What are you thinking right now?

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SophiaGrace said:
*stalk stalk stalk* :p

:D I can always count on you, Soph!

TheWickedOne said:
Holy scheisse is CTF wicked pretty!

It is totally the hair. Thanks. ;-)

Almost Friday, praise cheese. I had an oddly satisfying lunch of diet coke and sesame sticks. Dinner is going to be an eggbeater omelette though. With ham, bell pepper, onion and SALSA! Oh and cheese, of course. Always cheese.
What i think right now is that i want to go back home to my family. I want to see my daughter and hold her in my arms. I remember her face while i was leaving..... I think i i should go back now....
ahh man I hate technical **** planning ahead I have to get a copy of the lease and blah blah blah
Yes!! My house when I was a child had crown moulding around the ceiling. I used to lie on my back and imagine water flowing around the edges of the ceiling (floor)
im hoping this is one of those "the world works in mysterious ways" situations. and i mean that in a good way.
I am thinking how glad I am to have just found this site.
I am thinking it is just what I need.

I am thinking I am going to really like it here! :eek:)
yay cool I hope you enjoy it here change for good


*cautiously hugs CT*

it's okay it's okay after a while things will suck a little bit less

well I got a copy of the lease but we still don't know our address for next year

darn my dad's awfully on my case about this.

I wonder if he was on my sisters case this much when she moved into an apartment.

Then I sent a message to the other kate, I think she's probably found another place to live,

but she didn't by the end of the school year, so I asked kate if she needed to if she could stay with us,

which she said woulod be great so we wouldn't have to pay as much for rent,

oh I she won't be mad,

oh I'm always terrified of people being mad at me,

although it's worse if you're depenedant on that person to pay for half the rent

just another worry I'm going to have to throw into to the intangible emotional landfill suppressed at the pit of my stomach,

it started out as just an emotional coffee table to put my issues 2 years ago, but has since grown exponentially

being an environmentally conscious person I should really be concerned about the such an enormous pile of emotional wreckage and debris.

But then that would end up going in the emotional landfill and and I'm afriad such irony might cause me to have a severe mental breakdown


other than that I think I'm okay finished signing up for classes, did I already post them?

well if not tada

Wstrn Art Befr 1400 01H:005:AAA 0 10:30A - 11:20A MW SHAM LIB Drop | Change
Wstrn Art Befr 1400 01H:005:A12 3 3:30P - 4:20P F 65 VAN Drop | Change
Intro to Human Geog 044:001:AAA 0 11:30A - 12:20P TR 100 PH Drop | Change
Intro to Human Geog 044:001:A02 4 12:30P - 1:20P MW 221 JH Drop | Change
Cont Environ Issues 044:019:SCA 3 6:30P - 9:15P M 118 MH Drop | Change
Elem Stat & Infer 07P:025:CCC 0 11:30A - 12:20P MWF C20 PC Drop | Change
8:00P - 10:00P R EXAM TIME
Elem Stat & Infer 07P:025:C37 3 4:30P - 5:20P T 131 SH Drop | Change
Mountain Bicycling * 410:044:SCM 1 5:30P - 7:30P W 322 FH Drop | Change
Class Starts on 08/25/2010 and ends on 08/29/2010
9:00A - 3:00P US ARR ARR
Class Starts on 08/25/2010 and ends on 08/29/2010
Basic Orienteering * 410:064:SCN 1 5:30P - 7:30P W 332 FH Drop | Change
Class Starts on 10/20/2010 and ends on 10/24/2010
9:00A - 3:00P US ARR ARR
Class Starts on 10/20/2010 and ends on 10/24/2010
i am excited that i got my kitten today. gonna probabaly be an interesting week as he gets ued to his new home.
Yay for kittens!

Also thinking.. Why won't this heat let up!? It's 3:30am and it's still 81F!!! Usually I can expect things to cool off around 4am so I can get some sleep.. *melts*
I think I have avoidant personality disorder, whenever someone I know is in the region of where I live, I try to avoid contact with them so I don't have to meet them as much as possible.

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