Traits of your dream girl or boy

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I'm pretty open when it comes to dating women. I have dated all types of women of all different backgrounds.


I have dated many body types, but I prefer a woman that is in shape and takes care of herself. I don't mind a few extra pounds if the woman has a curvy figure. I'm not really into " supermodel" like women - I kind of fall for the girl next door type. I like all hair styles and lengths, though I have a soft spot for red heads. As for height, I don't have a preference ( I have dated some as short as 4'10 and as tall as 6'3). As for style, I'm open to pretty much anything, though I do REALLY LOVE that punk/goth/alternative style in a girl. Girls with that type of style drive me wild ! I'm also really into exotic women as well !


I can't stand airheads ! The woman doesn't have to be a rocket scientist, but she needs to have at least average intelligence ! Humor, the ability to accept humor, and the ability to be playfull is a must ! I don't like snobs or pretentious women ! I really appreciate sensuality and affection showing in a woman. I don't like domineering women, but I respect women with an opinion and the willingness to express herself. Loyalty is a must !

Common Interests

I respect different and individual interests. However, I would prefer someone who likes to be active, likes to go out, loves horror movies, loves the bizarre and the eccentric, and likes music similiar to my style.

I know all of this criteria seems picky, but it doesn't mean that I wouldn't give someone a chance that doesn't fit my desires. I've dated people who were the complete opposite of everything that I stated above. Sometimes it's just nice to dream....
Abusive and Violent Women in Relationships

- Recognizing the Signs -

Abuse and violence are behaviors chosen by a woman to cause physical, sexual, or emotional damage and worry or fear. Women who behave this way are often promiscuous, selfish, and narcissistic. Such a woman uses her moods, rage, and impulses to control the people around her and she is not satisfied until they have noticed her. These women choose deceit, fury, and assault to get their own way and then revels in the addicting exhilarating emotional unrest they create. Others, more insidiously, present a personable public image to conceal their true character and behavior.

These women lie, connive, and extort. To insult and humiliate their partner, some argue and use offensive language in the presence of others including their children. Many steal or destroy their partner's possessions. These women are driven by jealousy and view others as rivals. They treat their partners as possessions and strive to isolate them from friends and family.

Many abusive women falsely accuse their partners of infidelity while they have affairs. These women often abuse children or animals. Nearly all exhibit erratic mood changes, feign illnesses or injuries, and most are practiced actresses. They are not sick; they play the triple roles of a terrorist, a tyrant, and a victim.

At some point, she will falsely accuse her husband or partner of a crime. False allegations of child abuse continue to be a common feature in divorce proceedings and the courts ignore the problem. Now, the domestic violence accusation has become the woman's weapon of choice. Apart from the monetary and property gains, domestic violence is so easy to fabricate and these women crave the pleasure that comes from destroying their husband or partner.

Persons who have experienced an abusive relationship often experience fear or shame or bewilderment. They have tried everything and nothing works. These people have found themselves not knowing what will happen next, riding on an emotional roller coaster that they cannot escape. Most are sad, depressed, humiliated, and just plain exhausted. Many have lost everything they had in the world and are worried about their future. However, these women have no limits. Their outrageous behavior escalates to unbelievable levels and so, no one believes the victim.

Once your spouse or companion has chosen abuse, end the relationship promptly and irrevocably before she or he blames or accuses you of their own behavior. Get a restraining order and change the locks, sue in civil court now and, when the assailant is your spouse, file for divorce. There is nothing wrong with using modern recording devices to prove your claim and most have a time/date stamp that is based on an atomic clock that is maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. Some recording devices have embedded frame counters to discourage frame editing and other tampering.

When faced with the breakup of a relationship, especially a marriage, some women become vindictive, and abusive women become very dangerous. When others (friends, relatives, police, attorneys, and judges) believe her, they join in, and the frustrated husband or partner finds himself a victim of undeserved hatred, defamation, and abuse.

The other dangers are that some women kill their partner, or the partner's new companion, or the children, or the relatives, or stage unsuccessful suicides. Sometimes, women fake or inflict injuries on themselves, or use an accomplice, a relative or new lover, to frame her husband or partner. The most common behaviors are pressing false criminal charges, stealing or destroying property, snatching children, and engaging in bad faith litigation.

