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Bluey said:
Am thinking that thousand's of Skorian's would be scary lol One of you is all the wold needs boy :p

Right now this very second I wish I could clone myself.... I would make thousands of myself and do something.....

First thing would be to put Bush in a cage and parade him around. Oh heck, his whole administration.. Then I would uh. Oh I know, empty out the federal reserve... heh. Then heck not sure. Taking over the world could be fun.

I could like make billions of myself like the size of ants.... An invisible army... They would stab peeps feets with tooth peeks.
Skorian said:
Bluey said:
Am thinking that thousand's of Skorian's would be scary lol One of you is all the wold needs boy :p

Right now this very second I wish I could clone myself.... I would make thousands of myself and do something.....

First thing would be to put Bush in a cage and parade him around. Oh heck, his whole administration.. Then I would uh. Oh I know, empty out the federal reserve... heh. Then heck not sure. Taking over the world could be fun.

I could like make billions of myself like the size of ants.... An invisible army... They would stab peeps feets with tooth peeks.

lol At least you would have things in common with ppl
Im thinking i want to be in an important position one of these days doesnt matter what position as long as its important

Oh and why the hell my fortune cookie said ill be having a nice surprise very soon Hmmmmmmm.......
wow it's already April!

March went by pretty fast, which was nice considering how feburary dragged on, which is weird Febuary is the shortest month in the year but it's always feels like the longest.

Can't belive I've spent the last 5 months friendless. Well except for that methhead i use to hang out with in gym class, aww I miss hanging out with them.
I'm sorry tt hopefully the pain will go away, i know i had the same problem when i had atempted to go snowboarding over the winter.

If not get one of those, doughnut shaped cushions

Or tape blue Ice packs in your pants...

Or use a belt and fasten a pillow to your butt..
Fulgrim said:
why is life difficult? there is no meaning to its madness so why do we put up with it?

Because sometimes it's entertaining:p

I'm thinking about Dawkins and his blind watchmaker
Thank you guys. Yeah I am sitting on a solf pillow. It was just yesterday, I was walking down the stairs in my college, and because of the water I slipt. And the left side of my butt cheeks hit the edge of the steps. My sister gave me a oral pain medication yet it didn't work. Well hopfully the pain will ease out as time goes by. Thank you guys.. ;)

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