I am thinking about how dumb some kids are when gaming.
I was just on a pc game called rust, first person shooter, but survival game so you have to find weapons, ammo etc (for those interested
So I am on the server I am always on and these kids are on whom I helped a couple of days ago getting started.
One of them asks me via the typing chat - "can we rape you, in the ass"
Obviously they are joking around but it gets me thinking, SERIOUSLY ? I mean I am an advocate of freedom of speech, but rape is a very specific meaning, one of the most hideous acts a person can engage in, is it something that kids should joke about. I mean I would rather a child swear in front of me than talk about raping someone as a joke, a swear is not inherently a bad word since more often than not their definitions are not bad, but to rape, murder, torture, molest etc, all describe hideous acts. And yet kids joke about them
People are weird