Serenia said:My head hurts just looking at what I have to do today and tonight. I bet I only get three hours sleep again tonight.
Sending warm wishes that you get all the peaceful sleep you need Serenia x
Serenia said:My head hurts just looking at what I have to do today and tonight. I bet I only get three hours sleep again tonight.
Jently said:Serenia said:My head hurts just looking at what I have to do today and tonight. I bet I only get three hours sleep again tonight.
Sending warm wishes that you get all the peaceful sleep you need Serenia x
Paraiyar said:When you talk to girls do you actually flirt with them or just act polite/friendly?
TheSkaFish said:Paraiyar said:When you talk to girls do you actually flirt with them or just act polite/friendly?
I just try to get to know them and keep the conversations going. I try to be interesting and show that we have something to talk about. I try to talk about things i think we both like. I try to show my curiosity about them. I don't really know how to flirt to be honest. I have never felt like a witty person, and i'm not much of a comedian. I've never been too interested in that. I'll make a joke if I see an opportunity, but i'm not good at making opportunities. I also don't like teasing people much. I've never been good at sexual innuendoes and things like that, and I don't really enjoy that kind of stuff. I've always worried about coming off too strong or "thirsty" and creeping the girl out, or as another typical male only interested in sex. I just like talking about things we like, things I find interesting about them, deep thoughts, and try to build a connection. I try to show that we could enjoy each other's company and have a good time together. I thought that would build up a level of comfort with me first, so that the girls could see that I'm a good guy that they can talk to, before anything else. I don't know what more I can do.
I feel like my problem is self-doubt, a lack of confidence that I am interesting and unique enough to be desirable. This causes me to either complain, talk too much about my problems, get angry or down about myself, or needy, which makes me even more unattractive. I need to tune up my personality and identity, i neglected them for years because I didn't want to draw attention to myself from bullies growing up and because I didn't think I could be good at anything. I agree that attraction for women is much more psychological than simply looks-based, and it's so hard to get it right especially when you didn't learn this at the same age as most people did. But the way things are now, I just don't know if there's much point in learning anymore. It's extremely unlikely the women I found the most attractive, most interesting, easiest to talk to, who could have enhanced my life the most will be single again, and even more unlikely that I will get a second chance. The thing that gets me really mad is that I will have to work just as hard to be interesting, fun, and masculine enough for a girl that I don't want as I would have for one that I actually wanted to get to know and have in my life, so it's not like giving in to my insecurities and not doing the work before really spared me anything. All I did was put it off until later, and now things probably won't be as good as they could have. I want to feel motivated to improve and beat my insecurities but if it doesn't look like I can get what I want, then it hardly feels worth the effort.
Paraiyar said:Maybe you should just try doing some of those things you don't like, maybe it will go different for you.
TheSkaFish said:Maybe. Whatever I'm doing is getting me anywhere so I have to do something differently. I just don't have the foggiest idea how to flirt though. I don't know how to communicate my interest in someone without coming across as thirsty (even though I pretty much am, since I haven't been on so much as a date), and while expressing that I like them for more than just their looks. I also want to stay friendly, I don't want to turn into another rude, sarcastic, "edgy" guy that acts too cool for school and turns everything into a dominance game. I like getting along with others and making people feel good, because that is how I would like to be treated myself. Maybe I could tease more, I mean, I get it, it's like play-fighting. You aren't teasing them for real. But I just find it hard to see opportunities for that.