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People should be respectful of other people's belief systems and not force their belief systems on others.
I guess surpressing your feelings is not good. Sitting down and realizing a couple of people who used to be there always aren't there anymore at all because of life circumstances or their new job, but I can't help but feel like this. A text is easy to do...even once a day or every other day. I haven't even gotten that in weeks. I haven't complained, and I probably won't.... except on here.
Sometimes I think growing up is simply learning to follow your head over your heart. Picking reality over dreaming. I'm envious of those who in their old age still have an inner child. I just hope life doesn't beat the child out of me while I grow up and become more sceptical about everything...
Polar said:
Sometimes I think growing up is simply learning to follow your head over your heart. Picking reality over dreaming. I'm envious of those who in their old age still have an inner child. I just hope life doesn't beat the child out of me while I grow up and become more sceptical about everything...

Sadly, this sometimes seems to be the case to me, as well. I'm pretty cynical myself, but still have the dreamer in me, even if life seems tough and unforgiving.

Hoping I'll still manage to retain that, instead of becoming a lifeless automaton who merely survives in this world instead of living and aspiring towards my dreams.

Somehow, I'm glad I took a big chance this December, even if it most likely is going to mean things will be tough again for a while- at least it was my choice, and I followed my gut feeling, which is a good substitute for following your heart, in my books. :p

Also, wondering for the first time in years if I should protest. This new tax is an outrage.
The new arbitary tax will be in effect as early as 2013 and will affect everybody, tv or no tv- people below the damn poverty line, for crying out loud! Those utter bastards. Folks can barely make do as it is, and now they're kicking us while we're down, taking our wallets and pocketing the money while we fidget and squirm on the ground with a busted rib.

I'm moving to Norway! Or would, if I could. This place is getting worse by the year. :(
Polar said:
Sometimes I think growing up is simply learning to follow your head over your heart. Picking reality over dreaming. I'm envious of those who in their old age still have an inner child. I just hope life doesn't beat the child out of me while I grow up and become more sceptical about everything...

Growing up might be about picking reality over dreaming, but growing wise is about staying true to your dreams and your heart.

Happy resident of Never Never Land
Bread said:
Somehow, I'm glad I took a big chance this December, even if it most likely is going to mean things will be tough again for a while- at least it was my choice, and I followed my gut feeling, which is a good substitute for following your heart, in my books. :p

I suppose it's pretty much the same :) what have you done in December then, if that is not private?


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