Ahah, Evfan , you're always so nice

Have fun at class

Blah . . I don't even know what's wrong anymore.
Maybe everyone feels like this.
Only bright side to this all is that my abs are starting to look good,
Too bad there's no one to share 'em with (d).
Doctor appt tomorrow,
Why am I going again?
Oh yeah, cause i'm ******* insaneeeeee.
*crosses fingers*, hope it goes well.
Then I can either blaze . . or go shopping.
Or both

Nah not both.
Shopping. drugs are bad.
I'm still a bit sad, but I think i'll just stop signing into Skype,
Then I won't see your name.
Or maybe i'll block you.
Or delete you.
Not sure,

I shouldn't even be sad,
it's stupid,
I should be happy.
I really should leave before this happens again,
I know it will.