There's one specific mantra I've gotten so sick of lately. Basically the one stating that don't regret your failures because they're all an opportunity to learn something. You know, I believed that **** for years. I guess objectively, it's still a relatively good attitude. But at this point, it seriously makes me sick. I've learned a lot of things, to the point where I cringe at some of the things I used to say and do. But for all that endless ******* learning, I've made zero progress. Seriously, none. If anything, things have gotten worse, and I've had to lower my standards to what I expec from life to a ridiculously low level just to maintain any kind of sanity. And all I wonder now is, at what point, at what bloody point, will I have "learned" enough to be good enough to have some basic happiness and stability in my life? I'm sick of not being good enough just to have a friend, or to be able to enjoy life.