What Defines You?How Are You? Who You Are?

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What makes you who you are? All of the people I see on this website all have intrigue and great perspective. So I wonder? We all talk about why we are lonely and the thibg we are goin through and been through, but i'm curious? What are some things that you all consider that make u unique and things that u are proud of at any time in ur lives? I'm not the greatest at asking questions or answering them lol, but I want to get a better perspective on the who and not the how of all of you.....I have always prided on myself on carrying kind of a noble type mentality, I mean like a knight who protects the weak and defends the kind hearted. I find that most chivalry is dead and when I do see some sense of repect from anyone to anyone else it shocks me. And that my friends is sad. I'm am not very intellectual but i feel and care about things very intense and ufortanaty i cannot ever express things how I truly wish too. But I am making this thread in hope to help people see maybe a few things as they write that they were not seeing before or maybe they have forgotten it? I look forward in checking up on this thread..
I'm with you on that one. I'm not afraid to sacrifice myself to help another person. If I saw a gang of thugs beating up someone I would try to stop them, even though I would most likely just get beat up as well. Of course, I never really been in any situation like this, so I always question myself, would I really do it when the time comes? Perhaps one day I'll know.

I really like to help other peope. I want to be there for others. I want to be someone people can trust. Being honest is very important to me. I would never ever betray someones trust in me, not for money or anything. I wouldn't care if someone gave me 50 million dollars to tell a secret about someone. Honesty to me is the most important. It's too bad most people doesn't realise that. I myself have a very hard time trusting other people, and I'm sure people have a hard time trusting me.
Hey KrossKnife.. I am curious - why the name "KrossKnife"? Does it have a special meaning to you? It is funny that you started this thread... I have found that I am probably most honest about my thoughts on line to you folks than I am to my friends and family. I wonder why that is.
Hey searching,
My name came across 4 years ago, I was trying to come with a name that i felt reflected the ups and downs of my so called life. Kross for the faith I put in ppl and close ones I love, and sinse it was not a religious type faith it was faith none the less so I gave a K instead of a C, and knife was for all the times my faith in ppl seemed to turn against me, a deep wound a cut if u will. Not the most imaginary name I guess but i feel I wear it well:D Krossknife ( wish there was a more interesting way it came about lol)
Krossknife- I think this is a really good question. I've been thinking about it ever since you posted it, but I still haven't come up with a really good answer. I'll give it a go anyhow.

One of my main characteristics is that I'm a scientist- an evolutionary biologist. I'm interested in nature, life, how the world works. I question everything, and I'm always looking for new information and ways to answer biological questions. I also have a very analytical mind. I don't like to jump to conclusions without evidence or explanations; I like my thoughts to follow a logical process from step A to B. But, sometimes those steps are very big, and when that happens I like to backtrack and fill in some of the smaller steps to ensure I'm right.

Another big quality of mine is that I try to do the right thing rather than being nice. I'm not a nice person, but I try to be a good one. I'm very forthright and honest, and sometimes this means hurting people's feelings if I think it's most beneficial for someone to hear the truth, even if it's a hard truth. I don't hold back my opinion. I don't go out of my way to be mean, but I will tell people if they are not living up to their responsibilities or potential. Often I'm given the job of telling someone that they're not cutting it or need to do better because everyone claims to not like confrontation. I don't necessarily like it either, but I think in the end most people need to hear the truth more than they need to hear amiable lies.
Elaeagnus said:
One of my main characteristics is that I'm a scientist- an evolutionary biologist.  I'm interested in nature, life, how the world works.  I question everything, and I'm always looking for new information and ways to answer biological questions.  I also have a very analytical mind.  I don't like to jump to conclusions without evidence or explanations; I like my thoughts to follow a logical process from step A to B.  But, sometimes those steps are very big, and when that happens I like to backtrack and fill in some of the smaller steps to ensure I'm right.

Oh my gosh! Are you really a scientist? I am taking a science class right now... Class just started. Maybe you could help me? :)

Oh my gosh!  Are you really a scientist?  I am taking a science class right now...  Class just started.  Maybe you could help me?  :)

Cool! What kind of science class are you taking? Is it a general science course, or is it biology or chemistry or some topical course?

