The way I see it is like over here the gas prices have gone to a silly Pris and even last night I seen on the news that there has been a sudden rush on push bikes cos of this. It is making ppl think differently. But the ppl that have this big 4X4s and other big cars are not affected by it. I mean if you have paid £30,000 - £50,000 on a car your not going to be bothered by another few pound on the gas every week. Its ppl like me and you evanescencefan that drive normal cars that are being prised of the road. Not the big cars. We have road tax as well and the bigger the car the moor you have to pay. But again the ppl that drive the big cars, to them its NP to pay another £200 a years for the extra tax that there car needs. And we have a lot of ppl on our roads that drive cars like this.
I drive a 1.6 ford focus BTW and the last time I filed it up it took £50. I could of put moor in as well. This is the most I have ever put in a car.
I am also thinking that I should have never had started this decorating in my spear room. Am hurting a bit now and I still have not got al the old paper off... oh well it well look better when its done.