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jaguarundi said:
😹🔼just pulling your leg baby boy!

I don't believe what the girl did had anything to do with you. It had EVERYTHING to do with HER. She likes the dangerous guys, the excitement of it I reckon. You may love her but she ain't a good bet for a relationship.

You may not see this now but I hope you will, sooner rather than later.😸

I mean, when I think about it logically, without feelings getting in the way, then I already do see that she's not a good bet for a relationship. She's told me about some of the stupid things she's done, and she's told me about how she gets in weird moods (I don't think she is really insane, I just think she chooses to push her luck and one day it's going to blow up in her face).

I also sometimes get this close (holds fingers up a tiny space) to exploding at her and telling her you know what, if you think this scumbag is so cool then **** you, a slob is all you deserve. I'm really insulted by her choice, in fact I'd go as far as to say that this is the biggest insult I've ever received. That's what my instinct says to do, but I don't because that would push her away and that's not what I really want. There's still so much we could talk about and do. I still think of all the times she said I made her so happy. I know that she doesn't deserve me, but I still love her. But the thing is, even if she broke up with him, even if she went back to always talking to me, I just don't know if I could ever believe anything sweet she says to me again.

I'm not arguing or fighting with you, Jag. You're completely right, I just dont' want to see it yet. I'm just so tired of not getting what I want in this area of life. It makes me feel so angry, sad, and powerless. I don't want just anyone that will have me, I want to be able to be with someone that I really want to be with. I am always wondering, what do I have to do to become a person who gets their way? Or am I doomed to live like this forever, where my wants are irrelevant and life just kicks me from one defeat to the next? I feel like it will never change sometimes.
Also, feeling tired. Not just tired of my situation, but physically tired all the time. I exercise 6 days per week and usually drink 2 to 3 big cups of coffee and 1 to 2 big cups of tea per day. But no matter what, I'm always tired. My energy level is always low and I feel very sleepy throughout the day. Sometimes I feel like I could go a whole day without getting out of bed. Anyone else feel this way?
TheSkaFish said:
Also, feeling tired. Not just tired of my situation, but physically tired all the time. I exercise 6 days per week and usually drink 2 to 3 big cups of coffee and 1 to 2 big cups of tea per day. But no matter what, I'm always tired. My energy level is always low and I feel very sleepy throughout the day. Sometimes I feel like I could go a whole day without getting out of bed. Anyone else feel this way?

I feel that way all the time whenever I have time off of work. I've noticed that if I take some coconut oil. Either eat it, cook with it, or put into coffee, I have a ton of energy for the next 6-7 hours.

It's probably worth it to get a blood test just in case something is up with your hormones or something.
kamya said:
I feel that way all the time whenever I have time off of work. I've noticed that if I take some coconut oil. Either eat it, cook with it, or put into coffee, I have a ton of energy for the next 6-7 hours.

It's probably worth it to get a blood test just in case something is up with your hormones or something.

Coconut oil, I'll have to try it. How much do you take, yourself?

I hope it's just psychological and nothing physical.
One or two spoonfuls. Probably just go with one for the first few times. You will want to melt it if you are taking it alone. If you put it into coffee or cook with it then it'll turn into liquid on it's own.
TheRealCallie said:
TheSkaFish said:
Who needs character and integrity when you have tattoos, dope, and a record right?

I'm sorry, but could you PLEASE stop classifying people with tattoos as criminals? It's offensive and incorrect.

Okay, I see what you're saying. And I'll even admit some of my biggest rock 'n roll heroes do in fact have several tattoos. But I'm hurt and I'm angry at how the "badass" gets off scot-free for anything that would normally be a dealbreaker. But if a clean-cut guy like me has trouble with something, doesn't have all the answers, or stumbles in any way, he is seen as not a man at all. I'm frustrated thinking that I'm just going to keep being defeated by guys like this. This has happened 2 times in a row now, as you can see I'm getting really tired of it.

We've gotten off on the wrong foot it seems - that's never my intention really. But situations like this just make me irritable.
I need my hair cut, I look like someone out the Beatles.
TheSkaFish said:
TheRealCallie said:
TheSkaFish said:
Who needs character and integrity when you have tattoos, dope, and a record right?

I'm sorry, but could you PLEASE stop classifying people with tattoos as criminals? It's offensive and incorrect.

Okay, I see what you're saying. And I'll even admit some of my biggest rock 'n roll heroes do in fact have several tattoos. But I'm hurt and I'm angry at how the "badass" gets off scot-free for anything that would normally be a dealbreaker. But if a clean-cut guy like me has trouble with something, doesn't have all the answers, or stumbles in any way, he is seen as not a man at all. I'm frustrated thinking that I'm just going to keep being defeated by guys like this. This has happened 2 times in a row now, as you can see I'm getting really tired of it.

We've gotten off on the wrong foot it seems - that's never my intention really. But situations like this just make me irritable.

You can be hurt and angry, but don't lump innocent things in with who you deem as a bad person. Fault the PERSON if you must, but leave the ink out of it. Ink doesn't have anything to do with what type of person you are.

Trust me, I understand how it feels when the bad person gets more relationships. I'm living that myself with my ex. But ya know what? Like someone (Kamya maybe? don't remember) else said, they don't care. If you concentrate so much on proving YOU are better than them, you are only succeeding in letting THEM win. This happens because they don't care enough about you to give you any thought, yet a lot of your waking moments (perhaps even some asleep moments?) are focused on him and her and not yourself, so you will essentially fail. They are living their own life, but you are kind of living their life too because you've let yourself become so obsessed with the situation. Stop caring about them, it's the only way you can ever really move on from it and make yourself better.
TheSkaFish said:
I'm not arguing or fighting with you, Jag. You're completely right, I just dont' want to see it yet.

