your sudden overture of repentence and understanding is at best unsettling and, quite honestly, more near to frightening.
things must really be getting desperate.
i feel sad for you. sad because it seems you've exhausted all of your options.
turns out that the well of new "friends" and new "lovers" does eventually run dry.
and then you are left alone.
alone, to deal with yourself. alone, to deal with your choices. alone, to deal with your consequences.
how sad it is that you truly think that even in your darkest hour that if you were to reach out to me, that i would possibly extend the hand of friendship.
any hand extended is done so in the form of charity and out of a general sense of decency, nothing more.
you don't know me. you never really did. and you know me less now than ever before.
i'm not the same person. foolishness and weakness (even in the name of something honorable) are no longer a part of me.
in the wake of your destruction, i cut those parts away and bled mightily.
i have forgiven you because it is godly. i will not forget. and i will never call you friend.
in my heart, you are buried in a shallow grave alongside a select few.
i once told you that life is hard and that some day you would know what it means to be alone.
that day must be at hand.