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Mondays suck for trying to get into a writing mood. Some days are just a complete all-day struggle when it comes to writing. šŸ™„ :unsure:

Plus I'm feeling totally bummed that my co-worker is retiring in a month. We've both been feeling pretty sick of our company for a while now, so I kinda knew this was coming. It's just she's the one who keeps me sane doing this job! Not sure how I'm going to cope without her to vent with. I need a major change when it comes to work.
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I think that I strongly dislike social Darwinists and need to stop reading about their views, because it makes me want to physically go to war with them. They're essentially Nazi Lites.

Almost everyone that I've ever disliked, both in terms of people I've encountered personally, and people in the news/media, have had this belief system in some way. To me it's always been the ******* worldview, the thought process behind the personalities of most bullies, the "blame the victim" philosophy. I've always been fundamentally against it, and I feel like the reason the modern world is better than past eras is because we've reduced the effects of Darwinism, and reducing it further would increase the quality of life for everyone. I think this is why I tend to not just disagree with, but dislike most conservatives. I don't believe survival of the fittest/competition/capitalism is the best we can do, and every time we've softened the effects of those things, life has gotten better. The people wanting more Darwinism, are basically saying they want to spread more misery, because some people are just better than others, and those they deem inferior - just because they weren't lucky enough to be born with the right stuff, or just because they're unlucky - deserve cruelty and misery. I hate it, I really do. It feels uncivilized, backwards, cruel and evil. It makes me want to be strong so I can resist them. Part of me wishes I could fight it in some way, but there isn't really a way, so I guess it's best to not think about it.

Although on second thought, a lot of people that argue for social Darwinism/survival of the fittest don't seem to really understand what they are talking about, are just trolling for reactions and don't really have a point other than that, and often times aren't that successful themselves. So I guess maybe I shouldn't take them seriously enough to get this mad.
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I'm starting to get really worried that it's too late to un-**** my life - that no matter what I do now, I'm going to be stuck living a miserable life that I'll hate like hell, but there won't be a way out.
The clock is ticking. I want to change my life. I want to live somewhere else. But, I can't find a better place. Everywhere I have been has just been different. Not really better. So, I don't know what to do.
The clock is ticking. I want to change my life. I want to live somewhere else. But, I can't find a better place. Everywhere I have been has just been different. Not really better. So, I don't know what to do.

That's why I don't think living somewhere else would help me, either. Everywhere I can think of would just be different, not better, especially as long as I'm still the same. That's why I never got that into travel as the answer for me. I don't know if I want to be somewhere else, as much as I want to be someone else.

But yeah. Thinking about how the clock is ticking is what inspired my post.
That's why I don't think living somewhere else would help me, either. Everywhere I can think of would just be different, not better, especially as long as I'm still the same. That's why I never got that into travel as the answer for me.

But yeah. Thinking about how the clock is ticking is what inspired my post.
I'm trying not to hate the situation I'm in right now. I worked pretty damn hard for the past year to get into this situation because I wanted / needed a change. This situation looks great on paper. But, it isn't playing out like it should.

I've really got the itch to sell off everything, build a lightweight trailer for my supplies / tools, hook it up to my truck, and do my best to find isolated spots away from everybody. HOWEVER, I still need to be close enough to a cell tower for Internet. And, I want to be somewhat near a Walmart because they have everything I need. But, that means people will be around me. Plus I need to start being concerned about my health / doctors / hospitals.

And, what if I sell my house, hang out by myself for a decade or two, and try to buy another house? The way the government is spending money the price of homes will double or tripple again during that time. So, I won't be able to afford a house. If only I had a crystal ball to see the future.

So, common sense tells me to stay put. But, it's kind of like torture here for me. I just don't know what to do.
I'm starting to get really worried that it's too late to un-**** my life - that no matter what I do now, I'm going to be stuck living a miserable life that I'll hate like hell, but there won't be a way out.
Awh no, you know whatā€¦ when my hair extensions are all tangled I part my hair into sections šŸ™‚ and detangle bit by bit, maybe if you take your time Skafish you can untangle the layers of your life that you may not be happy withā€¦šŸ˜‡ theres always enough time, itā€™s infinite
That's why I don't think living somewhere else would help me, either. Everywhere I can think of would just be different, not better, especially as long as I'm still the same. That's why I never got that into travel as the answer for me. I don't know if I want to be somewhere else, as much as I want to be someone else.

But yeah. Thinking about how the clock is ticking is what inspired my post.
Of course it will only be "different." It's up to you to make it "better."
Condoms are one of the most environmentally friendly things invented by man. A single one has the potential to eliminate the carbon emissions of an entire human over the course of their lifetime.

But the money you save on not having kids, could go towards buying a nice car. And then, well, there go your carbon emissions.

That was always my plan, lol
Got a call from my Matco dealer this morning my new 6S toolbox came in Monday and will be delivered tommorrow by him.Started taking out tools this morning and took off my magnetic stickers
After my brother's death, I isolated myself from a lot of people. I'm glad I'm getting better and putting myself out there again. I am learning who my true friends are and learning new things about myself. So, this year has been very interesting for me.
I feel like I need to sell off everything and live in my truck away from everybody. Part of my brain says that would be very unwise and the wrong thing to do. But, another part of my brain says I need to do it because everything here is so messed up. So, I'm constantly battling myself. I want to ask someone else for the correct answer. But, only I can make that decision.
I honestly think calling someone autistic thats not as a insult? Is offensive to people with autismā€¦ its ignorant and unfair.
I honestly think calling someone autistic thats not as a insult? Is offensive to people with autismā€¦ its ignorant and unfair.


All quotes, not my own words:

What should you call a person on the spectrum?​

This is a somewhat intense debate, and everyone has their own opinions. Most autistic people prefer the phrasing ā€œautistic person/peopleā€ because they see autism as an integral part of their identity. Others prefer ā€œpeople with autism/ASDā€ or ā€œpeople who have autism/ASDā€ because they want to emphasize that the person is more than his/her condition. But those who dislike ā€œperson with autismā€ believe that it frames autism as a disease that can be separated from the human.

Wall Street Betsā€™ definition of ā€œautistsā€ seems flattering on the surface. ...... or even a savant-level genius.

My own words:
IMO, it depends on the individual. Some might see it as a factual part of them. Others might see it as a negative. And, others might see it as a compliment. But, it also depends how it is used and pronounced.


All quotes, not my own words:

What should you call a person on the spectrum?​

This is a somewhat intense debate, and everyone has their own opinions. Most autistic people prefer the phrasing ā€œautistic person/peopleā€ because they see autism as an integral part of their identity. Others prefer ā€œpeople with autism/ASDā€ or ā€œpeople who have autism/ASDā€ because they want to emphasize that the person is more than his/her condition. But those who dislike ā€œperson with autismā€ believe that it frames autism as a disease that can be separated from the human.

Wall Street Betsā€™ definition of ā€œautistsā€ seems flattering on the surface. ...... or even a savant-level genius.

My own words:
IMO, it depends on the individual. Some might see it as a factual part of them. Others might see it as a negative. And, others might see it as a compliment. But, it also depends how it is used and pronounced.
Thing is different countries have different rules too like, I was talking to this guy on the phone from the US and he was like uhh well.. you cant say that, thats offensive, and im like what? What cant I say? And he was like ā€œblankā€, and i was like lol issue is in the UK weā€™d find what you just said as offensive. So theres that, but my point is more there is nothing insulting about having autism and people need to stop chucking it around as such šŸ˜‡

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