evanescencefan91 said:
More than 40,000 parasites and 250 types of bacteria are exchanged during a French kiss.
... I think I'm tottally ok with being single and selabent for the rest of my life
Awww come on evanescencefan91! I bet if you could give a sexy hot girl a deep romantic French kiss you would do it in a heartbeat! Forget those thousands upon thousands upon thousands of teeny tiny parasites and bacteria most probably having a wild and thrilling party in each other's mouths, no need to worry they're just celebrating for ya!
edgecrusher said:
i hate finding out that a nice girl is with an *******. in the long run the guy usually ends up being an *******. why do they almost always pick the ********? while the shy guys who are not ******** just sit at home alone. i dont get people. they do the same thing over and over again and then wonder why it never changes. stop doing the same thing and try something else. give someone new a chance.
That seems to be true about a lot of girls and similar to what Ladysphinx said, one of the main reasons could be because they just want to have shallow fun with a "wild bad boy" or seek risky excitement or maybe they're shy themselves and maybe it's easier for them to be with someone who's more outgoing or something...there could be countless reasons why lots of girls choose ******** but not all girls are like that! You cannot imagine the sheer innumerable amount of nice, sweet, wonderful girls out there all alone thinking the exact same thing you are at this moment,"Why do nice good guys pick vain, arrogant girls? Can't they give a friendly, caring, shy girl like me a chance for once?".
What I'm trying to say is that, there are many girls out there that feel just like you feel and I'm sure you will find a lovely wonderful girl sooner or later because it is FACT that they ARE out there all alone wishing they had somebody just like you, you just have to NOT give up! Stay positive, keep trying no matter how long it takes, open up more, be more receptive maybe, try other new things yourself no matter how small, if you see a girl that you probably wouldn't give a chance to...maybe she's too shy or quiet herself, give her a chance anyway! Little things like that and if you've already tried things like that before...continue trying, don't give up, you will find someone eventually I'm sure of it! *hugs*
Jeremi said:
I'm in love with a girl in my class!!! Ahhhh! Thinking of making a facebook account (Yes, I don't have one!) just so I can talk to her. Is that weird? =)
Love always makes you a little weird but silly weirdness is so good, life would be more fun if there were more weird little things happening so give a big happy smiling YAY/two thumbs up for love and weirdness and go for it (even though I personally don't think that's weird to be honest haha)!
Heh there should be a wacky holiday where everyone could go through their day being completely goofy and carefree, let themselves be as silly, as weird, as wacky as possible! I'm reminded of April Fools but nothing ever happens on that day and if it does, it's just little unfunny pranks that people just end up finding annoying. Halloween is a good holiday though...always feels a little surreal walking out and seeing people walking by wearing glittery fairy wings or dressed as zombies...(a glittery fairy zombie maybe? Even better!)....fun fun! :]
Heh I think I'm in a little emotionally hyper mood today, it's good! Oh if only I could feel this way for a long time, I'll just enjoy it while it lasts. *sigh*