Physical appearances aren't high on my "dream list" but I have noticed that I prefer brunettes over blondes, and the Irish "look" over everything else (red hair, blue or green--sometimes black-- eyes, pale/freckled skin). I also zero in on anyone wearing glasses, especially if they have a sense of style. I tend to like shorter but taller or my height attracts me as well.
--must love to read for the sake of reading
--is curious about the world/universe around them
--open minded about cultures, religions, sexualities, political views, ideas, gender identities/expressions different from their own
--realizes and understands that people are the same at the core but different in every other way
--genuinely cares for a fellow human being regardless of limitations
--independent; does not need another person to complete them
--understands that some days, people are just in a mood and it's not about them personally/professionally
--understands that love is not sex and sex is not love but that love and sex often can/does go hand in hand
--isn't clingy 24/7; doesn't always need me in order to live their life
--doesn't necessarily need me in their life but sure as heck wants me in their life
--is appreciative of the small things
--likes to do things physically but also enjoys doing absolutely nothing as well
--doesn't mind repeating themselves because they understand the reason (which is cos I have hearing/speech difficulties)
--patient with me and with others (adults, children, animals)
--not afraid to stand up for self, children, elderly, animals, others in general
--is the "good guy/girl" character in the movies
There's prolly more but currently, I'm in the middle of talking to a friend who's going through something tough in their own world at the moment.
I'll prolly come back and edit this when I can. For right now though, this will do.