JustLost said:
What type of Oblivion character did you use?
I had two. One was a male dark elf "Thiefmage" and the other was a female Imperial "Swordmage". For some reason I ended up creating my own classes instead of using the existing ones.
I always had multiple characters, one was always a paladin type character that may or may not turn evil after he saves the world. The other was an evil mage that turned into a lich/vampire hybrid and tried to kill everyone in the world and after that, I was like victory....Yah...? Strangely I found that the mage characters I made were the strongest SOB's ever, by the time they were on level 30 they literally had 1000's of magic points to use, they were always high elves and my paladin type character was always either a breton or an imperial (I hate Nords!). Then I also experimented with having a vampire assassin character but I could never balance the magic needed to turn invisible with good and quick killing skills

. I always made my own classes too, never liked the default ones.
Hijacc said:
^^^ oblivion is awesome I picked imperial....I think I'm gonna make a new character this one glitches i cant beat certain missions because things that are supposed to be there ain't, like the thieves guild mission were you steal the ring it wasn't there O_O made me mad
or the mission were you try to remove your vampirisem I cant complete it because she wont take the blood grass
So I killed her and fled to the city where I went on a mass murdering spree.....
That's a common problem, if you don't bring her the ingredients in the right order she won't accept them eventually, it's a big glitch that's pissed a lot of people off cause they got stuck being a vampire. I'm assuming you have it for 360, so I can't suggest mods for you to fix it, looks like he's stuck being a member of the undead