Price gouging is getting out of control. A one gallon can of rust primer last year was $32 everywhere. Still high. But, whatever. Now at Home Depot it's $55. Wow! Lowes $45. What? Lowes is traditionally more expensive. But, Home Depot really jumped it's prices recently. Now Lowes is less then Home Depot on many things. It's not a supply issue. It's not a fuel cost issue. It's not a cost issue. It's an issue of greedy CEOs. But, I'm sure Lowe's CEOs will see that Home Depot leaf frogged it's prices so they'll do the same too.
I'm thinking we should unite and have a consumer strike day or week where we refuse to buy anything until the prices come down to real cost plus a small profit. This is why we need a recession. BUT, the government has got to STOP spending money!