Things that piss you off

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Perverts in chat rooms! People no longer want to talk just for the sake of meeting new people... It's all about hooking up now in the chat rooms.
Irishdoll said:
No offence, but guys who think we still live in the 1950's and they control everything about the woman, but when it comes to doin their part, that's the woman's job now too.

No offence taken. That pissers me off guys like that and I don't have to live with one. Really there is no accuse for a man to behave in that way.
I HATE (FOREVER!) You know, like when my wife said she would love me forever and then forever comes.

I don't know that i hate it. Just don't believe it it any longer. No more then the Easter bunny.

Sorry, bad day with that stuff.
1) People that weave in and out of traffic like they're in the Indy 500. It should be legal to sideswipe these ********.

2) White guys over the age of 18 that use the word "Dawg". Seriously, stop doing that...and while we're on the subject, flip your damn cap around to the front and pull up your pants.

3) Wireless headsets. Are you talking to me or are you on the phone?
Take the damn thing off your head and talk to one person at a time. Better yet, just shut up and listen.

4) Any news article about Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan. Unless they've all been eaten by sharks I really just don't care.

5) Anyone trying to sell me something over the phone after 5:00. Your first mistake was calling me in the first place...and the longer you talk, the less polite I become.

6) Passive aggressive non-smokers who walk by me as I have a smoke. Are those little fake coughs supposed to make me put my cigarette out? Because all it does is make me want to set them on fire.

7) Hip Hop. Learn three chords like the rest of us...and pull up your pants!

8) People that don't understand how to live in an apartment building. I understand your need to throw boxes at the wall at 3 A.M., but do it someplace else.

9) President Bush...I didn't vote for him. No one I know voted for him. Why is he there when clearly no one wants him to be? Doesn't that completely defeat the purpose of democracy?

10) People that don't take care of their pets and leave them outside 24/7 without food and water. I'd like to take the dog inside and put the owner on a leash out back with an empty water bowl and a stale milkbone...just to see how long they last.

That's just a random 10. I could do this all day if I had to...
JustLost said:
That's just a random 10. I could do this all day if I had to...

Still a pretty good list.
Lol... I agree with everything JustLost said... =0) Here's a couple more, for the hell of it... =0)

1- People who ride in the passenger seat with their feet on the dashboard... Your feet are disgusting, be kind to the poor bastard that's got to clean that thing later, and what's worse is footprints all over the windshield... Good god, just put your feet on the floor like a normal human being... (Sorry, this one bugs me, can't you tell)

2-And while I'm on the subject of cars... Anyone going exactly the speed limit... No ****... If the speed limit is 65, why can't you travel 70 like the rest of us? If you aren't comfortable going to fast, I'm fine with you doing 50 in the slow lane, but don't go 65 in the fast lane and then wonder why I'm suddenly inclined to violence...

3-*********s... I live in Orange County... *********s are our chief export... We lead the world in ********* research and development... If you are unsure of what a ********* is, I can go ahead and provide you with some literature... Take it home, talk it over with your family...

4-Tomatoes, I just don't like them...

5-My local Teamsters union... I haven't been paying you, I don't even have my ambulance licence anymore... Why do you keep sending me things?

6-Music on radio and tv... I haven't had cable tv in more than 5 years, but I'm sure MTV and VH1 still gave up on playing music, and the crap we seem to be playing on the radio doesn't really help me feel musically fulfilled... I stopped listening to music on the radio alltogether... NPR all the way!

7-Hillary Clinton... What the hell was THAT all about? I would have voted for her, too, if the last 2 months hadn't happened... Maybe I just listen to too much NPR...

8-DOGS IN PURSES!!! OMFG IT'S A ******* DOG JUST LET IT WALK IF IT CAN'T WALK THAT FAR MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN IT TO THE DAMN MALL IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! You know what I want to see, I want to see this trend catch on with bigger dogs... I'm sure my puppies would love a ride in a backpack... Maybe a golden retriever in a duffel bag... Why not? Oh yeah, because it's stupid!

9-Cellphones... I have one, it's the one that came with the plan, and I refuse to use it unless I absolutely have to... You don't need an iPhone... There is no way everyone that has a blackberry is so popular and important that they need to be connected to the world at all times... I LOVE my friends, I LOVE my family, but damned if I want them to be able to reach me all the time... (It's great to talk to these people, but it's not 300 dollar iPhone great...)

10-Those people at the gym that are just there for attention... All they do is get in the way... My pudgy ass needs to use that stairmaster, all you are doing is watching tv or looking at the girl/ boy in front of you... I'm sure I'd look too, but damned if I'm not sweating while I'm doing it!

