Don't know what to do with myself today.
Wish I had a driver's licence. As well as a Harley.
Then I'd know exactly what to do.
Oh, it's Father's Day. That ridiculous commercial holiday built up by companies to make you spend some money you wouldn't have 30 years ago when no one cared about it except to wish their fathers well, which should happen everyday regardless. Forgot until my mom reminded me this morning.
I guess this is a Tie company's favorite day of the year.
Bit later in the day now and funny enough, I'm thinking about a very old love story...this was maybe 98 or 99, pre-9/11 when you didn't need a passport to go to the USA. I have the ticket somewhere, but...what feels like a lifetime ago, I met a young woman on a bus stop in Cleveland, going to Chicago, that I never forgot. Her name was Michelle. She used to do ads in magazines, things of the like. She was on her way to meet her father, in Louisiana or Tenessee, I don't remember. We had a story there, in Chicago. Were probably starting to have feelings for one another. It was almost like a movie. I was on my way to Idaho at the time.
Long story short, she asked me to go with her. I of course, said no. Because I wasn't an American and had no money to change the destination of my ticket. Probably was lucky too, because two weeks latter on the way back, I arranged to meet up with her again...which turned to heartbreak as she had met this young, rich doctor in the intervene. My 18 year old self was devastated. First ever real heartbreak, first girl I somehow, magically fell for while not really wanting to.
She headed back to Vermont, I went back to Montreal. Had her number at the time, called her once, but...she didn't want to talk to me, a relative of hers said. So,over time, maybe myself a life, or what passes for one, if anyone here knows my story lol.
But...I never forgot. I don't think I ever will. And when I'm sad, on the rare occasions I feel lonely and would crave some companionship...I think of her.
And what could have been.