Apparently my friend did something awful to somebody.
I only know that if this is true then my "friend" was somebody I never really knew.
I approached him recently, he only said that thing's were not good.
I don't like the idea that you can think you know somebody but never really know a thing about them and spend the whole time thinking that they could never be capable of such horrible things.
I don't like letting people get close or trusting people too much - you can think you know somebody and not really know anything at all...
People say that I don't seem lonely and that I seem to have friends - I have friends, very few. I keep the rest of them at arm's length and I only let them see small snippets of what's really there. I am a different person to (almost) everybody I know. I find it hard to relate to people, and I'm not really sure when I'm really myself.
Unrelated: I will quit smoking cigarettes one day.
Unrelated: Not really hungry but food is on my mind.