11- Uhh... Hmm... Damn... I'm on a pretty good rant here... Let's see... Oh yeah! Have you ever told someone a story about something you've done, and later on they tell you the same story but it's THEM that's doing it? What do you even say to that?!
Them-"Hey fodder, did i ever tell you about the time I..."

12- Anyone who can't handle their kids... Now, I'm sure since I don't have kids of my own I don't have room to talk, but If your kid is screamin' it's arse off, maybe it's time to leave the store... Standing there and letting your kid throw a fit isn't going to solve anything... Or just leave them there... They'll get the point, or, they'll go find a new family, lol...

13- People who just seem to always want to fight/argue but only do so the be proven right... You know, those people who are just arguing with you so that they can be right... The argument is meaningless, no one cares what the smurfs names were... But they press on, gotta win all the time, right?

... I'm sure I've got more, but I should be getting back to work...

oh yeah!!!

14- WORK! I love my job, but comeon guys, we need to do this a little better... I don't like being here when the rest of the hospital is working, too... Getting other people involved just makes everything harder...

*edit* Now that I've started, I just can't stop...

15- The Star DP8340 ticket printer... It makes the most annoying noise I've ever heard, and it's 2 feet away from my head... May it burn in hell...
Fodderboy said:
15- The Star DP8340 ticket printer... It makes the most annoying noise I've ever heard, and it's 2 feet away from my head... May it burn in hell...


That one really cracks me up.

Yup you are on a roll.
That's a great list Fodderboy. I'd have to agree with the majority of those...though I don't have a problem with tomatoes. :)

I'm not finished yet. I'll just begin from 11 since I left off at 10:

11) Anyone wearing a cowboy hat that isn't on a ranch. You've never even seen a horse except on tv. Your car has a cd, GPS and your house is in the middle of the suburban sprawl. Take off the hat, Tex.

12) Chain coffee shops. I just want a cup of coffee to wake my ass up. I don't want something with a foot of cream on top with a swizzle stick, a tiny umbrella and pecans. Take that **** out and try again.

13) Movie sequels. "I'm sorry, we're too bereft of ideas to come up with anything original. Plus, we like money too much and we're sure giving you more of the same damn thing you saw last summer will make us plenty. Enjoy!"

14) American Idol. You can't sing. Don't try.

15) Dancing with the Stars. You can't dance. Don't try.

16) Harley Freaking Davidson. I have nothing against them, just the rich idiots that have completely bought and sold the thing over a hundred times and completely ruined what it once meant to be a biker.

17) Any vehicle taller than me that isn't designed for hauling freight. "Oil is becoming scarce and expensive. I think I'll show my lack of concern by purchasing the largest monstrosity of a car that I can find." Good plan.

18) People that stand out in the street with signs asking for money. I'm sorry, but these people are generally dressed better than I am...not exactly a big motivator in my giving them spare change.

19) Running/Tennis shoes. What the hell are these things? I just want a pair of shoes. Everything has lights, wings, bladders and laboratory tubing all over it now. I'm not hiking on Mars, I'm just going up the street.

20) This list...

Well, that's it for now. Thank you all for this opportunity to bitch about EVERYTHING! :)
Another good list JustLost, though the ranchers do wear their hats into town. Still you can tell them from the urban cowboys.
i may have already said this before but loud children, i can't stand it

and i agree SUVs suck, if you can't fit in a normal sized car maybe it's time you went for a walk you nimrod!
the only thing thats pisses me off is when people laught at me for being mad
planning to go to an event with several people then calling them at the last minute to find out they are busy, not to mention they have known they were going to be busy for hours, yet waited til I called to explain.......This is what I get for trying to be a nice guy. My friends go off to do their own thing and I am left to wander the streets alone
Fulgrim said:
planning to go to an event with several people then calling them at the last minute to find out they are busy, not to mention they have known they were going to be busy for hours, yet waited til I called to explain.......This is what I get for trying to be a nice guy. My friends go off to do their own thing and I am left to wander the streets alone

This is the exact same thing that happens to me all the time.

What I don't get is if I was unable to make something I had arranged with friends I would make sure it would be me calling them. Why is it that they let us down but yet we have to call them? I have fall out with so many ppl cos of this..... God Fulgrim this pissers me of for you. Ppl are ******* dick weeds.
When you try for over a week to get an answer out of your boss and all you get is questions that you have already answered. Stalling for some unknown reason?
When ur peeling a banana on the train and start putting it in ur mouth...and all the men in the car start to stare at u...(I often feel like saying :"m.f. what the f are u staring at?" )

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