In divorce, a husband must treat his abusive wife with unrelenting resolve for she is a criminal. Divorce courts must understand that these women cannot see beyond their narcissism and so mediation is pointless. Unfortunately, the legal process regarding divorce requires negotiation and mediation. This provides another way for such women to abuse their husbands.

Husbands must not accept telephone calls, conversation, visitations, reconciliation, or appeasements from their wife. This acceptance only bolsters a wife's belief that they remain in control of their husband. The court must realize that these women have no limits and derive sadistic pleasure by destroying their husbands through extended litigation. Only unswerving firmness of purpose shows these women that their behavior is wrong and the marriage is ended.

my dream man would be someone who is comfortable with themself around me, who has flaws because I think flaws are cute and I have plenty of my own. Someone who doesn't mind my weird sense of humor because I think things that look or sound funny are far more funny then jokes and comedy and sometimes I can laugh for like 10 minutes straight, someone who doesn't mind laughing with me or at me haha. Someone with emotional needs or attachments because I can so relate and I love to be needed/wanted around. A guy that doesn't mind my hyper adventurous side, I love to be outside, go hiking, go exploring, I love traveling and seeing new things making discoveries and memories. A guy that is content only having 1 relationship/friends are good just not other relationships and dates. A guy that doesn't mind being bored with me because I can have a fun time almost anywhere and it really takes alot to bore me. A guy that likes to cuddle and be cuddled and likes alot of sex LOL (wondering if I should delete that haha) A guy that doesn't mind being low budget somewhat poor not owning nice things because I really don't care about objects and things. lol a guy that looks like a guy... no painted on paints painted on shirts like so tight they look like they are suffocating, im not a fan of the current fashion of skin tight clothes and big messy hair with neckties paired with tee shirts and big thick glasses lol i just don't get that style at all, haha sorry if u wear that style, i just don't find it attractive. lol I would prefer it if he had some bodyhair and didn't shave it all off, i think its sexy. same height or taller then me. lol and not obsessed with any games like we arent gonna eat this week to buy a new game or gonna cancel a date to play word of warcraft ****... i dont mind video games but no obsessions. lol im not very picky... just not abusive/smelly/gross/obsessive

Not attached to a place.

Apreciates the value of silence as well of speech.


With goals and thirst for self improvement, no matter how imposible it seems.

Smart. Not just act smart cause they read mein kampf or [insert obscure literary work here].




So hard to find someone, and since I ****** up last time I figured that you only hit jackpot once... so what happens when you throw the cash outta the window? That's right, it's gone.

Tyche said:
I want a guy who's persistent, intelligent, can put up with my moodiness and random schemes. (Drunk 1 am tacos, coffee that tastes like strawberry cheesecake or pumkin pie or pure sugar, driving around in tinfoil hats, medical masks and dark lensed sunglasses to weird people out, all that silly fun stuff) I can also be also be serious though and enjoy meaningful discussions, but he must be able to accept me either way. A guy who will chase squirrels up trees after i point them out (with or without the girly run) just to make me laugh and smile. Someone who's interesting to look at, willing to talk about anything, ridiculous or not and understanding of my abandonment issues. Some one who will need me, like i need them and never want to leave. Loyal, compassionate and has a love of the supernatural.
Tyche: Wtf? Why would you quote yourself in your own post and not add a comment/give a reason for it?

For the thread: I don't really believe in the "dream girl/boy" idea. No one is EVER going to be the perfect match for you...ever. And if for some reason you find someone that IS perfect for you, it's probably damned annoying and disgusting for all of your friends. :p

With that said:

I want everything. I want a gorgeous, stunning, amazingly beautiful woman who isn't stuck up and bitchy....and not spoiled rotten by daddy. She's gotta be intelligent, smarter than me (maybe that's not too hard to find). She has to have a similar sense of humor and sarcasm...and the ability to tell when I'm joking and when I'm not. That last one is pretty difficult sometimes. She has to be totally loyal (in the context of the relationship) and able to challenge my opinions. She's gotta be able to fight me verbally and maybe physically as well (if we're feelin' like it ;)). Sex has to be awesome and very frequent.

She has to be independent and able to support herself financially, and has to be able to put up with me being absent for certain periods of time without getting finicky or cheating on me. She has to smell good to me. (Everyone has a specific smell. Really.) She has to know when to argue and when to shut the hell up. She has to understand that I will want ME time to get away from her every now and then. She has to have her own interests as well as ones that we share.

