Today was pretty good I just had one class which was awesome
though I'm still dealing with the ever present lingering fear that my roomate will start to hate me or something
I'm just expecting her to come knock on my door with a stern look on her voice and with thundering voice " YOU DIDN'T CLEAN UP THE WATER ON THE COUNTER!!!" and something dramtic like that
ya my mother has pretty scared me for life, which is why I still haven't called her to give her my new address like she asked me to.
the bike trail behind the building is really fun, I braved pass the tree bridge, and found a swamp that tried to eat my bike, man I had mud like all the way up my leg, BUT I CLEANED UP THE SHOWER AFTERWARDS D:
had to wash my shoes in a trash bin probably going to gte a towel and bring them in, becuase I don't want anyone to steal them during the night
and what ever happened to yellow card they were pretty good
I also finished downloading the cassie hack series gonna read some of that before I go to bed I hope it'll be good,
and the whole, gothic metal bands with female vocalists will just never be able to compare to the hauntingly beautiful vocals of amy lee her voice blending with the slamming guitars, it just creates such a beautiful ambiance, that fireflight and we are the fallen just can't touch