Traits of your dream girl or boy

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Akira said:
I'm sure this girl exists ;) at least I have met a few of them (from the appearance and personality description). I hope you find her :)

I already did once. She's got a family of her own now. But thankyou, I'm sure someone will come along.:)
Unacceptance said:
Make sure she is not an evil clone. Those will ruin your ****.

Evil clones are the fun ones. I want an evil clone.

I don't think anyone gets the person they imagine. I love my bf but if you told me a year ago I'd be with him I would've laughed myself into a coma.
Funny how things change...
i never know how to answer these things, it's been....(thinks) what 3 years since i had a relationship so i don't even know what i'm looking for. I know i want a man who makes me laugh, and is strong and confident on who he is, but other than that, i don't care, nor do i think he exsists.

I reckon i'll be one of those ladys that wee kids thinks is a witch, and i'll rattle the fence with a stick and tell them to bugger off when they ask for their ball back from the garden. I don't see love in my future, well of the sexual/relationship kind
Physical appearances aren't high on my "dream list" but I have noticed that I prefer brunettes over blondes, and the Irish "look" over everything else (red hair, blue or green--sometimes black-- eyes, pale/freckled skin). I also zero in on anyone wearing glasses, especially if they have a sense of style. I tend to like shorter but taller or my height attracts me as well.

--must love to read for the sake of reading
--is curious about the world/universe around them
--open minded about cultures, religions, sexualities, political views, ideas, gender identities/expressions different from their own
--realizes and understands that people are the same at the core but different in every other way

--genuinely cares for a fellow human being regardless of limitations
--independent; does not need another person to complete them
--understands that some days, people are just in a mood and it's not about them personally/professionally

--understands that love is not sex and sex is not love but that love and sex often can/does go hand in hand
--isn't clingy 24/7; doesn't always need me in order to live their life
--doesn't necessarily need me in their life but sure as heck wants me in their life
--is appreciative of the small things
--likes to do things physically but also enjoys doing absolutely nothing as well
--doesn't mind repeating themselves because they understand the reason (which is cos I have hearing/speech difficulties)
--patient with me and with others (adults, children, animals)
--not afraid to stand up for self, children, elderly, animals, others in general
--is the "good guy/girl" character in the movies

There's prolly more but currently, I'm in the middle of talking to a friend who's going through something tough in their own world at the moment.

I'll prolly come back and edit this when I can. For right now though, this will do.
This is pretty weird saying, but its actually true. Whenever I think about whom the perfect boy for me would be I always just think if my ipod waas to have a human form, that would be him.
My dream girl would be someone I liked who also liked me back.
My dream boy? Obviously it has to be someone who can read my mind, does everything exactly the way I want it, and earn enough money for me not to have to have a job.

Otherwise, I'm not very picky.
wannabeXL said:
My dream boy? Obviously it has to be someone who can read my mind, does everything exactly the way I want it, and earn enough money for me not to have to have a job.

Otherwise, I'm not very picky.

lol, I'll take one of those.
1. Intelligence - I'm a smart guy, and I need a woman who can keep up with me.
A. Not defined by intelligence - Someone who can tell me to shut up succesfully when I become a windbag.
2. Nerdiness - I'm a huge nerd and I need someone who can share some of those interests.
3. Trustworthy - I have trust issues and for good reason.
4. Passionate - Apathy annoys me... but so do people that support causes just to support causes, without good reason.
5. Silly - I tend to be serious, but I like it when someone can shake me out of that seriousness too.
6. Long hair - Sorry... just don't really like short hair on women.
7. Adventurous - Pull me outside of my comfort zone!
8. Not physically obsessed - God, I hate it when I get asked 'Do I look fat in this?'
9. Not extremely insecure - Similar to 9, but not quite the same. I don't like people who seek validation all the time.
10. Isn't clingy - related to the above two, but I've seen secure women be clingy too.

P.S. Blonds need not apply. Redheads are encouraged.
I like a woman who is passionate and affectionate. To show me with her eyes and smile, even just at random times, that she loves me. Thoughtful, considerate, tolerant.. And despite what most guys like I really like a girl who can talk. And I mean really talk, not just going on about random everyday stuff even though that is fine. But I mean someone I can have a deep conversation with. Willpower and inner strength is nice too. Honesty, faithfulness,a sense of humor, and an ability to control her temper are very important. Physically I have a broad range of things that I like. It's mostly her eyes, smile, and lips. Although I dislike it when a woman frequently advertises something she don't like about her body... Almost everyone has something they don't like about their appearance. Agonizing over something you have no power to change is pointless. If you do have the power, then do, it or accept that you don't.

There is so much more to be said, but, those are core desires.
I dont care about looks, i just want a guy who loves me for who i am, who is loving and caring, and who has alot of things in common with me. I found him too and i am so in love with him.
A CEO would be nice! :D

Okay, joking aside, I would like to say I like shorter men. I do, I really do! Strangely enough I always end up with guys over six feet tall. Apparently if they're not over a foot taller than me, I won't take them. Very strange...

I'm also big on intelligence. I've dated those of lesser intellect, and they get really insecure about me being smarter or they can't keep up with my thinking process. So my rule of thumb is as smart as me or smarter. Sadly that is very difficult to find...

