Don't wear it around children. I used to keep coco butter for my hands at school, Palmer's, and the kids would gather around me and say Mrs. W you always smell like cookies.also, this 'wrapped in sugar' lotion smells like a vanilla marshamallow cupcake ...
down side is, now I want a cupcake.
Why do I have to be an over the top complete ******* to my neighbors to get them to shut the F up? Right now it is absolutely quite. You can hear a pin drop outside. Why can't they train their dogs to only bark when neccesary instead of all the time? Why can't they sing and play their musical instruments inside where the neighbors won't be bothered all the time? It just doesn't make any sense to me. I have to keep racheting up my reactions to them too because they are just accepting what I do ..........
I spoke to soon. Their dogs are going ape **** again. So, they get to hear me yell at them over the super loud PA system. F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! much for the festive holiday cheer ! much for the festive holiday cheer !
See and that's the problem. Law enforcement stopped enforcing the laws except the ones that make them money / political power / media power. So, the idiots realize they can do alot of bad stuff without any reprecussion. So, they do and they constantly push the limits. If law enforcement stopped the crap and nipped it in the bud the idiots would throttle back. But, that's not the case. So, for the most part the general public just accepts all the problems and deals with them the best they can.I know it isn't funny, but I like the way you tell the story.
It's different here. We had been bothered by pitbulls at a previous place we lived and it was right on the border where the county would take care of them or the city would take care of them. There was a fence line and they lived on the county side and we drove over to their place and they had already been declared dangerous animals by the county sheriff, but yet the animal control that works for them would do nothing. Our side was the police department and I really thought the policeman would at least shoot them with a dart when they were on our side because they were growling at him, but unfortunately he didn't. Somehow the pitbulls were smart enough to get on the county side of the fence.
Oh and as we were reading the sign by their house, both pitbulls were laying outside on the street. We could have filed a grievance against them, but here the law states that the person you file against gets your name and address and phone number and they weren't exactly reasonable people. They partied hard on holidays, especially New Year's eve, and they would get so carried away they would shoot through other people's houses so we just let it go because we didn't want to mess with them. People can be so irresponsible!