Weird/Unexplainable experience

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2016
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The Netherlands
Hello ALL!

Ok, so i've seen several posts about people having seen or experienced something unexplainable, be it spiritual or supernatural or anything else, I'm nota religious or supersticious person and don't believe in a life after the one i'm living now, but I too have had one of those experiences about 16 or 17 years ago, i'm going to share that with you now and maybe someone else will have the courage to do the same.

I was 15 ar 16 years old at the time, I was alone in the livingroom whilst my mother and sisters were upstairs in their beds it was around 3 / 3.30 AM, I always used to stay up late at that time watching discovery channel all night and going to sleep in the early morning when the channel would switch to cartoons.

I tell you  all of this so you'll know that I wasn't a stranger to staying up late and alone, I had done that for years and would go back to doing it in the future, given a few weeks straight my "experience" to recover.

Like I said, it was late, it was dark and I was alone.... whilst I was sitting on the couch in the middle of the night as I had done before so many times I noticed one of our cats was acting unrestful and kept walking around the kitchen meowing, she usually was firmly attached to my lap all of the night so that was kinda weird but nothing too special, so I didn't think much about it, I just went to the kitchen, picked her up and went back to the couch, kept here there for a few minutes till she settled.

She stayed with me for about 5 minutes and then went to the kitchen again and meowed with unregular interval, I still thought nothing about it, and let her be.

At a point I noticed she was walking around looking up at the ceiling and meowing more, then I got it,there must be a fly or bug she's tracking...I looked but saw nothing, so I sat down again and watched more tv.

At a point not long after she suddenly cam into the livingroom and was still looking up at the ceiling, she sat on the other couch and stayed there, looking up, I still didn't see anything but was interrested by now so kept watching her, she was moving her head bit by bit still following something across the ceiling it seems and ignoring everything else, and then it happened.

Sitting no more then six feet away from me her gaze went from the ceiling straight to me in one smooth motion, at the same time that happened I felt shivers going through my whole body, goosbumps and all like someone had just scratched their nails across a schoolboard but much much more intense, I don't know what it was but I literally felt asif something moved into or through me.

At that point I just shot up and went straight to bed, I wouldn't stay downstairs on my own for atleast a 2 weeks, after that I gradually started staying up late on my own again.

To this day I still can't explain it in any way, I wasn't sleepy, wasn't watching anything scary and wasn't anxious in any way before it happened, it also never happened again.
I used to see a black silhouette with bright red eyes looking at me in bed when I was a kid, it was always at the door as if it couldn't or wouldn't go in the room... after a while it became normal, and when I moved I stopped seeing it.
Hi Mister Lonely,
That's definitely an interesting story and I probably would have thought twice too about staying up late alone! Although I'm the same as you - I don't believe in the supernatural or in life after death. I celebrate Day of the Dead, though, which was just a few days ago.

I used to volunteer at a historic Gold-Rush era cemetery in my city. It's actually a very beautiful Victorian-style cemetery with narrow streets running through it, rare roses and lots of flora and fauna. Many of the people buried there in the 19th century died untimely deaths. I became convinced that there was something behind one of the large mausoleums in the area where I worked. I would see something that I thought was a person out of the corner of my eye but when I looked - nothing. It happened a few times.
One day I was walking up a street in the cemetery and saw a mist hanging in the air about 20 feet up. I kept looking at it to see what it was. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. No one was smoking nearby, it was sunny and not foggy that this day I have no clue what it was.
My cousins bought my Grand parents farm
They did a lot of updating to the house
I often stayed there if they went away on vacation

One time mid week I came in and a lamp was on that I had definitely not used the days previous 😨
Another time I found the entire acoustic tile ceiling in the basement had fallen to the floor
Thanks for sharing everyone, lets hope were not alone in our weird and unexplainable experiences :)

I've often thought back about what it could have been but never seem to be able to come up with anything that would make sense, I know a few things about these things thanks to life long interrest into the unexplainable, and in particulair the explaining of the unexplainable.