Hmmmm...can't think of much more, really. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Badjedidude: I didn't even notice until you pointed it out, sorry. Something went wrong when i was editting and in my rush to avoid my prying teacher's eyes, i must of quoted. Bad i know, i will pay more attention next time. x.X
um nice

into girls and not obscenely grotesque looking

yet still surprisingly hard to find
I feel like if I try to put any qualifications whatsoever on what I'm looking for in a guy (let alone my *dream* guy), I'll never get a boyfriend. That's just how my life works.
Never is a looooooong time. I think you're wrong about that. If you accept any old jerk, then you're just asking for trubs. Guys like it when women have standards, anyway. ^_^

i feel like I don't ask for much. Like all i need is someone that can make me happy at the end of the day and make me feel like my life is better than what it is. But i can't help the fact that looks play a part in what I want in a girl.
Badjedidude said:
Never is a looooooong time. I think you're wrong about that. If you accept any old jerk, then you're just asking for trubs. Guys like it when women have standards, anyway. ^_^


Lol I probably should have been more specific.
I have standards, I just don't admit them to anyone for fear of releasing bad karma somehow and having the universe spite me.
Yeah, I'm a little angry and frustrated, but I don't blame myself for it. I have good reasons.
Oh, and it seems that the more I focus on my standards, the worse I feel about not being in a relationship. Hence why I don't talk about them.
But of course, I will take your advice and not "accept any old jerk" :p
really loves me.
etmiycek betray me.
beauty does not matter, a clean heart, my dream girl, but only in my dreams.
Weeelll :D
she's gotta be head over heels for me
Be extremely beautiful (even if it is just to me;))
be a little immature at times (I don't knw how to state that better. No I don't want a girl who picks fights over stupid things or still needs a nightlight (well... I guess I could live with a nightlight :p))
She has to be my better half
She has to be braver than me in certain areas (dancing, singing, relationships, etc, etc)
She has to be a little crazy and up for life
She needs to understand that there are certain things that I must do in this life that will put me at risk
She has to take a chance on me

If any of you can point me in the right direction I would be the happiest guy alive ;)
-> Spontaneous - I'm pretty loopy and quite indecisive, everything is spur of the moment, I'd need someone to be the same otherwise they'd get annoyed with me.

-> Independent - I don't want to have to act like their mother. I don't want to look after them as if they were a child.

-> Understanding & patience - of the fact I may freak out at times, I'm not 100% perfect all of the time, and that if they leave me be for a bit I'll be back to my usual self in no time.

-> Have their own interests - there is nothing worse than going out with someone who follows you around all of the time. They need to have their own interests and own friends, because for sure I'll certainly have mine.

-> Strong minded - Someone who doesn't follow the herd, someone who isn't afraid to be themselves or be weird, someone who can laugh at themselves or make a **** out of themselves in public without feeling like it's the end of the world.

-> Challenging - relationships shouldn't be easy. I want someone who can challenge my views/opinions/ideas.

-> Driven - I don't want someone who is a pessimist. I want to look forwards not backwards and I'd expect the same from them.

-> Stupidly not-serious - I laugh a lot. Either they laugh with me, at me or make me laugh. If they aren't into having a laugh then goodbye because I'm certainly not spending my time trying to dislodge a wooden stick from their arses.

-> Enjoy touching/stroking me!!! And obviously enjoy sex.

For men particularly - I like tall men - I know this seems weird but I don't trust short men easily 'little man syndrome' and all that, I think this is something to do with my childhood and not trusting short blokes then...which I'm sorry to say but it has stuck and I find it hard to go for short guys now. I would give a shorty a go like...but I couldn't guarentee it wouldn't freak me out.

Oh and I love gruft on a man. Phwoar! I'm not into 'pretty' guys...body hair is good. :D
Yay! Finally a woman who doesn't like fully-clean-shaven pretty-boys!

Forth now the Dawn of Lumberjack Men!! :)

for a really long time i didnt know. im pretty emotionless; indifferent. i need actions, not words. i get along with just about everyone, and just about everyone likes me, unless i purposely give them reason not to. im not really into women, or men... so ive just stayed single. I have found out though, that i like to get things im not suppose to. i like to steal from the cookie jar when no ones watching, and drink milk from the carton. so even though i match well with a lot of women. i want someone with really strong morals, beliefs, opinions, and determination. someone who says something, and sticks with it. someone that i can beg and plead and romanticize and tempt and tease, for something. i think thats why i like girls that dont like me...

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