lonelyloser said:
Ok, I have talked to girls before, never successfully. I was on a date once, and like 2 hours into the date she wanted to go home. And it wasn't a "oh I'm feeling kinda sick" thing, she made it obvious that the date sucked! I'm lucky I even got that far...usually after talking to a girl for half a minute they'll go away or won't acknowledge me.
Well, did you have a nice conversation with her? Did you ask her what her interests were, or did you go on and on about yourself? Did you compliment her on her outfit or tell her how pretty she looked? Compliments go a long way with women. Did you talk about your positive traits, or did you tell her about your inferiority complex? What did you do that made her want to go home so bad? Did you ever stop to ask yourself what you could have done differently? If she went out on a date with you, then it's obvious that she was interested. Therefore, it must have been some
action that changed her mind,
not you. Analyze what went wrong, and then work on that thing. Maybe you're exhibiting strange body language, or saying things that women find offensive. Plenty of books on the subject... go educate yourself. Don't buy that ridiculous "player's guide to blah blah blah" crap, just buy books about general social skills.
My point is: don't just assume that things didn't go well because of YOU. You shouldn't link your previous failed attempts to your personal self-worth. All that results in is low self-esteem. Instead, try to think constructively. Believe me, I've been rejected more than once. You just have to bounce back from it. Don't let a few failed attempts discourage you. Instead, use each failure as a learning experience.
Personally, I feel like you may have done something specific that is turning these girls off. I can get by far longer than 2 hours with a girl, without saying a single thing about myself; I just focus on her interests. You should try that sometime. It does wonders. People are slightly interested in you, but they're more interested in themselves. They'd rather have someone sit there and listen to them, rather than listen themselves. If she asks about you, then feel free to mention things about you.
Also, nobody likes being around someone who is rude. Be nice and considerate, and girls will enjoy talking to you. Before you say something, stop and think about how she might react; don't just say the first thing that pops into your mind. If she starts getting quiet, either ask her more questions about herself or try to think of something funny to say. You want to impress her, and you accomplish this by keeping her entertained.
If being courteous, considerate, and attentive is too much for you... then, you're right, you're not what women want. However, those three qualities are very easy to obtain, and, with a little work, you can easily turn your luck with girls around.
So I know that I'm not the type of guy the want - who would want me? After many many years of getting brutalized by the female population I realized that it's not even worth it.
Yes, some girls can be cruel sometimes. You just have to learn to laugh it off. Who cares if they laugh? Those aren't the kind of women you should concern yourself over, anyways. If you find the right woman, though, she will do wonders for your self-esteem and your ego. A good woman strengthens the man she stands by.
If girls want good looking strong guys who are well endowed and drive sports cars...that's fine, I've accepted that I can't offer that and if they want that then they should have that.
That's a generalization, as well as a stereotype, and I know where you got it from: television and magazines. There are millions of men out there, without a great physique or a nice sports car, who have girlfriends. Hell, I knew 1-2 guys who didn't even have cars; their girlfriends drove them everywhere. Penis size? Come on, man... really? You really think women care about that? Unless you're got a 3-incher... most women are perfectly happy with whatever the man has.
All women REALLY want is a confident, considerate male who isn't afraid to do what he wants -- an ambitious man with initiative. Having money and a great body are great bonuses, but that's all they are. Women are more than willing to settle for an unattractive man with goals and a good heart.
Also, if you think women want a guy with a great body... why don't you work out? Nothing stopping you from getting a good physique.
I'm not even upset about it anymore! I'm much more at peace with myself now that I've given up on girls. The fact that I failed so miserably is kind of a good thing because now I don't make a fool of myself and I have one less thing to worry about.
Frankly, I don't believe you. I think, deep down inside, you long to have a girlfriend. You'd jump at the chance to have one. I'm not looking down on you if you do, because so does every other person out there. Most people would rather not be single. Making excuses to convince yourself otherwise, however, isn't going to make you feel any better. Go out there and be proactive about making changes in your life.
Don't just accept things in your life the way they are. Things can change, but they have to start with
you. When I set about to change myself, I suffered countless embarrassing moments. I got laughed at all the time, but I realized that it was OK. Am I perfect? No... far from it. I still have problems going up to random women and hitting on them (but so do most "normal" men). Now, though, I have several female friends that I can talk to, and hang out with. I also don't have problems starting conversations with random girls that I meet. If you had asked me if something like that was possible 2-3 years ago, I would have laughed in your face. Change is possible...
Don't tell yourself "but I tried that already"... just
keep doing it.