Like seeing things out of the corner of your eyes, as a child I also experienced this, when you'd look at whatever it is nothing would be there.
This can be explained in several ways, like did you know that radio waves and stong electro magnetism can cause ocular effects (powerlines,substations,transformers included!), if you take the time you'll probably be able to find some studies proving that. Also the anatomy of our eyes leaves us vulnarable to misinterpretation from our brains, humans have two types of photoreceptive cells on their retina's, one (called cones) is primarily situated in our field off focus, they are what enable us to see colour too, our periferal field of view is made up primarily by another cell called bars, these cells don't see colour at all, but are more light sensitive than the cones, so when we see a shape in the corner of our eyes we see it with our "night vision" cells, then we turn to look at it and we look with our "photo quality" eyes and don't see anything at all, knowing this as a kid would have been invaluable :)

Another one has lots of names across the globe, the most famous one is the Japanese one, translated to english ofcourse, it's called "Old hagg" and is the experience of being bound to ones bed unable to move, often people suffering from this also see or experience a creature holding them down, scary **** right!

It's actually another awesome state produced intirely by our brain called sleep paralysis that aplies to (just about) everyone, as we all know dreams are lifelike, even if what happens in our dreams is completely impossible the state we are in will not see that (lucid dreaming is an exception!), and our bodies want to react to what happens! now that would be very unfortunate! If you were at risk of hurting yourself everytime you went to sleep and tried to fly or jump off a tall building. So to protect our bodies from getting hurt the brain stops commands to move from going through and presto, were ok! Some people however have a short circuit and wake up whilst they are still dreaming.. and still paralized by their brains...

Keep the stories coming, I truly love this **** ;) !
^ That is quite interesting.

I had an experience a few years I put down to a Burglar Alarm that was fitted in the house I lived in at the time.

I quite often would wake in the night feeling like someone had been stood at the end or my bed, but no one was there. I had never experienced it before anywhere else I had lived. The alarm was quite dated and had a very annoying loud buzzing and we were decorating the hall where the panel was located. So it was ripped out. After that I never had the experiences ever again. I am confident it was related.
MisterLonely said:
Another one has lots of names across the globe, the most famous one is the Japanese one, translated to english ofcourse, it's called "Old hagg" and is the experience of being bound to ones bed unable to move, often people suffering from this also see or experience a creature holding them down, scary **** right!

It's actually another awesome state produced intirely by our brain called sleep paralysis that aplies to (just about) everyone, as we all know dreams are lifelike, even if what happens in our dreams is completely impossible the state we are in will not see that (lucid dreaming is an exception!), and our bodies want to react to what happens! now that would be very unfortunate! If you were at risk of hurting yourself everytime you went to sleep and tried to fly or jump off a tall building. So to protect our bodies from getting hurt the brain stops commands to move from going through and presto, were ok! Some people however have a short circuit and wake up whilst they are still dreaming.. and still paralized by their brains...

Keep the stories coming, I truly love this **** ;) !

I've read a bunch about sleep paralysis and it's pretty brutal. People get so scared because they feel awake and can't move, also they sometimes see things as if their brains were in this crazy dreaming but awake state. I'm glad that never happened to me!
This is a little different but I recall one time a few years ago when I was looking at a Hindu deity on wikipedia (a fairly obscure one, not a common one like Shiva or Vishnu) and just as I went to make it my display picture on Facebook, someone from India messaged me with the link that exact wikipedia article for that deity.

I would have chalked it up to a strange coincidence but when I told him about it, he told me that stuff this sort of thing had been happening to him all the time since he did tantric yoga a few years ago.

On a different note, I don't think I've ever seen one of these but I find this archive really fascinating:

By the way, there have been group sightings of Shadow People during the day so I don't think that sleep paralysis explanation is all that satisfactory here.
I have two, although they aren't that creepy, but weird nonetheless.  Both happened in the past three/four years.

The really odd one, was in my living room.  My mom and I were watching tv, but I was also reading a book.  Minding our own business, there was this bright flash of light near the ceiling.  At first, I chalked it up to the big screen tv, then I looked up from the book and my mother was looking at me with a weird expression.  "What was that?" she said.  Then I realized it happened above us.  There is no ceiling light in that room...a couple of lamps but this was midday and they are off to the corners of the room.  Still cannot figure out what caused that flash of light.

The other time, I was at my sister's house.  They live in a condo and when you walk in the floor is elevated from the living room.  You have to walk down three large steps to get to the living room.  Her cat, Macey, was in the kitchen.  My sister and I were talking while getting some peach cobbler.  Suddenly, Macey rears up on her back legs and was staring upward, at the front door.  Never seen her eyes so damn wide like they were.  She kept staring at the door and making a very low whine.  We looked at the door but couldn't see anything, of course.  

