ohh sweet mother of medicinal jesus
<3 ******* IOWA !!!!!!<3
ohh there where southern accents and pro life billboards everywhere :O
Grant wood once said I had to go to France to appreciate Iowa
I just had to go to Mississippi to appreciate Iowa
oh sweet heavenly plains of pure spoken English, gay rights, and high quality education
ohh if we could just solve the problem of agricultural runoff causing major river pollution and if my mother would move some place else
it would be perfect
( ps sorry no offense to any southerners here)
... I don't know if I plan to do anymore charity wok like ever again
i might have already mentioned this but when for my church you had to be 14 to go on a mission trip ok get this when I was 13 my sister and the church got to go to ******* purto ******* rico and put some roofs on house and went scuba diving
ok next year they go to ******* c*** oh ******* ohio and teach bible camp
this year at nun place you had to be ******* 20 to go to the ******* caribean so I go ******* ******* ******* mississipi and teach summer school
I feel nothing but strong animosity towards organized religion and the world
... i thought charity work made people feel good,
ya well **** that
( sorry for this terribly ill spirited post, )
though friday i got to drink with nuns
I'll feel better soon I'm sure, but I am never ever ever going to let this go
till the day I die I am still not going to let this **** go, in my eulogy, it will just say **** you