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LoneKiller said:
Well done whispers! I don't know what an Oxycontin addiction is like, but from what I've seen, it's one helluva an addiction to kick. I'm glad to hear that you quit. That's some nasty ****. I could have half of my ass bitten off by a shark and my doctor would never prescribe me that stage of painkiller. Good for you. I'm not just saying that.

Well actualy, the pot only got me trough to my next prescription... sometimes i wouldnt get it to try to quit, sometimes my doctor didnt prescribe alot to be sure i dont exagerate. What did it is beeing weaned off in the hospital about a month. Then my doctor and i agreed its not for me lol. Highly addictive ****, i've taken alot of stuff, but only cigarets and oxy got me, and i kicked them both at the same time lol
I used to years ago, not anymore, I couldn't hack being stoned and around people, just felt anxious. Sat on my own though it does make music sound amazing and food taste fantastic, but I can't be arsed with it anymore.
I've been smoking weed since I was 13. When I was 16 I started delivering the stuff around town for my best friend who's a dealer, I also sold a little bit around school for some extra doe. Later that year when I had finished school I got more involved with "Le Patron", I guess you'd say he's the local crime boss. Anyway after working for him doing various things I eventually became a full fledged dealer. I used to pick up weed by the bin liner full from some strange places. Eventually the police cracked down on a lot of us. I was still working though and I eventually had my pay raised because I was one of the only ones who had the balls to keep going. I had a break from dealing mid January, since then I've tried to become a better person so I've quit dealing and smoking. Throughout my life I've always smoked weed but I was always careful to never become addicted to it, so I can't relate to anyone on that.

Even though I've stopped smoking and dealing, I do still have a relationship with it. I am still very much friends with "Le Patron" and every month I'm given some weed to do what I wish with, for old times sake. I roll it into tulips and sell them by the dozen to some friends and acquaintances.

I promised someone on here that I'd show them one of my Tulips so I might as well do it here. (If that image is inappropriate then I'm sorry)


Thats a pretty good relationship I'd say.

the tulip looks nice. pretty creative. is it rolled in paper or plastic?
MadMonkè said:
Thats a pretty good relationship I'd say.

the tulip looks nice. pretty creative. is it rolled in paper or plastic?

Not to sound like a smartass, but why would you smoke plastic?
MadMonkè said:
Thats a pretty good relationship I'd say.

the tulip looks nice. pretty creative. is it rolled in paper or plastic?

That one is rolled in paper.

I do roll some in plastic though, some people like to be able to see what's inside.

It's even more creative than you think. Once you've smoked the head, it drops of like the head of a dead flower, then the next time you puff on it the leaves will catch light and will burn away, leaving you with an ordinary joint.
damn thats cool

is there a place to learn how to do that online? lol..

I thought it was just a neat way to give/carry bud around.
IMO, its not too special. Another 'drug'.
It does a billion things to different people .. or people explain the same thing a billion different ways.
It can be used positively and negatively, depending on your beliefs.
It is medicine, it recreational, it is dangerous ... again beliefs and perception.
Many religions use it, for example, various Christian denominations, Rastafari and local beliefs.

It does bother me when people drink their 2nd cup of coffee of the day, buy a carton of alcohol, take a variety of medications .... then say 'Drugs are bad hmkaay'
My boyfriend and I don't believe in drugs (unless they help save lives). I have never tried weed personally, i don't ever want too either. It's a personal choice :)

However, I am a bit more tollerent then my boyfriend. He can't trust anybody that uses drugs. I don't mind people that use drugs just as long as their life choices don't affect my life directly. My younger cousin uses a lot of drugs but im ok with her doing so, because she is messing up her own life, not mine.
I'm generally not a fan of it at all. Never tried it, I'll add. Don't plan to either :p

I don't mind people smoking it if they keep it to themselves, but it starts to irritate me when people start boasting about it, or trying to force it onto others.

The people I have seen that smoke it regularly seem to go off the rails. I know 3 people who smoked it back in secondary school...and all three are now unemployed, have no meaningful relationships and apparently just drift from party to party.

I know people can turn into alcoholics too, but rarely have I seen an alcoholic recommend his predicament to other people. By contrast, people who devolve into hardcore potheads seem to delight in trying to get other people to join in - from what I've seen anyway.

Also, being someone who studies chemicals and to some extent their effect on the body, I'd rather not mess with my inner chemistry, regardless of the "positives".

When healthy people who smoke marijuana refer to it as a "medicine", they do so erroneously, which is another thing that irritates me. Justifying a drug habit by saying it's "good for you" is ridiculous.

Plus, it has all the unpleasant effects of normal cigarettes - increased risk of cancer, lung problems, decreased breath capacity.

Then again, I'm pretty much the most boringly conservative, risk-avoidant, loserish 20 year old you'll ever meet I guess :)
For the first time in my life, I agree with Pat Robertson!