I really am a scientist. As I said, my work is in evolutionary biology, and I'm about 2/3 of the way through my PhD. If you want help or want to talk science, send me a message. I'd be happy to help if I can.
Hehe... for an anime/videogame fan like myself this thread makes me salivate. ^_^

Now let me put labels on everyone !

Krossknife is Sir Cyan from FFVI.
Eleagnus is Dr. Ritsuko from NGE.
Jeremi is Satou from Welcome to the NHK, except he has a job. ;p
Searching_4_Mt_Soul-Mate... you're just Stacy. :-D You're just cool and stuff. Sorry no stereotypes for you. :p

And I am... Shinji from NGE. I feel worthless, empty and purposeless. To understand my personality you need to watch episode 26 of NGE.
Elaeagnus said:
I'm very forthright and honest, and sometimes this means hurting people's feelings if I think it's most beneficial for someone to hear the truth, even if it's a hard truth.
Truth is subjective though. What you think of someone is your own mental image of them created from the information that is available to you about them. It may be different from that person's truth, other people's truths regarding that person or the universal "real" truth. (ie, what "actually happened")
Well, I'm no interesting person. I'm just a lonely 15 year old girl who can't seem to get any guy to take interest in me. I'm the weird girl in class who will randomly start to cry. I'm not good looking, I'm just a small, I look more like 12 than 15. I have ugly, frizzy, wavy, messy dark blonde hair that just plain annoys me. My face is no nicer, I have the most depressive coloured eyes, a blue green grey mix, and in fact the only time I can stand the colour is after I've been crying. It looks alot better against red puffy eyes. I'm not good at anything, I have exactly no talents. I try things and fail miserably at them. I'm not the brightest student, I try my hardest but I can't seem to do so well, especially in math. I seem happy around my friends since I always act bouncy and hyper around them, I don't know why, I just do. I cry myself to sleep, and I wish someone would understand what I'm going through. My little brother died when I was 6 years old, and I had no childhood. It consisted of me hiding, having no friends and the only human interaction I had was with my parents. I can't play sports, in fact I can't even ride a bike. Nobody ever wanted to teach me how to as a child. I'm a loser who sits on the computer all day, watches TV, listens to music or plays video games. I have no life. Well, I'm pretty sure thats everything. I'm really boring I know.
mimizu said:
Elaeagnus said:
I'm very forthright and honest, and sometimes this means hurting people's feelings if I think it's most beneficial for someone to hear the truth, even if it's a hard truth.
Truth is subjective though. What you think of someone is your own mental image of them created from the information that is available to you about them. It may be different from that person's truth, other people's truths regarding that person or the universal "real" truth. (ie, what "actually happened")

Yes, I agree that truth can be very subjective. But since most of my interactions with people are in my professional life, there is much less opportunity to be subjective. For instance, if someone doesn't do their work or doesn't show up for a meeting, I'm often the one that has to tell them they're not pulling their weight and that their position is in danger. They might or might not have valid reasons for this, but if they're not doing what they're paid to do, I'm going to call them on it. Many of my coworkers just ignore it or get angry but refuse to talk directly to the person in question. Then they ask me to talk to the person because I don't seem to mind.
BrokenDreams: when i was 15, i went through a very traumatic experience that caused me to shed more tears and lose more sleep than i had thought humanly possible. it led me to become the 'creepy dude' that lingered under darkened stairwells with his head in his hands. needless to say i didn't have many friends (read: none!). for a long time afterwards, i felt that i was a monster - the kind of hideous and disgusting thing that nobody wanted anything to do with; heck, even i couldn't stand being around me. i came to believe that nothing, absolutely nothing, mattered. things were then exacerbated as i fell into league with the druggies, who accepted anybody with money to burn (literally), to the point where neither hope nor faith had any place in my capricious tendencies. flying high one moment, then feeling utterly destitute the next, i had managed to alienate everything that ever meant anything to me: my guardian, my little brother, my teachers (i was one of those 'gifted' kids), and even those people whom i had heavily relied on for a 'fix'. eventually, i came to realize that i was extremely lonely. i was an aberration - physically, emotionally and socially - and i wished, that if i really was a monster, that i could be a zombie: a thing without thoughts, without emotions, without life. then one day, after a majorly BAD trip the night before, i asked myself, 'if nothing really matters, then why you do you take things so seriously?'. that's when the changes began. i had had enough of feeling worthless, enough of wondering how far the blood would spurt if i slit my throat, enough of the drugs and alcohol and sleepless nights. i wanted to be happy, to love and be loved, to be a good brother, to be comfortable in my own two feet, to go back to school - in short, i wanted to live. it took a lot of work repairing the relationships i had so foolishly taken for granted, and truth be told, they will never be completely healed. but that's okay. i'm still going to try. one of the most important things i learned is that forgiveness is, in most cases, a lengthy process, and that to forgive yourself is quite possibly one of the hardest, yet most liberating, things you can do. but you have to work at it, and keep working at it, because the way you treat life is the way life treats you. sounds corny, i know, but i guess that just comes down to perspective, not unlike many other things in life...
in case you were wondering, things did get better. a lot better. i went clean (off of the hard and mucho-expensive stuff), became a health nut, went back to school, got a stable job, and even bought a motorcycle. yup, everything was roses. then i got a girlfriend, and in doing so, unknowingly opened up a new, super-sized can of worms.

