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Sci-Fi saying Blessings for your dear friend..

I have been a moderator, then Admin of the site since 2001.. gosh I am so tired, perhaps it is time to retire..
Nothing like good ole sobreity to remind you that you use drugs to hide from yourself.
My self loathing is at such a high I even made a dentist appointment.
This mindset persists and it seems more real than what came beforehand. How to make everyone understand that the old self is dead and should no longer be associated with this entity of myself? If you delude yourself that I will bounce back eventually, clinging to the fleeting nature of past deeds and interactions, you probably will feel the pain soon enough. I will make you...understand. Thoughts and feelings are subject to change. You have been warned once before.
I really should not post in the middle of the night lol...I am still hungry, just too lazy to get out of bed, maybe in a few minutes.
"She thinks you're some sort of unfathomable enigma."

What.. does that mean? I should probably talk to people more often instead of staring down birds who look like they're about to send poop missiles my way. A riddle wrapped in little mystery inside a pizza isn't a bad thing, but it's not because I'm particularly deep, I just don't have the energy to expend talking to people unnecessarily. People are great.. to listen to and learn from. Like that prof. Great guy. Much like. Hopefully I'll meet many more like him over the course of my career.

I've scheduled almost everything, but I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting. It'll come to me. If it doesn't, I will wallop it's bottom when I do finally recall what it is.
Okay, gotta finish up work, clean, and possibly try to make it to town to get more fish....Can I just go back to bed? Someone else do all that stuff for me.
Cataplasme said:
ladyforsaken said:
Cataplasme said:
It sure been a long time... Maybe I should give it another try. Who knows ?
Hello !

Hello again, Cataplasme, welcome back. How's it going?
It's going fine, I got a new job ! I tried to socialize but people speak too close to my face and it makes me uncomfortable.
And for you ?

Congrats on the new job. I just started working again myself. People speak too closely to your face? Man... all I can think about is how their breath might stink..

Glad to see you back, though I hope for good or positive reasons.

Sci-Fi said:
How unfair life is, friend who last week was diagnosed with AML is now in ICU in a medically induced coma. Know her pretty much all my life and is one of the nicest people around, always smiles when she sees you and gives you a hug. This just isn't fair.


I feel for your friend, Sci. My thoughts are with her, may she get all the strength and willpower to pull through this.

BeyondShy said:
ladyforsaken said:
Today just started horribly, ended up being a horrible day and I'm just in a horrible mood. Even the atmosphere at home is horrible. I just wanna dig a hole and stay in it.

I am always pulling for you Ladyforsaken. I hope things get better.

Thank you, I appreciate it.
I am getting physically and mentally tired now. I don't mind doing it, but to deliberately make things harder is just not on. Maybe they will all understand, if the boot was on the other foot.
Ive driven through georgia about 3 times this month. Im wondering is stuckey's is only available in this area. I only really see it for sale here. Maybe once or twice in mississippi or louisianna. Anyways, good pecan rolls o.o
Rich or Poor
Happy or Sad
Working or unemployed
Ugly or Good Looking
Fat or Thin
Social or Private
Smart or scruffy

Women have never liked me !
Though I know well enough how to treat people good or badly, there are no feelings of fulfillment associated with the former way. My dad always told me that the joy we give to others returns to our own hearts and I understood the message. When I observe people smiling at my jokes, respecting my reason and thanking me for advice or kind words, I know what I do is right. Yet the returning joy only ricochets off me. On the contrary, I've always enjoyed seeing those I disrespect to be humiliated and ridiculed. What to make of all this...

Soon I will have enough off-time to evaluate. I'm actually looking forward to a month of radio silence. The world will keep rotating well enough without me.

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