[Pat Robertson: Marijuana Should Be Legalized - Regulated Like Alcohol - War on Drugs Has Failed]

By Associated Press, Published: March 8 [2012]

RICHMOND, Va. — Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson says marijuana should be legalized and treated like alcohol because the government’s war on drugs has failed.

The outspoken evangelical Christian and host of “The 700 Club” on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network he founded said the war on drugs is costing taxpayers billions of dollars. He said people should not be sent to prison for marijuana possession.

The 81-year-old first became a self-proclaimed “hero of the hippie culture” in 2010 when he called for ending mandatory prison sentences for marijuana possession convictions.

“I just think it’s shocking how many of these young people wind up in prison and they get turned into hardcore criminals because they had a possession of a very small amount of a controlled substance,” Robertson said on his show March 1. “The whole thing is crazy. We’ve said, ‘Well, we’re conservatives, we’re tough on crime.’ That’s baloney.”

Robertson’s support for legalizing pot appeared in a New York Times (http://nyti.ms/zMys8R) story published Thursday. His spokesman confirmed to The Associated Press that Robertson supports legalization with regulation. Robertson was not made available for an interview.

“I really believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol,” Robertson was quoted by the newspaper as saying. “If people can go into a liquor store and buy a bottle of alcohol and drink it at home legally, then why do we say that the use of this other substance is somehow criminal?”

Robertson said he “absolutely” supports ballot measures in Colorado and Washington state that would allow people older than 21 to possess a small amount of marijuana and allow for commercial pot sales. Both measures, if passed by voters, would place the states at odds with federal law, which bans marijuana use of all kinds.

While he supports the measures, Robertson said he would not campaign for them and was “not encouraging people to use narcotics in any way, shape or form.”

“I’m not a crusader,” he said. “I’ve never used marijuana and I don’t intend to, but it’s just one of those things that I think: this war on drugs just hasn’t succeeded.”

In a statement Thursday, Ethan Nadelmann, executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, said Robertson’s “clearly stated and well-reasoned comments throw a curve ball into the growing debate over legalizing marijuana.”

“Defenders of marijuana prohibition ... must be wondering if it’s only a matter of time before theirs proves to be a lost cause,” he said.

Christian advocacy group Focus on the Family opposes legalization for medical or recreational use, Carrie Gordon Earll, the organization’s senior director of government and public policy, said in a statement. The group would not comment specifically on Robertson’s statements.

Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized the medical use of marijuana. Fourteen states also have some kind of marijuana decriminalization law, which removes or lowers penalties for possession. Legalization, however, would eliminate penalties and pave the way for regulated sales similar to alcohol.

Robertson’s comments will likely help drive cultural conversations on the issue, said Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

“Whenever somebody of substance and notoriety in this country ... comes out in favor of changing the status quo regarding marijuana, for us and for the reform community, as the kids say, ‘It is all good,” St. Pierre said.
how can you be or not be a fan of something if you never tried? just wondering the logic...

you can, not be fans of potheads because you dont like how they behave, or believe they are not successful.

but I personally know some people who are very successful and balanced in business/life who smoke up. While others I've met seem a bit dependent and unmotivated. I dont believe weed can be attributed to the cause of how people are.

Drug and medicine are one and the same.
anything you take that alters your bodily state is a drug/medicine. allergy pills can help you keep a functioning nose or you can get the prescription kind and really get wasted. take a redbull with alcohol for another kind of energy. chocolate can lift your mood... but it does have toxins. eat enough and you can get really sick. eat even more and you can die... in theory...

the usefulness of a drug is determined by the intended purpose.
much like a knife is both a tool and a weapon.

I sometimes advocate weed... Admittedly... but only in belief that its more harmless than man made drugs.. with a much larger margin for error. 0 cases of death have been caused by an overdose of weed.
MadMonkè said:
how can you be or not be a fan of something if you never tried? just wondering the logic...

you can, not be fans of potheads because you dont like how they behave, or believe they are not successful.

but I personally know some people who are very successful and balanced in business/life who smoke up. While others I've met seem a bit dependent and unmotivated. I dont believe weed can be attributed to the cause of how people are.

I don't like what weed smoking and recreational drug use represents I guess. I find it irresponsible, reckless (particularly with harder drugs) and I don't like the blase attitude of "it's fine to do it because it's always been fine for me" that is often advocated with people who have no scientific evidence to back their claims up. That's what I mean by "not a fan." :p

And I'm not attacking anyone on these boards by saying that, just pointing out things people have said to me in the past on the matter. You've phrased your opinions in a well-thought out and critical manner :)

I've spent 2 years so far studying chemicals at an advanced level and it's given me not only a beginning of an understanding of them, but a respect for their numerous uses and their dangers.

You're correct with your second point: I'm not a fan of "potheads". To me, anybody who spends a lot of their time lounging around stoned is not making the most of their life.

