Mr Bakerman
There's only of us. You'd think I be more off the hip. Apparently no. But I've got a few minutes
Debating is a lost art form… honestly, need to bring my dad back for a real debate, I miss them soooo much
True words oh wise Skafish but I think its a cultural/generation thing. I was raised by old school parents, so my love for debate is the old way, where someone couldn’t win a debate by dragging up an old tweet someone posted 8 years agoPeople need to remember to debate the merit of the ideas, not the people in the debates.
Things just regress to ad hominem, and they regress quickly to the point that it's like the debate of ideas is just a pretense/excuse to attack the person.
I think that's the trouble these days.
I've done this myself, though I try to be more conscious of it. My patience isn't infinite, though.
A little early, but it's been warmer this year so it isn't surprising. But, I live in the country, so it's probably worse here.Is the allium coming up early this year? We have some just starting to sprout now.
Should keep the critters away from eating the rest of the garden, and it brings butterflies too.
Dr. House is GOD.I think my son caught my cynicism. Is it strange that I'm happy he finally came to his senses?