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The autumnal air arrived yesterday night. It's a quieter air, cooler, and seems less dense, accompanying longer nights. :) It might be harder to weather the blues, in the cooler air, for me. It usually is.

One never knows, however...
You need some snow. Build a nice snowman. No one can be mad at a snowman....except those that are, who can then turn around and destroy the snowman. :) Snowmen always help.
Back in my day, if I wanted an answer about something at the grocery store, I either looked at the flyer, called or went into the store (mostly this last one). This whole "I'm gonna pretend to like you on Facebook so I can be entitled to ask you store related questions on your private messenger" thing can go eat honeysuckle. I can't tell you what's coming on the truck or when. But maybe that neighbour of yours who gets so high he thinks he can predict everything, can get the answer for both of us.
Sad day - my Mom's minivan went to the great junkyard in the sky today.

We were planning to have it taken away for a while now, but only recently got down to doing it.

It had too much wrong with it to be able to fix, and we did get a lot of use out of it, but it was hard to see it go, for sentimental reasons - mostly for the people (both human and canine) it helped to move around, and that chapter of our lives.

So long, Chrysler Town & Country. You gave us a lot of good years 👋 ☹️
He likes his girl nice and slender 🎶 🤪 I swear if I lose any more weight i’m gonna be thattt girlll ugh why do men want you to get a tiny waist just to ruin it with their off spring? 😂 ultimate gas lighters.
He likes his girl nice and slender 🎶 🤪 I swear if I lose any more weight i’m gonna be thattt girlll ugh why do men want you to get a tiny waist just to ruin it with their off spring? 😂 ultimate gas lighters.
Personally I think women who don't give a honeysuckle what men want and do what they want are far more desirable. To paraphrase the late great Neil Peart far too many people in society conform for fear of being cast out.
Personally I think women who don't give a honeysuckle what men want and do what they want are far more desirable. To paraphrase the late great Neil Peart far too many people in society conform for fear of being cast out.
Lolz Randomguy I think you like a dominant woman 👀 way more kinky than I took you for 😅💕💫
I love losing weight but the issue is the more weight I lose the more baby talk starts happening its like men I fall for are pure evil 😂🙈
Personally I think women who don't give a honeysuckle what men want and do what they want are far more desirable. To paraphrase the late great Neil Peart far too many people in society conform for fear of being cast out.
"Subdivisions" pretty much sums up my life from 5 to 19...
What can I say to my kid?
She is worried about her weight, they were weighted in a school, and she's one of the heaviest(110 lbs, 63 inches), some girls who are higher and are about 80lbs. I can't say she's really overweight but her shoulders are wide and it's something we can do nothing about(I've been always said my shoulders are so wide because I used to swim - now I think it's not completely the truth). We try to eat a healthy food but still.
I can tell her that she has some other talants and her weight does't make her a bad person, but in a few years the children will grow and start dating... What will I tell her then? I know exactly what do you feel when nobody is interested in you. I wonder how only I managed to get a kid.
Or may be I'm wrong, may be she is worried because I'm so obsessed about the weight? Maybe it doesn't matter as much as I think. I've always wanted to be thin and small. For example, when men helped me with something(like carrying bag, etc) I always felt like I was stealing something, because I was big, too big to be helped.
What can I say to my kid?
She is worried about her weight, they were weighted in a school, and she's one of the heaviest(110 lbs, 63 inches), some girls who are higher and are about 80lbs. I can't say she's really overweight but her shoulders are wide and it's something we can do nothing about(I've been always said my shoulders are so wide because I used to swim - now I think it's not completely the truth). We try to eat a healthy food but still.
I can tell her that she has some other talants and her weight does't make her a bad person, but in a few years the children will grow and start dating... What will I tell her then? I know exactly what do you feel when nobody is interested in you. I wonder how only I managed to get a kid.
Or may be I'm wrong, may be she is worried because I'm so obsessed about the weight? Maybe it doesn't matter as much as I think. I've always wanted to be thin and small. For example, when men helped me with something(like carrying bag, etc) I always felt like I was stealing something, because I was big, too big to be helped.
If I had a daughter... I'd want her to know these things are not to be worried about... Although, if she was anything like me, she'd probably be stubborn, and or embarrassed and not want to hear anything from me. heh :) Then the question would be, "could I be clever enough to impress upon her confidence, without being too obvious?" I tend to be quite stupid, sometimes, so that may not work. heh.

Maybe what we don't say, is as important as what we do say.

If we can love ourselves and love others, isn't that part of what it's all about? Isn't that beautiful?
What can I say to my kid?
She is worried about her weight, they were weighted in a school, and she's one of the heaviest(110 lbs, 63 inches), some girls who are higher and are about 80lbs. I can't say she's really overweight but her shoulders are wide and it's something we can do nothing about(I've been always said my shoulders are so wide because I used to swim - now I think it's not completely the truth). We try to eat a healthy food but still.
I can tell her that she has some other talants and her weight does't make her a bad person, but in a few years the children will grow and start dating... What will I tell her then? I know exactly what do you feel when nobody is interested in you. I wonder how only I managed to get a kid.
Or may be I'm wrong, may be she is worried because I'm so obsessed about the weight? Maybe it doesn't matter as much as I think. I've always wanted to be thin and small. For example, when men helped me with something(like carrying bag, etc) I always felt like I was stealing something, because I was big, too big to be helped.
Maybe get a general checkup at the doctor? Shoulders aren’t the guide but the waist is. If she becomes obsessed with weight loss that can lead to eating disorders. Her age an physical activity make a difference as does genetics, but all of that can be dealt with effectively these days.

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