I love that there is a Dunkin Donuts within walking distance of my house now and that it is the season for pumpkin spice lattes.
Nina said:ctf---Lucky-duck...I have to buy mine in bags, grind it and then wait for it to perk....bummer....
"More importantly, I love you. YOU ARE GOING TO MOVE THROUGH THIS. Don't be defeated. Submit yourself to the process. You are growing. You are changing. You are doing LIFE. I am not trying to make you feel better. This ******* hurts, and there are no two ways around it.
But I am trying to encourage you to not retreat. I can't remove the pain, but I am going to hold your hand while it hurts. Continue to reach out. You need people right now. I'm here for anything you need. You are LOVED in ways you cannot imagine. In ways that don't depend on you. In ways that don't depend on your performance. In ways that cannot be lost. Remember Remember Remember. Love you my friend."
I used to have shining armor...the dragon ate it...but I guess I could still try a rescue...tehdreamer said:Where have all the cowboys gooonnnee. Or the white knights. I'm ready to be rescued.
Nina said:csmswhs-I haven't heard that sone in ages! Blast from the past, LOVE it!
I'm thinking--I think too much...