Why the hell can't you tell someone you've lost a document without them smugly going on about backing up. Yes I should have I almost did but left it and then I lose it two hours later or something. I know if it was backed up I wouldn't have thats one reason I'm so annoyed with myself.
Why can't they just say sorry about that?
I mean if you tell someone you've lost a book or a ring their first response is not "why didn't you have a backup"? We aren't all expected to get 2 copies of everything in real life yet in the land of stupid computers its law.
I feel like most people are generally bullies. They want to boss people around to make themselves feel better somehow. If they can't do it in real life because it feels wrong, somehow it feels right to do it online where it's faceless. Makes me upset. Not only are the bullies the people I can't stand but in the reality it seems like everyone *wants* to be bullies but has to find their special place where they can get away with doing it. When I was in the Marine Corps they told me once "You don't have to speak their language! Everyone speaks weapon!" Ever since then I realized that people are full of anger and want to hurt others to make themselves feel better. Everyone understands pain and anger because it exists in every last place that humans do; it is universal in our reality. But why? I am not this way. This can't be the way we are if I'm not like that.