people dish all kinds of compliments out to (nice, intelligent, handsome, etc.) but can't find compatible people for some odd reason

-does 99% of anything outside of work (from sleep to awake, sun up to sun down, Jan 1 to Dec 31) solitarily

-has a few friends across the country but is so rarely in touch with them that the status of friendship is easily questionable. acquaintanceship sounds more like right!

-will be 30 soon and usually feel VERY discouraged about ever getting married and having a family...

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