Siku said:
If you're a sensitive person with a very real troubled past. Don't let people's advice who clearly cannot relate to you, bother you. And do yourself a favor and steer clear from here. You won't get much help and surely just more misunderstanding and more non-acceptance. You're just better off PM'ing people you can relate with and continue to stay quiet.
I have to disagree with this. Primarily because we are all a bunch of strangers to each other. We know little to no information about what people have and have not been through in their lives or what they do and don't understand.
People see what they want to see, often ignoring vital facts that show a person may actually understand because, most often, they don't like what is being said to them. Because it's not all "Oh, you're so right." or "Oh, poor you"
Take the xploe person, for example. He stated a few times that he had issues in the past with loneliness, depression and trouble getting girls, yet because he's trying to be a life coach and gave advice most here didn't like, he was labeled as a scammer, just trying to get people's money. Doesn't matter that he stated many times that he was here to get more experience giving advice. People here attack first and don't bother to question later. Simply because, omg, someone gave advice I would never consider because...well, quite frankly, it's likely because they are so stuck in their depression/loneliness/whatever other issues to even consider there might be another way. That maybe, there might actually be a way to get out of their rut and be happy/content and not lonely.
Plain and simple, you (generalized you) rarely, if ever, know what another person has been through. You (again generalized) form your own judgments from nothing, yet turn around and complain about people doing the exact same thing to you.
So yeah, people should post on the forum so they get more options and not just from those who are going to agree and coddle them.
Just my opinion. You may now commence attacking me for it.