It's their personal choice of course, but I just don't see how that can be a positive influence on someone's wellbeing or life aspirations. It just seems like a total waste, espeically when some become dependant and end up dropping out of education and becoming full-time druggies. Like those old friends of mine I mentioned.

but I personally know some people who are very successful and balanced in business/life who smoke up. While others I've met seem a bit dependent and unmotivated. I dont believe weed can be attributed to the cause of how people are.

The personality of the user may obviously have an impact on what sort of role the drug plays in their life, true. However, if those "dependant and unmotivated" people had never lit up in the first place, don't you think perhaps they would have more incentive to get out there and do something productive?

Drug and medicine are one and the same.
anything you take that alters your bodily state is a drug/medicine. allergy pills can help you keep a functioning nose or you can get the prescription kind and really get wasted. take a redbull with alcohol for another kind of energy. chocolate can lift your mood... but it does have toxins. eat enough and you can get really sick. eat even more and you can die... in theory...

the usefulness of a drug is determined by the intended purpose.
much like a knife is both a tool and a weapon.

Exactly. This is why I don't see any problem with someone with severe multiple sclerosis using it medicinally, but I don't particularly agree with people getting wasted on it for "lolz".

To me, a drug is a powerful biological agent that can be deployed to rectify problems within the body. It's a tool to be used to restore health - and the design of a drug without side-effects (some serious) is almost impossible.

So people who misuse those tools just to feel spaced out do strike me as quite irresponsible with their health, as they often don't fully understand the magnitude of what they're dealing with.

I sometimes advocate weed... Admittedly... but only in belief that its more harmless than man made drugs.. with a much larger margin for error. 0 cases of death have been caused by an overdose of weed.

0 cases of death is fair enough. But how many cases of irreversible schizophrenia might have been triggered in genetically pre-disposed people smoking weed over a long period? Or over a short period, in large concentrations?

The answer is that people who study that area for decades don't actually know! If something can potentially screw with your DNA, or trigger damaging genes, that's an effect that is extremely difficult to isolate or understand. There just appears to be a surface correlation, which to me suggests that people should not advocate the drug to others just because it is "fine for them".

Another point I'd like to raise: I've repeatedly see people mention that cannabis is "natural", and this means it is less dangerous than other drugs.

This point is illogical, because you could create the active compounds in cannabis (or any other drug) in a laboratory and it'd work just like the "real" thing. So it's really no different from any other synthetic drug, even if it's from a natural source!

Think of poisonous plants out there - to suggest they're safe or good to misuse simply because they're natural would be foolhardy.

So, to sum up, I just think it's wrong to advocate or revel in what is essentially the misuse of a chemical to produce a physical sensation.

Anyway, I hope I didn't sound too high-and-mighty there. It's of course down to personal choice in the end...it just isn't mine :p

(I should add, before the alcohol/weed comparison comes up, that I also don't believe in the abuse of alcohol... ;) )
Used to do it occasionally, let's say once or twice biweekly. Haven't done so in about half a year now I think. Can't remember the last time anymore anyway.

Weed is more controversial than it should be. TSM's post is well argumentated, from where he stands anyway. But our society DOES advocate the use of alcohol, or at least not prohibit it while treating weed as the beginning of the end. So the comparison has to be made.
Because it is hypocrisy. Either you allow them both (and by extension allow a lot more), or you don't allow either. Same goes for cigarettes, had we discovered cigarettes this very day and found out it severely increases the odds of developing certain types of cancer a few months later; cigarettes would be banned as fast as they were invented. But since we've been smoking and drinking for ages it's by definition the norm.

Smoking weed never affected my life in a positive or negative way. It was relaxing and helped me loosen up a bit, it was enjoyable. Is it harmful? Perhaps. But as long as you keep usage under control I reckon the odds are small it will have an actual impact on your health. That goes for pretty much any drug by the way. We should give our body's resilience more credit, there's only a few popular substances that I wouldn't come near with a 6 foot pole. For me the only real issues with drugs are irresponsible use and addiction.

You can waste your time researching the subtle detrimental effects of prolonged weed use. But the reality is that your average Joe is already exposed to a long lineup of possible dangerous chemicals and still manages to hit a life expectancy of about 70 years. There are much bigger demons in life who deserve more attention than weed currently is being given. So let the people decide for themselves whether they want to use, at least with weed they have the choice of exposing themselves or not.
wow good points all around.
im glad everyone has contributed what they did..

talking about weed...

I notice that sativa is a much more cerebral high. while indicas are more body stone... I dont like those as much...
but all everyone talks about is hydro and chronic... which are just ways to grow as apposed to strains that have different properties..

I dont have stores to buy weed from here in canada.... yet.. but champaigne and bubble gum are both sativa dominate strains which I preferred.. very functional, very therapeutic buzz... nothing too heavy but thats what I like when Im down and feeling lazy... it actually helps me get up and start working on things that are important.

anyone else have positive experiences with different strains?

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