Krossknife: the above 'novel' helps to define, in part, who i am and where i came from. the problem is that i seriously do not want it to dictate where i am going; because lately, i've been regressing. i certainly haven't reached such lows, but i can feel the old urges coming back. my friends are getting on my case for being 'bummed out', because they only like it when i'm fun and easygoing. my exams are pretty much a write-off because i spend way too many nights walking around the city, worrying too much, instead of in a library, studying. i haven't turned to drugs or alcohol (much), but i have definitely indulged in the food binging category, which is starting to awaken those old 'i look like a monster' feelings. one thing that i feel would help me avoid those temptations, would be if i could talk to somebody, to anybody. i'm literally all alone in a big empty house. well, i have einstein (my cat). although he's a good listener, he's not much in the way of sharing, plus i think he has adhd. i have many acquaintances that i feel would make really good friends, but i'm sort of afraid getting close because that means revealing my past, and present, shortcomings. also, i'm not that good at making first impressions; i usually either come off as trying to hard (which is seen as cocky), or not hard enough (which is seen as snobby, or worse, boring). what to do, what to do...

oh, and sorry for the novel guys.
I wonder this all the time what defines me and I always wish I could come up with some kind of answer but I just really don't know.
What defines me? It's hard to tell... I guess it's the will to not only survive, but live and learn things from my experiences.

How am I? These days feeling kind of lost, because studying is taking a toll on me, I feel overwhelmed.

Who am I... I'm not sure I know that yet.
Thanks Okidoke for bringing an old thread back to life. I agree with your point and will add my own perspective.

During my lifetime of extraordinary work, adventures, and experiences, it's been easy for me to feel pride and satisfaction with myself and the good things I've done along the way that seemed so important at the time. Upon aging, retirement, and losing so many of these things though, my perspective has changed.

I'll always remember and appreciate the good things I've done but I now understand that our purpose in life is to glorify God, not ourselves. And to that end, I am humbled by my lifelong record of selfishness and failure. So now, I don't need or seek ways to build myself up or prove myself to others; I am a child of God, in the church family of Christ. That's what matters most, and it alone determines my identity, worth and purpose in life.
Thanks Okidoke for bringing an old thread back to life. I agree with your point and will add my own perspective.

During my lifetime of extraordinary work, adventures, and experiences, it's been easy for me to feel pride and satisfaction with myself and the good things I've done along the way that seemed so important at the time. Upon aging, retirement, and losing so many of these things though, my perspective has changed.

I'll always remember and appreciate the good things I've done but I now understand that our purpose in life is to glorify God, not ourselves. And to that end, I am humbled by my lifelong record of selfishness and failure. So now, I don't need or seek ways to build myself up or prove myself to others; I am a child of God, in the church family of Christ. That's what matters most, and it alone determines my identity, worth and purpose in life.
All credit to @wolfblood

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