So I was working on a job application this weekend, thought it would just be resume, cover letter, and done, but then I saw I had to fill in all that schools, work history bs.
I thought, well, I just did the resume and cover letter, I can put this to the side for now cause I don't feel like filling out all this crap. I'll do it later.
Well, that job posting got taken down, so I looked for another one to apply to at the same place. And sure enough, I found that all the stuff I had to fill out that I didn't feel like doing, was optional if you are just going to submit a resume document like I was already going to anyway. I'm still applying for a job there, just not the one that was most relevant to me. But I could have if I just sent in my documents. Ass toast.
It was a major facepalm moment...note to self, next time you're doing an application, just finish it all in one fell swoop, just get it the hell over with.