Ok sweetie, I won't nag you anymore!:) You aren't ready to cut her loose just yet, I think the girl was your first real love and it went deep for you.

But the jaguarundi cannot resist one last comment, before I leave it alone. You might want to read a couple or three times and store in the old grey cells for future reference.

You go on about the guy she went off with - an addict. Not like you.

But see, the addict we are seeing here - is you. All of this is your heroin. Best to kick the habit.
TheSkaFish said:
Also, feeling tired. Not just tired of my situation, but physically tired all the time. I exercise 6 days per week and usually drink 2 to 3 big cups of coffee and 1 to 2 big cups of tea per day. But no matter what, I'm always tired. My energy level is always low and I feel very sleepy throughout the day. Sometimes I feel like I could go a whole day without getting out of bed. Anyone else feel this way?

Re the girl who's been pissing you off: Jaguarundi has given you good advice, now I'll boil it down for you. Those who repeatedly bring chaos & drama into your life are not worth your time. If this girl is that much of a dingbat & likes the wild boys, then you don't need her. Drop her like a mutated crab & look for someone better. It's a matter of odds, man. You have to go through a few lunatics, manipulators, & other undesirables before you find that Special Someone who you can love & who loves you. It takes time, persistence, & an ability to step back & look at the big picture every so often. I don't have that kinda patience but if you do, then I salute you.

Re your lack of energy: You might be overtraining. Six days a week sounds like too much. Don't bother with supplements (the FDA doesn't do squat to regulate the industry, so you can never be sure of what you're buying anyway); I presume you're a lifter, so scale it back to three or four times a week. If you don't rest sufficiently then your body will never get a chance to recover from workouts & build itself back up.
Yea, i guess i just have to take it day by day. The suns out, I guess I'll go bike ride or something.

MTrip said:
Re the girl who's been pissing you off: Jaguarundi has given you good advice, now I'll boil it down for you. Those who repeatedly bring chaos & drama into your life are not worth your time. If this girl is that much of a dingbat & likes the wild boys, then you don't need her. Drop her like a mutated crab & look for someone better.

Re your lack of energy: You might be overtraining. Six days a week sounds like too much. Don't bother with supplements (the FDA doesn't do squat to regulate the industry, so you can never be sure of what you're buying anyway); I presume you're a lifter, so scale it back to three or four times a week. If you don't rest sufficiently then your body will never get a chance to recover from workouts & build itself back up.

Mmm, no, I'm not a lifter. I run or bike, and I do various ab exercises and pushups with my goal of reaching 100 in a row and situps with a goal of reaching 200 in a row. I do pushups Mon, Wed, and Fri and situps Tues, Thurs, and Sat with Sunday as a total rest day. I don't have the money for a gym membership or equipment now, and think it would be a good idea to build up some initial strength before getting into that anyway.

I'm very reluctant to take any supplements or anything other than trying to eat a good diet. I just don't want to ingest pills and powders and stuff.

As far as the girl, I know she doesn't deserve me if she's going to be this way but I really don't think I'm going to meet someone better. She had everything I want in looks and personality and thoughts. I have met a very very few girls that could equal her but for the most part, it's all compromises from here. My friends don't know anyone and I've looked on the dating sites, everyone around here is just so plain by comparison. It's not even close. So I guess I'm done unless she changes her mind some day.
TheSkaFish said:
As far as the girl, I know she doesn't deserve me if she's going to be this way but I really don't think I'm going to meet someone better. She had everything I want in looks and personality and thoughts. I have met a very very few girls that could equal her but for the most part, it's all compromises from here. My friends don't know anyone and I've looked on the dating sites, everyone around here is just so plain by comparison. It's not even close. So I guess I'm done unless she changes her mind some day.

Are you aware that you are contradicting yourself in this paragraph? Regardless of what I've said in the past to you about this subject, plain and simple, if you doesn't want you, then she doesn't deserve you. I feel that is true for everyone, feelings about the specific person aside. So, if you KNOW she doesn't deserve you, then how can you say that you aren't going to meet anyone better? I'm sorry, but clearly she is NOT what you want in the thoughts department if she chose someone like you are describing.
If I remember your location correctly, there are almost 3 million people living in your city, 51.5% of which are women. That's 1.5 million women. Now, I know some of them are going to be taken and some are going to not be the age range you want, but that's a whole shitload of women to only be able to find ONE woman you feel is exactly what you want.
Get out there in your big ass city and find someone better. End of story :p
There's a lot of women around, sure. But as far as looks goes, there's no one that stands out. And as far as interests, it's mostly just club scene people or sports fans. And as you drift further away from the city, you find more country-ish types, that like trucks and guns and stuff like that. I'm not really into any of those things. I'm sure I could find someone that I could be comfortable enough with but no one that I'd actually feel excited and lucky to be with.
jaguarundi said:
Ok sweetie, I won't nag you anymore!:) You aren't ready to cut her loose just yet, I think the girl was your first real love and it went deep for you.

But the jaguarundi cannot resist one last comment, before I leave it alone. You might want to read a couple or three times and store in the old grey cells for future reference.

You go on about the guy she went off with - an addict. Not like you.

But see, the addict we are seeing here - is you. All of this is your heroin. Best to kick the habit.

Wow.. well said.
Nicolelt said:
Is this all my life is gonna be?

At least you have brownies. :D

Aside from that, your life will be what you want it to be. You just have to figure out what you want and go get it.
^ Ouch!

I really hope my friend doesn't spiral into a depression because of this and push me away :-(.

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