How dare you, you were late. You are paid to do a job, that I can't do for very good reasons. I can not do it for you, just because your alarm didn't go off. I am ok with you being later, but I am not ok with you questioning me why I had not done your job, when that is the whole reason you are paid to come.
It's been a difficult week. The two people whom I know have needed my help, they both resent each other's claims on me, my own agenda has been disrupted, no one's offering me help and I have difficulty asking for it.
It's that time of my life again where I start questioning what am I doing with my life and where I am going with it. It gets kinda depressing when I look at the reality of things.
just started watching agents of shield, onto season 2, so unrealistic.... one of th characters wakes up, looks at her clock, its 5.45am... and... smiles ? nobody smiles at a clock that early in the morning