After several seconds of standing on her back legs, she slowly got on on fours and crept toward the door, but seemed so timid while doing so.  She only walked to the first step and then walked back to her cat bed.My sister and I couldn't believe what she just did.  I was completely odd.  I have to believe she sensed something or maybe seen something.  

I"ve heard how animals can supposedly see things like orbs or apparitions that us humans can't see.  Whether that is a load of bunk I'm sure we'll never know.  All I can say is I've never seen any pet with a look of fear/bewilderment, like Macey's, when there was nothing else in their path of sight.
beautiful loser said:
I"ve heard how animals can supposedly see things like orbs or apparitions that us humans can't see.  Whether that is a load of bunk I'm sure we'll never know.  All I can say is I've never seen any pet with a look of fear/bewilderment, like Macey's, when there was nothing else in their path of sight.

I believe in those kinds of things, and read that cats are even more spiritual than other pets in that just their presence cleans a lot of the "bad vibes", also they sense things a lot (kinda like in Ghost hahaha). I've seen my cats act strangely like that a bunch of times, once my little cat that is not vocal at all started meowing nonstop looking towards the front door of my house, I was in the couch and couldn't see anything, even tried calling him but he wouldn't stop. I got kinda freaked out so I got up and went to the door, opened it and nothing was there, then I went back to the couch and he sat with me but kept a look at the door for quite some time.
Thanks everyone for the stories!

I thought i'd share 1 other storie that was unexplainable to me at the time but is now realy quit easily explained.

When I was very young maybe 5 or 6 years old I had a dream in wich I was attacked by ants and I couldn't outrun them or shake them off, I remember them stinging me in the arm before I woke up, when I did awaken my arm was stinging all over...

At the time I was sure it was because of the dream, looking back I probably just rolled onto my arm at night and cut of the circulation :)

I've also had a few runnins with the "old hag" I spoke of before, only for me it wasn't a hag, one time it was a giant butterfly on the ceiling, I was paralysed but don't know if it was from fear or realy unable to move and the other it was a just a voice, the second one I don't think it was sleep paralysis exactly but more a mishap that caused me to go into a dream state before catching sleep, but was very disturbing :)

Anyone else experienced something like this in their life?
MisterLonely said:
Thanks everyone for the stories!

I thought i'd share 1 other storie that was unexplainable to me at the time but is now realy quit easily explained.

When I was very young maybe 5 or 6 years old I had a dream in wich I was attacked by ants and I couldn't outrun them or shake them off, I remember them stinging me in the arm before I woke up, when I did awaken my arm was stinging all over...

At the time I was sure it was because of the dream, looking back I probably just rolled onto my arm at night and cut of the circulation :)

I've also had a few runnins with the "old hag" I spoke of before, only for me it wasn't a hag, one time it was a giant butterfly on the ceiling, I was paralysed but don't know if it was from fear or realy unable to move and the other it was a just a voice, the second one I don't think it was sleep paralysis exactly but more a mishap that caused me to go into a dream state before catching sleep, but was very disturbing :)

Anyone else experienced something like this in their life?

"old hag"? Do you mean sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations?
Wayfarer said:
MisterLonely said:
Thanks everyone for the stories!

I thought i'd share 1 other storie that was unexplainable to me at the time but is now realy quit easily explained.

When I was very young maybe 5 or 6 years old I had a dream in wich I was attacked by ants and I couldn't outrun them or shake them off, I remember them stinging me in the arm before I woke up, when I did awaken my arm was stinging all over...

At the time I was sure it was because of the dream, looking back I probably just rolled onto my arm at night and cut of the circulation :)

I've also had a few runnins with the "old hag" I spoke of before, only for me it wasn't a hag, one time it was a giant butterfly on the ceiling, I was paralysed but don't know if it was from fear or realy unable to move and the other it was a just a voice, the second one I don't think it was sleep paralysis exactly but more a mishap that caused me to go into a dream state before catching sleep, but was very disturbing :)

Anyone else experienced something like this in their life?

"old hag"? Do you mean sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations?

Yes I did, :)

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