I find it weird that, as much time I spent clothesfree, I never really had any nude dreams, except two.
It could be becuase I sleep with 2 comforters on. My brain senses that I am nude nude, or at least do not feel noticble nude, so I wear clothes and others wear clothes in my dreams. As for other people wearing clothes, is becuase of my lack of seeing others nude.
I can't sleep without a comforter on, I don't know why, but if I don't, I can't sleep. Even during hot summer nights, it sucks becuase I sometimes I wake up in sweat, which is gross. Not only can I not sleep, becuase of wet sheets, but it smeels and I need to get another pair. Only twice I mange to do so, and it took awhile and only had a couple hours of sleep. I have a fan in my room and sometimes have the window open, havne't had a problem since. One comforer is not enough. I find it feels like it's lacking. I would love to be able to sleep without blankets/comforters. Anyone else have this problem?
A find it amazing the things we feel, has something to do with the dreams, like if I was cold, I would dream of being cold, probably being in a cold inviroment or some silly dream where I'm cold for no given reason.