Games your looking forward to: The Beatles Rock Band, Final Fantasy XIII
Games your playing now:
Fallout 3, Blue Dragon, and when I finish with those I have Mass Effect waiting for me.
Games you love (feel free to get nostalgic):
Oh geeze so many...
I love the old Sierra computer games...the King's Quest series. I remember being a baby-nerd in elementary/junior high and obsessing about those games.
I will always love the Disney Sega games, the Sonic Sega games, the 007 Sega games, etc.
Kingdom Hearts- this was like my life for a month in my senior year in High School.

WoW- I have such a love/hate relationship with WoW. I loved it, and I met amazing people in it. It really fulfilled my need for social interaction.But, it definitely consumed all of my free time. However, my ex husband turned my much beloved paladin into an ugly male once the gender changing came out, and so I quit.

I kind of feel liberated from it, to be honest, haha
I loved both Fable games, although I HATED the way Fable 2 ended. (WTF...that was the LEAST epic end battle ever.

I love all the Rock Bands/Guitar Heroes, but I get discouraged if there is a song I can't beat on expert...(I'm looking at you, System of a Down songs...)
I loved Left 4 Dead, although I had nightmares about Boomers.
Games you hate:
I hate the Halo games, but only because I suck at them, to be honest.
Spore: I loved it for the first 2 hours I played it, and then I got bored.
Age of Conan: Oh, I such great hopes for this game, and it let me down so much.
Duck Hunt; OMG that freaking dog that mocks you if you miss?? You know, the one that snickers? Yeah, he's the root of all my self esteem problems I think. :/
Oh geeze...sorry, I tapped into my inner-nerd and it's hard for me to shut up once I get going, sorry.