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. . .

how is everything terrible when there's nothing wrong.

how did i used to get through ****** days without getting high or drinking

*hugs sean*

blast some good angsty metal till you're ears collapse good times

it won't always be so bad


and man today was awesome


man i ******* love snow days

fortunaly some of the buses were running later on so I was able to go to campous to get some food, and I discovered that seschan chick is as delicious as it is painfully spicy, god that was some good sick ****, i had to drink 3 glasses of milk before i could finsih it and i thought i was going to die, so i had some ice cream and that felt better,

then i played some pool i actually did catch up on a lot of my reading,

then i came home watch modern family while playing the guitar it was fun
evanescencefan91 said:
*hugs sean*

blast some good angsty metal till you're ears collapse good times

it won't always be so bad


and man today was awesome


man i ******* love snow days

fortunaly some of the buses were running later on so I was able to go to campous to get some food, and I discovered that seschan chick is as delicious as it is painfully spicy, god that was some good sick ****, i had to drink 3 glasses of milk before i could finsih it and i thought i was going to die, so i had some ice cream and that felt better,

then i played some pool i actually did catch up on a lot of my reading,

then i came home watch modern family while playing the guitar it was fun

Lol, thanks . . . glad your day was good :).

And things just got SOOOOOO ******* COMPLICATED.
omg . . :( i am so confused now.

that is a door i never ever ever wanted to open . . now it is.
**** . . .

i've been venting/posting **** way too much on ALL sorry
((sean)) I'm hoping things get better for you.

I'm thinking there is a LOT of snow outside. Brrrrr Today might just be good day to hibernate...
Nina said:
((sean)) I'm hoping things get better for you.

I'm thinking there is a LOT of snow outside. Brrrrr Today might just be good day to hibernate...

thanks :) (hug)

shouldn't you be in bed ;)?
LOL @ Sean--Insomnia is my constant companion..It's a pain in the butt sometimes but loyal as all get out. It's ALWAYS around! :D
Nina said:
LOL @ Sean--Insomnia is my constant companion..It's a pain in the butt sometimes but loyal as all get out. It's ALWAYS around! :D

Aww, that's too bad :(.

Edit: i was feeling sad and couldn't sleep . . and i read those posts you wrote on my thread about feeling like people hate me.
Awwwww (hugs) and it cheered me up :).
now i can sleep happy :).

everytime i feel like that i'll just look at my reps . . love you people :').
Sean, I'm glad you can get in some happy sleep. You need to know that a LOT of folks think your a sweetheart!
I am always the first one in to the office. lol My old-fashioned New England WASP upbringing strikes again. I can't be late to things if I try. :p

Oddly enough, I feel better about things when I get to work. I know, it's a new job, and things haven't settled into a dull routine yet, but it's really good to throw myself into something to get my mind off the **** heap that is my life. hah

Have a good day, everyone!
i'm thinking this winter is lasting forever, it's suppose to be below 0 again next week, i really wish we could just hibernate straight through winter that would be awesome
My Babies mama....
errr!! One od them anywho.
K...she sounds like she dosnt wanna kill me or cut my balls off...not yet anywho.
I miss her sometimes though.
I am thinking, am I able to contribute anything helpful to this world and also hope things get better for us in future. I also thinking about my laptop which I have given for replacement to vendor.

I didn't do my laundry over the weekend becuase it was too cold ( the laundry room is in another building)

and i thought I would do it later this week when it warmed up,

i am now totally out of clean jeans,

stupid winter
I'm thinking, this bottle is going down better than expected, it's friday night and I'm alone again, gonna wake up by myself again, it's raining again, and I got nothing to do tommorow again. Hmmm....

P.s, evanescencefan91, jeans don't need washing, 3 or 4 pairs should last you a whole year! :)
god damn it i want to juice i was going to go ride my bike to wallgreens get juice and be happy, but i've turn my room apart and my ******* bike lock is nowwhere to be found

you see a 1am winter bike ride to wallgreens for juice is is just plain fun, but not only does walking suck, becuasre it is lame boring and extremly innefiect, it is also pretty much an assault waiting to happen ( you see i'm too fast for anyone to catch me on my bike becuase bikes are awesome and fast, although my garage sale bike isn't as great as the awesome bike my mom has, and neer uses but refuses to let me take it doen to college, damn her), although stastically i would probably be fine, logically it's a bad idea

i don't know if it's the same for guys, but becuase of numerous ******** that assault people, it is now universally socIal rule, that girls cannot go out alone at 1am to get juice from wallgreens



I'm sorry i have just been all kinds of crazy this week,

also every student was suppose to get an email with a link for applying for dorms next year,

guess who just went through their entire inbox and never got one




angst angst angst

maybe take some nightquill
and hope tomorrow never comes
it's not a suicide i promise
when life's so ******* aimless

but never less painless

eh i can't do any good poetry tonight

good night

but don't worry i plan on being back tomorrow

Lots going on...my job..my home life and my love life...
Went out with Francis and actually had a preety good time. Did the .she moves her body like a cyclone n all that.
Nothing is going my way or its all going fall a part . My life is changing again.
For the past 3 months Francis N I gose back N forth between breaking N living together. I cant make my mind..she cant make her. We both trying to make something work thats not going to work...
Im up set with her and feel I dont want to see her again...but Ive done this every other week..as she has..
or, i could stay up all night reading random **** online

holy **** is the sun up already?

well i don't think I've doen an actuall all nighter since summer

*hugs crow*


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