I also like independence, someone able to wipe his own ass and have some goals. Again, easier said then done because I always get the dependent types who expect me to look after them...

I am slightly disturbed by the divergence in my ideal man and actual ones. OTL
hellopanda said:
I also like independence, someone able to wipe his own ass and have some goals. Again, easier said then done because I always get the dependent types who expect me to look after them...

Sadly, most men are looking for a relationship where there partner plays more of a motherly role.
Someone who loves me the way I love them, who I can talk to and they will actually listen, and vice versa. Someone I can hold close and reassure when life isn't at its best. Someone that takes me for the way I am, insanity and all ;) Someone that's not a retard that only thinks about the size of their ****s all day...that's the kind of girl I want...
i'm tremendously picky and shallow.
I want my dream boy to be handsome. ofcourse, we all have different aspects of what that is and i do have a certain type which i'm not willing to let go of. This is my shallow part. The looks matters but i just can't be with someone whom i'm not attracted to.
Then there comes the complicated part:
the guy should not be very talkative. That's one of my bf's traits that buggs me very much - he just wants to chat all the frikin time! For example, we're driving in a car with stereo on and i'm fine with just staring outside and listening to music. I really appreciate my moment there but he's just babbling on and on and gets really offended if i say i don't want to talk.
Also, i want my dream boy to be some sort of mystery. And by that i simply mean that he should not be so easy to read. It's not cool if guy talks about himself too much especially on more early dates. And by talks i don't necessarily mean 'brags'. It's just i don't want to get to know the persons fears and weak moments right when i just meet them.
Next, i don't want hyperactive boys or the ones that feel that they miss everything if they stay at home for one evening. I want someone, who can be satisfied with himself and that he doesn't constantly need a company of other people to have fun. Simply because those hyperactivists make me feel so lame and alone when i'm not feeling to go out with them. Because i guess it's in people's nature to go out and if you don't you're a loser.
Next, i would really like to meet a guy who wouldn't complain about college and studying - how he doesnt handle it and how he doesn't know how to study and so on. And yes he has to be smart.
So.. a handsome outsider.
Very much movie type of a guy that every girl wants so she could turn him into loving her blah blah.
Well i don't know if that's the case.
Looks like that most of my traits are just about complaining what i don't want.
seriously, i feel i'm doomed.
Above all, I'm looking for someone with intelligence and a sense of humor. Oh, and at least a smidge of compassion for others. A similar philosophy or political POV would be nice. I have dated men who were at a polar extreme from my own political leanings, and while it made for some fireworks, I don't think I could pull it off long-term. The James Carville-Mary Matalin thing mystifies me.

He has to have a passion for something, I don't care if it's music, art, chess, model building, movies, golf or whatever. It would be nice if we shared one interest so we could connect on another level.

There also has to be a spark there. Relationships where there is little or no chemistry just aren't sustainable, at least for me. There's also no telling to whom I may have a physical attraction: I don't have a "type," I've been attracted to various guys for quite different reasons. Race, religion, ethnicity aren't important to me.
geez i havent really thought about this in a long time and i guess i kind of feel uncomfortable making wish lists for the ideal partner.. i am not ideal and i imagine that if i write a list to santa for what i want i maybe forgetting something crucial or accidently narrowing my beam too much..

i wonder if my perfect mate were disgusted by my smoking.. we might be compatible on every other front but she just couldnt stand a smoker.. end game. thanks for playing..

ok, i'll give it a go.. i would like someone that isnt a self-obsessed nutter... hmm, i might be self-obsessed.. and i could very well be deemed a nutter.. ok, strike that.

intelligence would be nice, but she doesnt have to quote esoteric philosophers or anything mind bogglingly intellectual.. so what kind of intelligence would i like?? social intelligence maybe, but just enough to know that you dont go to the toilet in a closet and physical emissions during an intense scene in shindler's list should be stifled.

hmm, basic intelligence then. a rudimentary campacity to understand social norms and how to navigate the torrid waters of society.. er.. something like that i guess.

pathological obsession with physical appearance isnt very high on my attractiveness list, but then if she were bulimic or anorexic and we got along really, really well could i turn my back on her to face this disease alone.. no, i couldnt. so maybe exteme vanity would be okay as long as it disabled her somehow and not turned exteme in an ego-orientated way.. ok, not sure about looks.

compassion and empathy is definately on the list. if i accidently run over a stray animal while we're driving and she notices only to be more interested in checking if her mascara wasnt smudged by the bump, then the door will be opened and she will be gently shoved out of the car.. (i will slow down, i am not a monster)

humour sounds good, but what kind and how much? i love my comedians so it would be nice if we shared a little of the same kind of funny.. but if she likes slapstick instead or some lowbrow sitcom humour i wouldnt say its a dealbreaker. she doesnt have to get sarcasm.. i can live with that.. well i guess i'll leave this one hanging for the moment..

okay should wrap it up here. no lying. no cheating. passion is mildly relevant, hobbies are fine by me. race open. religion open (but if shes an extremist and wants to convert me, it wont work), living in each others pockets wont work. an argument is only an argument not a thats all i can think of at the moment

..oh yeah, it would be nice NOT to be motivated by my 'other'..

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