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awwww Freedom! Come on over we can probably go to the movies or something.

How about reading a book or Join a group of some kind or play silly games on ALL....there's always something to do.

my brother just rented a bunch of movies from blockbuster, so i'll probably be watching movies all weekend, lol.

did you go "awwww" because of my "licks tear off cheek" comment?

it was meant to make people laugh, lol.

after the movies i'll probably just read or play solitaire on my computer.

i don't have internet at home, and i have 12 minutes to go before the end of my shift here at work, so i won't be back here on ALL until monday. see you all then!

I envy my sister, she's 13 but she looks like an 18 year old attractive model...her looks are flawless (hah her personality though...angriest most violent ***** you'll ever meet), I'm 20 and I look like miserable honeysuckle. Man, how can a 13 year old be as sexy as they could possibly be and me being a 20 year old...I'm so dull and invisible and disgustingly hideous. Blah I know appearance doesn't matter, stupid society, stupid pressure to be pretty or else you don't deserve to be happy but I KNOW BETTER...just because you're not attractive doesn't mean you can't be happy yadda yadda I know that but I still wish I was comfortable in my own skin no matter how I'm like. Blah. Yeah, being comfortable in one's skin is what truly matters but I'm definitely not comfortable in my silly silly body. Oh my silly silly mind with its silly silly horrible thoughts...******* depression I ******* hate it.

I always wish I could hide from the entire world and just live alone, completely alone...so I could ruin myself, destroy my life without anyone ever knowing..nobody would ever be able to stop me. Ah, there's the negativity talking again! Blah blah blah, CHEER UP...cheer the fresia up. Yes, I'll go watch something funny or listen to great music and then I'll laugh and I'll be happy...oh yes I'll forget that I'm still rotting.

Stupid mood swings, stupid thoughts, stupid emotions...I bet that in 1 hour I'll be fine.
echo said:
I envy my sister, she's 13 but she looks like an 18 year old attractive model...her looks are flawless (hah her personality though...angriest most violent ***** you'll ever meet), I'm 20 and I look like miserable honeysuckle. Man, how can a 13 year old be as sexy as they could possibly be and me being a 20 year old...I'm so dull and invisible and disgustingly hideous. Blah I know appearance doesn't matter, stupid society, stupid pressure to be pretty or else you don't deserve to be happy but I KNOW BETTER...just because you're not attractive doesn't mean you can't be happy yadda yadda I know that but I still wish I was comfortable in my own skin no matter how I'm like. Blah. Yeah, being comfortable in one's skin is what truly matters but I'm definitely not comfortable in my silly silly body. Oh my silly silly mind with its silly silly horrible thoughts...******* depression I ******* hate it.

I always wish I could hide from the entire world and just live alone, completely alone...so I could ruin myself, destroy my life without anyone ever knowing..nobody would ever be able to stop me. Ah, there's the negativity talking again! Blah blah blah, CHEER UP...cheer the fresia up. Yes, I'll go watch something funny or listen to great music and then I'll laugh and I'll be happy...oh yes I'll forget that I'm still rotting.

Stupid mood swings, stupid thoughts, stupid emotions...I bet that in 1 hour I'll be fine.

self-esteem is mainly about how you percieve yourself rather than how others percieve you I think.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Echo))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Feel better soon ok? :)

wait, come in chat, i'm in there and will talk to you if you'd like. :p
*hugs tehdreamer and echo*

this too shall pass, and it's good to let it out, I know the feeling :)

I wonder if I could fall asleep without any nightquill tonight?

I hope so,
I'm tired of fighting this.
It's been 2 and a half years.
I give up.

Gonna hide in my room until I die.
Sean said:
I'm tired of fighting this.
It's been 2 and a half years.
I give up.

Gonna hide in my room until I die.

can I hide with you? :(

We can build a pillow fort while we hide! :p

evanescencefan91 said:
I wonder if I could fall asleep without any nightquill tonight?

I hope so,

Did you manage to do this? Update! Update!
Gah! I really don't want to go to work tonight! Even sitting hurts because my feet have to touch the floor. Standing for a couple of hours is gonna be killer again :(
I'm sorry tehdreamer, I know the feeling of having to go to work and not wanting to go. I hope you have a good day today :)
I am so estatically happy right now. :D

I dont even care if I spelled estatic right because....I'm THAT happy. :p
:D as long as you don't spell it extatic or anything...
I'm feeling pissed off and stressed about my job, am trying toplan a lesson but I'mshit at it, everything should be clear and sharp but it's not, all messy, over complicated squiggles in my head it's often like this and I just fall apart in the lesson. Might have to pack this in soon.
...I really want a room in a shared house and an ultra simple job in a warehouse somewhere. Really can't cope with independant thinking or responsibility. Definitley time to get stoned and forget about it for a bit.

"I always wish I could hide from the entire world and just live alone, completely alone...so I could ruin myself, destroy my life without anyone ever knowing..nobody would ever be able to stop me. Ah, there's the negativity talking again! Blah blah blah, CHEER UP...cheer the fresia up. Yes, I'll go watch something funny or listen to great music and then I'll laugh and I'll be happy...oh yes I'll forget that I'm still rotting."

GAAAAAAAH! *bangs head on wall in agreement*
Skipped work today cause I felt too crappy. It was worth it though cause I got to talk to someone I like :D
Danielle said:
I don't want her to be there... I dont even know "her" is.. I just don't want her to be.... I want him to like me...

I hope he likes you too Danielle!
SophiaGrace said:
Danielle said:
I don't want her to be there... I dont even know "her" is.. I just don't want her to be.... I want him to like me...

I hope he likes you too Danielle!

Thanks Soph *hug* However, I have learned long ago, never to get my hopes up.... I have had way too many years of rejection. I guess I should just go out and have fun... and whatever happens or doesn't happen is alright!
Danielle said:
SophiaGrace said:
Danielle said:
I don't want her to be there... I dont even know "her" is.. I just don't want her to be.... I want him to like me...

I hope he likes you too Danielle!

Thanks Soph *hug* However, I have learned long ago, never to get my hopes up.... I have had way too many years of rejection. I guess I should just go out and have fun... and whatever happens or doesn't happen is alright!

Have fun. *hug back*
no one is awake and i feel lower than honeysuckle. Im just typing into nothing. I cant even think straight

I thought this depression had passed me

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