TheSkaFish said:
jjessea said:
TheSkaFish said:
Feeling tired of all of it. Tired of looking for work, money, answers, girls, all of it. Sometimes I just want to say **** everything. Sometimes I just want to quit everything and start over. I wish life came with a reset button. I really do.
Now I feel like **** for my reply to your other post.
Well, you apologized/excused the "bad boys" and basically told me to just accept my position as someone who can't succeed. That I don't get the good things, I get to just accept. That the story of my life is going to be just taking it. Because who I am is a person who will only get to experience losing, that I can't get anything I want. That the situation with the girl I love is hopeless, because I am hopeless. Because **** me. You basically told me to lay down and die.
Feeling hopeless. Feeling dead and beaten.
InSearchOfPeople said:
Same here...
And you know, it is possible. That reset button is in our own mind, we just need to find a trigger to it.
On this subject, my favorite quote is the name of Chris Gardner's book "START WHERE YOU ARE".
No regrets, no what ifs, not looking for anybody's approval. Just right now, at the moment, with whatever you have, you can have a fresh start, only need to make a decision for a brand new life.
But what does that mean? I want to be someone who is stronger than my problems. I want to be someone who can go toe-to-toe against the competition for the limited amount of anything desirable in this world, and win. The last thing I want to do is to learn resignation and acceptance, that I am just not someone who gets what they want. I hope you don't mean that the reset button is just choosing not to care about anything. Because that's not at all what I want.
What is this reset button?
The reset button is to accept that you can't change the past, but you can get up and change the present.
It is extremely important to PACE YOURSELF.
At the worst times, I think about other people my age or even younger, I scroll down the newsfeed in FB and get depressed, thinking, why after all I suffered and after all the hard work I've done, I still feel like I have to start from zero. At those moments I want everything and now and realizing impossibility of that, I break apart.
So make a plan of what is it that you want. Plan should be reasonable. Do not wish for something you can't have, you'll just depress yourself.
I don't know your whole love story, I just came to this forum few days ago. But if you tried and the girl is not with you, then may be she is not for you. Sometimes God keeps us from what is not good for us or may be it is just not the time yet.
We may want something badly, thinking "this is it", but we may not know or overlook something that would show us and make us understand that there is a reason for everything. And while chasing something or someone that is not for you, you can miss on people and things that were truly meant to be yours.
Find passion, find your button. What is it that you like to do, what are you good at?! Sometimes it is not easy. Only recently I realized, that most people don't have passion in their lives. They work to pay bills, marry, because it's time, have kids by certain age, and etc etc....
I am 28 and I haven't found my passion yet. But after all I keep trying.
It is much easier to do when you have a circle of supporting people around you. But it's not always that good. Thank God for this forum.
So make a reasonable plan for the next 6 months. Do not include in it things and wishes that you have no power over. And concentrate only on what you can do. Be flexible.
If that girl was meant to be for you, she will come along when she sees, you are busy pursuing your happiness, or may be while working toward your personal goals (not dreams) you will meet someone better.