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So they didn't find a hernia, but they found some complicated sounding thing ( I can't remember what because I was having an internal panic attack) on my x -ray . I might need to get an mri if insurance will cover it and see an Orthopedic specialist and I might need surgery. ****.
I don't care if it's your birthday or not, it doesn't mean I'm going to put up with a nasty attitude. You can spend the day not talking to me then. See if I really care...
Is it time for me to come out of my hole yet? Getting too comfortable staying in the dark that I've even forgotten about an old friend's invite to her son's birthday party. What's worse is, I don't even feel bad about it. :c

evanescencefan912 said:
So they didn't find a hernia, but they found some complicated sounding thing ( I can't remember what because I was having an internal panic attack) on my x -ray . I might need to get an mri if insurance will cover it and see an Orthopedic specialist and I might need surgery. ****.

Hope it's nothing too bad. :\
evanescencefan912 Wrote:
So they didn't find a hernia, but they found some complicated sounding thing ( I can't remember what because I was having an internal panic attack) on my x -ray . I might need to get an mri if insurance will cover it and see an Orthopedic specialist and I might need surgery. ****.

Hope it's nothing too bad. :\

Thanks Ladyforsaken I hope so too.
evanescencefan912 said:
So they didn't find a hernia, but they found some complicated sounding thing ( I can't remember what because I was having an internal panic attack) on my x -ray .  I might need to get an mri if insurance will cover it and see an Orthopedic specialist and I might need surgery. ****.

I hope it's nothing serious and you recover soon :(

ladyforsaken said:
Is it time for me to come out of my hole yet? Getting too comfortable staying in the dark that I've even forgotten about an old friend's invite to her son's birthday party. What's worse is, I don't even feel bad about it. :c

Be Ready! I'm going to visit you with spotlight!
Just came across this on youtube. How I got there, I'm not sure, which is par for the course.

I want to be like him. That's what I'm think'n.

Just some crazy old mountain man with a pack of dogs.
Thanks but no thanks. I already did it. I think I'll keep doing it, too, because I don't think you're actually mopping correctly. The floors actually have to be cleaned. Scrub. You can do that with a mop. So no thanks. I gave you the chance to get your own little weekly routine together. You decided not to do that either.
Why is it so hard for me to know when to back off? Almost like my brain chemistry is missing something that provides that sense of discretion that most seem to have...
I hope it's nothing serious and you recover soon
Thanks hope tracer

I'm wondering if there will ever be more to life than just taking naps, looking at memes and going to the gym, well I suppose I might someday get a boring and menial job. ugh
[size=medium]It's been over 2 1/2 years, maybe 3. I'm not sure. I stopped keeping track of my quit dates because I tried so many times...[/size]
:D Thanks Soresoul.

If you ever make it to Fayetteville, NC, there is a nice cigar lounge there called Anstead's. Looks like a red barn, but the inside is really nice. And they have a small bar and tv's to watch sports.
We don't have any places that's dedicated to the cigar smokers. Only casinos and strip clubs they allow cigar smoking. Every so often I try to hit the Friday night all can eat porterhouse steak, Alaskan king crab, and lobster buffet for 20 bucks. Stuff my fat face then afterwards sit in the lobby smoke a cigar, and watch the poor saps lose their house payment money to the blackjack table haha.