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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Planning what I will do in the next months: get a house, get a driving license, secure that source of income via remote work, regain my health, and then travel the world until I find my tribe or my soul mate.

A romantic till the very end.
Sitting here, thinking of how I can do my hair properly, and which products I should get for my type.
I'm sitting outside a small coffee shop drinking tea and relaxing in the sun.

I'm sitting outside a small coffee shop drinking tea and relaxing in the sun.
i am wondering why the ******* planet assumes everyone knows how to operate a cell phone.
Trying to get through to my cable company to see if I can get a better deal. For a communications company they sure are bad at communicating. 50 option presses later and I'm told 'This line is no longer in use'

Lets try the new customer number... oh surprise, connected in a few seconds!!!
all but one of my posts are from the last three months. This expierence has been awefull for me and i think i need to learn more about the latest technology or what is going on on tv or movies that are not from the 80s. I need to get myself in therapy so i do not vomit with nerves before i have to go outside and get food. I am very afraid of people. i can say hi as i ride by on my bike. The private message system seems okay though.
Staring longingly into the kitchen where my fish is cooking. I think I'll pair it with some leftover baked potatoes and broccoli.
I tried to join a website and they banned me for multiple accounts. I explained to a moderator that it was an accident. He said make a new account with another email. I did and now im permanetly banned. But there was a short time in which i was not banned and in that time i did an introduction and came out and everything and then i went to checck it and i was banned untill the end of this month. I looked at the website today and found i was permanetely banned.
Back to work. So much for 2 days off.

Peaches said:
TheRealCallie said:
Cursing my parents for getting my grandmother a computer. lol

lol, sounds like fun

It was loads of fun. Try talking your grandmother through, what she believes is an internet emergency over the phone...and THEN talking her through how to turn the screen right side up after the emergency is over. *shakes head*
I'm listening to "Fair Thee Well" from the Inside Llewin Davis soundtrack. I've been listening to it over and over again for about 2 hours now. I just don't ever want to stop feeling the way I feel when listening to it.
at 18:00, try to do the 6/8 hours work I didn't do today or go to a salsa workshop? I do have a pretty new top that I should share with the world