csmswhs said:
thanks, i'd rather use natural stuff, but i like my brownies gooey not cakey too. the ones i mentioned above were a cross between. i would've preferred them to be more gooey. there must be a way to make them more gooey without de-naturalizing.
Using more eggs and leavening agents make them more cake-like, so I have been gradually decreasing them. It's tricky about the eggs though, because you need the albumen as a binding agent or they fall to pieces easily.
I've been trying changing the proportion of flour to cocoa as well, trying to find that sweet spot. I also use a lot of bittersweet chocolate, melted with butter, sugar and cream, making almost a truffle base. That helps make them fudge-like.
csmswhs said:
since were talking about recipes lol. i should tell you what i've done to my hands recently!! lol. oh my goodness.
i was making my own lotion, and experimenting. i don't want the crap from the stores. "crap" enough said lol.
but anyways, i was experimenting...
i'm not sure i should've used the peas, peanutbutter and flax. my hands smell like a pickle scratch and sniff sticker, and the properties of flaxseed (flaxseed oil) may not be so benefitial as opposed to other natural oils.
LOL! Sounds like an interesting experiment. ;-)