What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

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I'm wondering what's wrong with my brain that I can look directly at a 21-and-up sign outside a bar and think, "Gee, 12? Must be because it's at a bowling alley and they can enter if they're accompanied by an adult."
ladyforsaken said:
Peaches said:
feeling so sad that even without going out much or doing anything there are so many people who hate my guts, hoping to find somewhere else to live soon

Aww.. I don't hate you though. I know you're probably referring to people physically around you.. I don't get why they would or how they could hate someone like you. It just doesn't make sense.

Are you already looking to move elsewhere?

have been looking for jobs in Australia and South America, but that is the moment of crisis talking :D

I very well hope that you don't hate me! What did I do? boooohhhhoooo


not sure about the hate either, but it is definitely there
Skorian said:
Say anything you want to here. Doesn't matter what it's about as long as it’s about you and it’s kept reasonably short.


which tv dinner should I make for dinner.
really exciting.
maybe this joke will perk you up,

my cousin said that he saved someone from getting raped.
I asked him how did you do such a brave thing.

he said "I changed my mind.
I'm remembering when I was still a kid and I would go over to a friends house and her brother would always throw me in the pool...with all my clothes on, even shoes. I miss him....
feeling very angry towards all those bloody heartless hipsters and advertisers I have been hanging out with for the last year, remembering the humanitarian who on chat told me "oh, pneumonia, that is such a drag!" and then disappeared, I can't even hope that she gets something (small) to teach her a lesson because she already had cancer and clearly that didn't teach her anything. Thinking that I don't want to get close with any specimen of that particular branch of losers ever again in my life.
Peaches said:
feeling very angry towards all those bloody heartless hipsters and advertisers I have been hanging out with for the last year, remembering the humanitarian who on chat told me "oh, pneumonia, that is such a drag!" and then disappeared, I can't even hope that she gets something (small) to teach her a lesson because she already had cancer and clearly that didn't teach her anything. Thinking that I don't want to get close with any specimen of that particular branch of losers ever again in my life.

hoping that I can make a life that doesn't suck, and I can become someone I actually like where there is no difference between who I wish I am and who I actually am. hoping i can be more than a common person, because I've experienced common life and it sucked.

hoping my family, both human and canine and who are all pretty old, stays alive.

hoping I can figure out how to make enough money to live well and take control of my life.

hoping my youngest (human) brother does not sink anyone but himself, due to his dumb choices.

hoping I can get some stories and memories out of life, hoping that it's not all downhill from here.

hoping I can learn the things I want to in order to achieve what I want to.

hoping I can become a more creative/artistic/imaginative person. hoping I can stay in touch with my inner child.

hoping the girls I like break up with their bf's, and I hope that they see me as a more awesome option.
Feeling confused about what to do you do when you feel you have to stand up to someone on here? I don't want to get banned but I really don't feel like I'm the bad guy.

Hoping people understand that I'm not a troll.
No one thinks you're a troll, Ska.
I think maybe people responded a bit harshly because it seems you've been afforded some good opportunities in your life (a good education, for example) and then fail to see that how blessed you are in that aspect, as well as coming across as looking down your nose at jobs (minimum wage ones) that some people would be very thankful to have in such a poor economy. It might also seem that may translate into you thinking that the folks who work those types of jobs are "less than" - so to speak. I don't think that's what you meant, but I could easily be interpreted that way. I hope what I said makes sense.
Yea, I mean I do admit that I have been afforded some good opportunities like you said. I've got my bachelor's, am not in debt, have a car (however I haven't been able to drive in a while, no money) and live at home. I'm still definitely not rich though, nor do I come from a rich background either. I probably could have done a better job in college were I not convinced at the time that civilization was going to end (no joke), therefore hard work would not pay off.

It's not that I think that I am "better" than people who work those jobs. I don't think a person is inherently "better" or "worse" for no reason. What I do think is something more like this: when I think of minimum wage jobs, I usually think of high school kids. It's their first job, their first lesson in what it means to work, to have responsibilities, to do basic tasks, to learn the value of money, etc. It's really not all that bad for them at that stage in life because most high school kids live at home rent-free. They have very little expenses, in most cases. So maybe it gives them a little extra money for gas, food, movies, hobbies, whatever the case may be. And most of their peers aren't earning that much more so it's not really something to feel bad about. Now me on the other hand, I don't feel like I am "better" than a high school kid. But I do know I am older. I've lived longer so I'm more mature because I've had more experience being alive. I just feel that I've been there and done that and now it's time for me to do something else. When I was lifting boxes all day at UPS, I just knew that there was something more I could/should be able to do with my life. Also, it's a lot more expensive for a person like me to exist than it is for a high school kid. I'm talking bare necessities here.

Sometimes I get so frustrated because all my life I've been told that I was smart, yet I can't seem to think of any good way to make money. It really bothers me. It's made me into an angry person.
I'm not trying to be mean or bully or anything but your last sentence kind of makes me think you are just looking for an easy way to get through life.

From what I've experienced and seen over and over, the best way to make good money is to work and put as much as you can into that work. It doesn't matter what kind of job it is. You meet people and make connections and build up a decent resume/work history. Random opportunities might come along from past coworkers that remember your work ethic when their new company is hiring. That kind of thing happens all the time once you start getting into more specialized jobs. Also while working your ass off you are constantly looking for better opportunities. You don't just sit around waiting for a good way to make money to pop into your head.

None of my parents have degrees and I remember them all working crap jobs, sometimes two or three crappy jobs at once just to get by. But they never stayed down for long. They slowly advanced their income levels over the years. Now each of them have nice jobs making 10 times what they were making when I was growing up. They will make more money in the next 10 years than I think I will be able to make over my whole life. It actually boggles my mind how much money they are making. They got there but it wasn't easy.

Most of my friends either dropped out of college or are about 4 years late in finishing up their degrees. They needed to support themselves so they got jobs. The friends that do have degrees, if they aren't STEM related, they are worse off than those of us that went straight to the workforce. STEM friends all have nice jobs though. There's a lot more work involved in STEM degrees so again, not easy.

Best example. My best friend went from working drive-thru window at a fast food place to manager after a few months of busting his ass. He ended up getting a decent office job out of the connections and experience/work history and references. He works both jobs now. He's been slowly moving up the ladder at the office job building more connections and proving himself with his work. He's making about 7x what he was making just a couple of years ago. Does he have a degree? No. Is he making more money than an entry level worker with just a degree? Oh hell yes.

My roommate works as a chef. He started out fast food too. Moved on to doing lots of food prep work and got a company to train him to start cooking actual food. He also worked his ass off (noticing a trend?). 50-60 hour weeks. Moved up the ranks. You'd be surprised just how much chefs make with all of those hours plus their high wages. That experience is now transferable to any other restaurant and his skills are proven every day. He will never have to worry about a job or money again.

Maybe you just aren't motivated enough. That's how I was a few years ago until my family moved away for really awesome job opportunities. It makes a lot of difference when you have to actually support yourself. There isn't much motivation to work hard when everything is provided for you. There are thousands of ways to make good money, but its going to take some time before you actually get there. Things suck at first but if you are as smart as you say you are, you won't be making crap money for too long.
Hope things go well later and something good happens.
Looking forward to finishing up this weeks vids in my my Jazz appreciation course and learning more about Miles Davis and John Coltrane..

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